Dear random teammates. Don’t BM if you suck!

Just had a game against Clown with an end game build. Ran him around for 3 gens till he left me so he clearly didn’t care about gens flying. When we arrived to the last gen (I was the one working on it) I suspected NoED so I 99%-d it and waited for my teammates to get the unhook from the basement and take the hit from him before he gets his insta downs.
And such a suprise I was right. I finished the gen and now the already injured guy went down to the NoED. He didn’t camp him though. After the hook he went for me while I was peacefully opening the gate, and he pushed me out.
In the meantime they unhooked the Bill from the hook and I started spectating the Claudette. (Third person was a Nea).
Than what that Claudette did just made me want to Bubba face camp all of them even more..There was an unsafe loop close to the opened exit gate and she started T-baging in front of the pallet while the Clown was comming. She tought she gets a stun on him and walk away T-baging like a champ but nope. The killer just simply walked around the little rock which was in the shorter side of the loop and BANG insta down. The Bill and the Nea just made it to the opened gate by the time she got hooked near the gate and the best part. BLOOD WARDEN AHHAHA. Neither one escaped even though the match was already won. Easy 3k for the Clown. Good job Claudette. We know you’re trash but doing the killer’s job definitely earned you a new medal of uselessness.
wish I was able to watch that
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Oh boy, of course it was the Claudette that BMed. I wish people would stop being a crouching stereotype with her and actually get good.
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What else am I supposed to do with my life
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As survivor - I once had a Nancy on my team who followed me around the map, working on gens with me, failing 100% of the skill checks, dropping pallets, fast vaulting over them near me, slamming lockers open/closed and once the killer came, ran straight into me and pointed at me. Pretty sure did it for all three hooks, though at least two for sure. Good times.
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I resent that remark. Rank 4 full-perk-library Claudette here, who never BMs, doesn't run Self-Care or Urban Evasion, and doesn't spend the game hiding like a potato.
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I said people.
Not you specifically.
"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it."
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Fair enough!! 😃