Why The Game is the worst map in the game (for survivors not killers)


I would like to start, when I get game as killer, I’m jumping up and down, excited, easy win and I have a great ######### time with any killer. Easy 3/4K.

Survivor is a different story, only today did I put my finger on it as to why I don’t like it. Took me a while, as like I just said but I’ve figured it out.

You don’t know if a pallet is at a location unless you make it to the tile

Over half of the pallets on the map are what I would call “Semi Hidden” You’re in a chase, and you know a pallet can spawn somewhere to you run to the location

You turn that corner and whoops

That pallet didn’t spawn

Or even worse, it did, but you didn’t even see it broken until you get there. That’s the annoyance. Im a Rank 3 solo survivor on Xbox, and this map still gives me the most trouble and I dread it. The loops on the map ARE STRONG

Let me repeat


if you do make it to the pallet, it’s a strong pallet and you can loop the killer/stun them and run away. But again, on bottom or top floor You can look around and the other pallets are hidden, and it’s open area.

The only option you have on that map are pallets

This is why Lery’s Is a good map for killers, and survivors. It has pallets, which are hidden, but it gives windows as a second means of countering

Game as so few windows.

overall the map has issues, blatant ones and I don’t know how to fix them.

If you’re a god survivor, very aware and able to to know where the pallets spawn, and how to really play the game map, by all means I give you the upmost respect,

But for the majority of the survivors it’s a map the dread when they see it

Thanks for listening to my rant.


  • devilboy1234603
    devilboy1234603 Member Posts: 36

    When you get killer, and get game map, can you tell me you’re outcome?

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Surprisingly this map is good for Nurse with all the visibility.

    The issue I see with the map is there are only a handful of windows. Two in the long T L. One by an exit gate. One by the god loops above the bathroom. One in the freezer room. Bad for Lithe players.

  • MrCookie
    MrCookie Member Posts: 121

    According to stats I think the Game was one of the best maps for killer. And I think the same. These 4 pallets mean jack ######### when the rest of the map is not save. It is small and it is very easy to control the gens. If you think it's a survivor map then you are either not a very good killer or too biased or don't play survivor.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    edited June 2020

    It's my favourite map for survivor and killer 👍

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    it doesn't matter the outcome, I could still 4k every match but the map is strong for survivors.

    figure this, back in the days survivors still accomplished to lose in a coldwind map, despite there were a ######### ton of pallets, every god loop was untouched and in every tile survivors could see the killer for the entire time. Even if survivors lost it doesn't mean that the map was balanced at all.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    according to the stats nurse is the worst killer. The worst thing you can do with stats is instantly jump to conclusions, without considering other variables...

  • devilboy1234603
    devilboy1234603 Member Posts: 36

    everyone has shity games, that’s a fact, even on good maps, like your mentioning. The fact is, I’ve never had a good match on the game map, only when the killer is baby is it fun. And I don’t think my opinion is that uncommon. Btw good for u that you can 4K every game, takes a lot of skill.

  • MrCookie
    MrCookie Member Posts: 121

    Of course you can win on any map but obiviously there are maps favouring survirors or killers. And I think devilboy1234603 explained why very well.

    How else can interpret map stats? Are you going to argue that Hadonfield is actually good for killers too? Because according to stats it's one of the worst maps for killers too. So it all matches.

    Here are stats. https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/106566/

  • PassarinoT
    PassarinoT Member Posts: 910

    I'm seeing very different outcomes for different people here, and I don't think it's skill based, either. I think The Game map is very unbalanced, not sided towards one group particularly, but it can side with a killer or be a hindrance and that is an issue. For example, trapper players get no grass to conceal their traps. But they can also make a single path unusable unless the player has dead hard or the trap is disabled. Doctor players can have a much greater effect with static blast, and paired with the few amount of lockers upstairs, it can be considerably difficult to avoid. It can be a lot harder to get map pressure in with billy, even though the map is far smaller. Also, the stairs seem to be very random, I wouldn't know exactly what spawns them, but trying to find a way upstairs when discordance, BBQ, etc. shows you a point of interest can be extremely frustrating. The signs help a little but the lack of consistency in the stairs proves to be more confusing than anything else in my experience.

    However, I do think that there is a big issue with survivor's resources in this map. I think there should be a better balance. More windows, safe or not, some grass, better places to hide (maybe wreckage of boxes or something), and even some less hidden pallets. This said, I am excited to see what BHVR pulls for their map rework on this one, it's sure to be interesting seeing this map get a rework alongside the others.

    I just hope BHVR thinks up an outside portion to this map, or atleast works in some sort of grass/mechanic to obscure traps. And windows. Windows are hard to come by in this map.

  • devilboy1234603
    devilboy1234603 Member Posts: 36

    Those are some good suggestions, as I don’t know how I would fix the map

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    I'm arguing that they gave us badly taken data (devs themselves said that we shouldn't consider that data), it doesn't tell us the lobby general rank, SWFs stats, if the rank count was taken before or after the match, the percentage of red ranks (and seeing that every deadliest map is indoor, which is baby survivors hell, I don't think that many). Also, for example the deadliest map is Hawkins, which was the latest map released at that time, which gives us a non indifferent bias.

    and again, nurse is the worst killer according to stats, which is untrue, the percentages are messed by low ranks.

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    I find the map very strong for survivors but then again I like to use windows of opportunity.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396
    edited June 2020

    I hate the map as a Survivor and a Killer. I actually hate all indoor maps with a passion. I'd rather get cornfields.

    The new Silent Hill map has me worried.

  • devilboy1234603
    devilboy1234603 Member Posts: 36

    Windows is probably the best perk is you’re on the map, if you don’t know the itty bitty nooks and cranies of the map, Which is mostly everyone

  • devilboy1234603
    devilboy1234603 Member Posts: 36

    I would say not as good as lerys, but certainly better than hawking and game.

    its very big, open sight lines, and good pallets/windows in off rooms

  • Raulillo
    Raulillo Member Posts: 179

    I think it's a unique map.

    You have strong loops and windows.

    I think the basic strategy for survivor is to run towards one of the strong corners of the map (the control room or the big fall). If you get there you can loop the killer a lot and chain structures to the windows that are near this corners in the bottom floor. When you exhaust all of this, your team would be opening the gates.

    I think it's a strong map for survivors if all know the strong tiles and where they are. If you don't know anything about the map, as all indoors maps it would be a confusing map with each tile being almost the same to the others.

  • Raulillo
    Raulillo Member Posts: 179

    I think it's a unique map.

    You have strong loops and windows.

    I think the basic strategy for survivor is to run towards one of the strong corners of the map (the control room or the big fall). If you get there you can loop the killer a lot and chain structures to the windows that are near this corners in the bottom floor. When you exhaust all of this, your team would be opening the gates.

    I think it's a strong map for survivors if all know the strong tiles and where they are. If you don't know anything about the map, as all indoors maps it would be a confusing map with each tile being almost the same to the others.

  • BumBumOReily
    BumBumOReily Member Posts: 19

    i'm gonna have to agree with @YaiPa here. the Game is easily one of the better survivor maps and relying on your personal experience isn't proof to the contrary @Devildog0341Va

    by your own logic the Game is actually strong because i usually escape on this map 9/10. this is why anecdotal evidence is just that. it's anecdotal not empirical and that makes it unreliable too.

    rng spawns are easy to learn, it can spawn a longwall junglegym, has a long version of the tl wall and on top of that, as you've noted, every pallet with the exception of 1 maybe 2 are unmindgameable. let's also not forget the meat pipe vault with a pallet below, and the freezer room vault which can link up with 2 god pallets.

    nurse is the only exception because it's literally a map folded on itself and nurse does well on all maps cos nurse.

  • devilboy1234603
    devilboy1234603 Member Posts: 36

    Strong loops, yes, windows aren’t really that much, but like you mentioned, it’s strong when all survivors know everything, which many don’t know. Like Ik where they can spawn, but it goes back to my point, semi hidden, you dont know until yah get there, which is the same as lerys, but you have other options other than just pallets

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    I think it's actually one of the better maps for survivors. After playing it for a bit as both sides, I kinda get the loops on it, I think it's really strong with the right survivors.

  • MrCookie
    MrCookie Member Posts: 121

    Well you have your empirical evidence in stats https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/106566/

    Are you going to argue with it with anecdotal evidence then?

  • BumBumOReily
    BumBumOReily Member Posts: 19

    @MrCookie empirical evidence is still subject to human error, such as those stats. this has been said by many people many times including the devs. someone literally said above that by those stats nurse is also the weakest killer in the game. i suppose you blindly believe that too?

  • MrCookie
    MrCookie Member Posts: 121

    Lol. How are supposed to discuss anything if you disregard any evidence and look for excuses.

  • BumBumOReily
    BumBumOReily Member Posts: 19

    @MrCookie excuses? don't make me laugh. you're just desperately grasping at straws to support your narrative

    you should never base conclusions on stories and poorly put together "evidence." this should be common sense

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    No Hawkins is the worst. That map is just miserable.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,340

    Your pallet example is one reason why "Windows of Opportunity" is nice. You cant always know pallet spawns before seeing them and you cant always know which pallets have already been used.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I agree with the fact that most pallets are hidden which can be frustrating. Like you said the loops on the map are extremely strong which is why I personally love this map as both survivor and killer.

    As survivor I always look around for pallets immediately to find out where they are. The loops are strong if run correctly.

    As killer totems are hidden and creating 3 gens is easy.

    Honestly I consider this map survivor favoured but I'd say it's very close to being the most balanced map in the game.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,900

    I would take the Game over Shelter Woods or Hawkins any day.

  • OldWiseOne
    OldWiseOne Member Posts: 159

    depends on the survivors, good survivors will know of the 4 really strong pallets, as for the other pallets you just keep track of where they are, the spawns are actually easy to predict and as youre passing you should be able to remember the locations. alot of survivors struggle because of it being indoors and lack of sight. i personally feel its a good survivor map but everyone is different i suppose

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    Whilst the map is a killer sided map, it has some good loops.

    I the game map use to be my least favourite map, but I learnt it's layout and now I'm very comfortable being able to loop it.

  • Raulillo
    Raulillo Member Posts: 179

    Every single map requires the player to know its layout. Running around on a map first time will get you dead as a survivor and lost as a killer.

    Windows are strong in that map because they are next to each other, you can chain a double window structure with the freezer room. That's a lot of vaults and oportunities to hide and break the chase (it's easier on indoors maps in my experience). From my personal experience, if the killer commit to chase you there, that player will lose the game. It's about 2/3 gens per down just from vaulting and running to a near pallet after being hit.

    Also checking a bit your surroundings is easier because the map is smaller, so you can have a look before start working on a generator to have an escape route. On a corn map is harder to check for example if the nearest structure to your generator has a pallet or is already broken, structures are almost same size but with a lot more space between them.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I definitely don't like the game, but from a palette perspective (and most others), Hawkins is worse.