Q: Does the Archives Not Permanently Screw Up Stat Data Collection?

PyroGL Member Posts: 239

I, like a few of us that play this game, like the stats that the devs have occasionally released to the public eye. I was dismayed when I read a while back how these stat releases would likely no longer happen because of the misinterpretation/misrepresentation they cause by the community. I personally don't think this is a good solution; ignorance and mystery are never better than transparency and knowledge afterall. That being said, I have to ask how stat collection and interpretation have changed, even just internally to BHVR, given that the Archives have existed now for a bit more than half a year.

No doubt BHVR will always be collecting data and looking at it regarding their game. But how has the Archives and the challenges presented affected things like killer kill rates, generator completion times, or overall game length? My personal experience when doing Archive challenges is nearly always playing my role, at best, "sub-optimally", and at worst, "throw the game to complete the challenge". Very few challenges are achievable without specifically going for their stated goals in a reasonable number of games, so I have to wonder if my experience is shared by the community. To be fair, I don't particularly mind the shake up of game play, or the "secondary objective" of completing the challenge being added to the game, but I do mind that these games are likely being treated as if they were the same as a regular match of DBD. Obviously I am making an assumption, but given how BHVR wasn't taking disconnects or 1st hook suicides, or blatent face camping into NOED 3-4ks, or SWF party size into account, I don't imagine they would filter out matches where any number of the participants were essentially not playing the game even remotely "normally".

Compounded by this is the fact that the Archives gets a new Tome on a regular basis, and the challenges persist even in between tomes, and it begs the question, what percentage of games are being tainted by players going for challenges? Do they essentially throw out all data that is generated the first 2 weeks of a tome chapter? I'd guess this is unlikely, but at what point does a DBD game become "regular" again and the stats of that particular game isn't tainted by the Archives?

Again, I want to stress, that playing the game "irregularly" or "sub-optimally" isn't a bad thing and shouldn't be prevented, I just don't think they should hold the same weight as regular games, especially if balance decisions regarding killer nerfs/buffs are made around that data.


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    There are quite a few things that skew the data heavily and yes, the archives are one of them.

  • myersismydaddy
    myersismydaddy Member Posts: 232

    I guess you could have the system make an exception if you have a challenge equipped, but knowing BHVR they're probably to lazy to do that. So yeah, it does.

  • PyroGL
    PyroGL Member Posts: 239

    Ok, but... isn't that a bad thing? Isn't hand-waving away something as critical as people throwing the match basically invalidating the data they gather? The non-nonchalant responses to this seem like it's business as usual, and makes no difference for balancing decisions.

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170

    I'm pretty sure that BHVR takes into consideration the fact that the rift has an impact on the average game, and they don't take balancing decision based on that timeframe specifically, unless is something strictly related to the archive challenges.

    No one in their right mind would say "Oh hey we've seen a spike in Huntress and Legion players lately, maybe we should look into it and see if we need to rework something about them." after their relative rift are released.