Lock Survivor cameras while working on a gen



  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    You can hear Ghostface and Wraith while they are in their powers. Wraith has a unique growl for breathing and you can still hear his footsteps. Ghostface's cloak makes a unique sound while he moves.

    Myers has pretty heavy breathing.

    Don't remember if Pig has a unique sound when she's crouched.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919
    edited June 2020

    I have to disagree. Sure a lot of survivors are alert but once the gen starts gaining progress the little things you won’t be able to hear.

    You won’t hear Ghostface coming when the gen is getting close to being completed, you have to physically look around you.

    You won’t hear Pig uncrouching. If Pig wants a gen grab she’s gonna uncrouch instead of dashing.

    You won’t hear Myers breathing over a loud gen.

    Wraith is an exception except if he has silent bell.

    And Spirit is not a stealth killer.

    I don’t see the point of adding a fixed camera angle. It’ll just give Myers and Ghostface free stalk and give cheap gen grabs because the survivors couldn’t physically check their surroundings.

    It’s a bad idea. Survivors get a lot of their situational awareness from simply looking around them and good killers aren’t gonna rely on gen grabs to get their kills.

  • Dolls
    Dolls Member Posts: 395

    If you dont want to lookbaround when on gen then don't look around. So simple.

    Why would you try to force this on other people? Anyone can choose to stay focused if they want.

  • EntityDrudge
    EntityDrudge Member Posts: 184

    What exactly is the unexpected angle in a 360° field of view?

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,558

    Killers really want the game to be as easy as possible, huh.

    Killers cameras are locked when they're performing actions because they are in FIRST PERSON .

  • tixerp
    tixerp Member Posts: 270

    I don't know what old movie you're even implying I'm talking about, but I really don't know what the hell you're putting in my mouth. And it's not what I'm linking DBD's form of tension to anyway. Alfred Hitchcock still has the best analogy of suspense/tension, imagine watching two guys talking over lunch with each other, on a nice peaceful day within a crowd. And beneath the table they're eating at, you see a ticking bomb. You know just enough to get what could possibly happen. You don't know when it's going to happen, but the time leading up to it happening, eats you up and is only worse the more its prolonged. That's horror and tension.

    What makes video games so much more interesting with that concept in mind, is something like DBD's terror radius mechanic. Which is literally, suspense turned into a video game mechanic, I don't get how you can just say the only tension in the game is from chase and not the actual mechanic of tension. It's no different from Silent Hill and the broken radio. You know something bad is nearby. You don't know who it is, or where it's coming from, but you know it's not good. This might not land everytime once you've played 300 hours of the game of course, but nothing holds tension everytime for that long anyway. Once you expect it, of course it won't bother you.

    But something like a jumpscare, isn't the solution. Yes, jumpscares are fun in this game. It's fun to get startled for once. But that startling, isn't horror or tension. By definition. How can something be suspenseful when the load is already blown before you knew the situation. Before you can feel horror/suspense/tension for what's to come, it has already shown itself. Startling you sure, but not invoking horror or suspense or tension. I would argue even something like FNAF has more suspense/tension/horror than a DBD jumpscare, because it gets the ball rolling for you to at least anticipate it.

    If you want to replicate real suspense and horror, then yes, of course you need to trump expectations. A great example, is Dark Devotion. I love this perk because it adds upon, and twists the main mechanic of suspense for survivors. It's so well done, that it actually catches off many experienced survivors to this day. You hear that terror radius going off, but don't see the killer anywhere, and thought they would have caught you by now. By this point, most players forget the perk (Maybe not now since it's been a while since release), but generally now your paranoia is driven through the roof, because you don't know whether to trust this main warning of danger anymore, and not knowing where the killer is, is eating you up the longer this goes on. That's horror, and tension, and suspense. Not my boomer 2 cents on it or something. I'm talking the actual definition. That feeling of dread and unsettling before something bad is about to happen, something that might be out of your control, but you're not sure yet. Not a jumpscare that lapses that whole feeling entirely in return of a quick spook.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    It need not be a fixed camera, but why not limit it to a certain degree when working on a gen? So when you rotate your cam, it gets locked half way through to each side, so you have something like a 90^ blind spot behind you. That would give the killer the opportunity to sneak up from behind. And it would give the Point Emote some more meaning, when two people are doing a gen on opposite sites of the gen.

    Or alternatively, whenever you look behind and you get a skill check, it auto-fails, since you didn't pay attention to the gen :P.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    That would be so incredibly broken. Its laughable you would even suggest it.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    Let me think...what thread should i create...?

    I found one, that's great.

    "Lock survivors camera"

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Maybe consider making survivors oblivious when working on a gen instead. That way, they don’t get nearly as much warning, but they can still turn the camera.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Similar to how PH’s cages work. Where the zones get smaller, the more complete the gen is...

  • chase131119
    chase131119 Member Posts: 839

    Absolutely not, horrible idea.

  • JayDoesGames
    JayDoesGames Member Posts: 264

    This is a stupid idea honestly. Might as well lock killers movement after hooking too then I guess.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,479

    I also play 50/50 and half of me thinks this is a great idea because would make the game more scary, would love to not know if I will be gen grabbed or not. But half of me would hate just looking at that gen. Well would not complain if this would have happened which it of course won't.

  • Mooshroome64
    Mooshroome64 Member Posts: 105

    I dislike this idea, however I would suggest instead the idea of first person when in lockers perhaps. Would make grabs scarier and be more immersive. There's actually some glitches that have made this happen and it's pretty cool!

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Would make Head on insanely hard I think but could be scary

  • felipao_brabo
    felipao_brabo Member Posts: 169

    I mean.. there is a killer that can teleport, an other that enters the spirit world, an other one gets invisible, an other one that can run 1000x faster by revving a chainsaw, a killer that has a dream world, a killer that shocks people with his hands, a killer that is 10 foot tall and shaped like a ball that can run faster than an athlete (meg), two killers that get powers from looking at others, a killer that sets magic proximity traps that allows her to teleport to them when active, a killer that can vomit someone across a whole football field and somehow not die after vomiting 10000x her body weight, a killer that is literally a creature from the upside down world that can set portals, and a killer that consumes blood to get more powerful.

    This games intention is supposed to be really realistic, and there is totally no lore to explain things that happen in it.

    What's the entity, right? never heard of it

  • BraveClem
    BraveClem Member Posts: 333

    This would be a spooky and cool idea,imagine a classic Ghostface or Myers with no terror radious opening your locker,spirit and pyramid head would look kinda spooky too

  • BlooperReel
    BlooperReel Member Posts: 127

    Honestly having a camera lock on survivors is a pretty trash concept.

    With the killer's chase speed, stealth killers could get a hit on you and then after their chase speed would allow them to catch up to you.

    Not to mention Ghostface would be high tier since unless you have spine chill you can't know when a killer is looking at you. After that boom insta-downs. Throw moris into the mix and goodbye survivor.

    I was being an idiot in one game and Myers was a solid 10 feet from me stalking me. Friend was like "oh #########, he's right there!" and I was like "Where?" If I hadn't had 3rd person it'd be an insta down for me and then there'd just be exposed for everyone else. Make it an infinite tier 3 myers and boom, chaos.

    Aura reading perks would be even better for killers since when healing one survivor is looking at the ground and the other is looking down. If the healer runs off because they hear the heartbeat last minute the killer has a choice here. Hit the injured guy who had no chance of seeing them coming or hit the healer who had a brief chance of hearing them coming.

    Really honestly camera locking someone would be devestating to survivors and even the worst killer would basically bump up a tier.

  • Peanits, What if when working on generator it was impossible to look behind you.

    Meaning you can still look the the sides, but not behind your character.

    I actually like this idea alot.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Or, I could be wrong, but they ARE supernatural killers that HAVE supernatural powers, unlike 4 regular, basic humans. See how fast you can do a 360 at a full sprint w/O losing your balance in real life. Hell, See if you can fall/jump from 20ft and just run off. 😂

  • Dolls
    Dolls Member Posts: 395

    I don't bbelieve they are basic humans anymore. They can choose to change their abilities and be hooked through the heart and still struggle...I believe all parties are now supernatural beings...

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Well, killers cameras ARE locked during a lot of actions. It's why flashlight blinds during certain animations are easier, and why waiting for a killer to commit to certain actions before moving is effective.

    Not really comparable to the entire time you're working on a gen, but it's not like the concept of locking a camera is totally outlandish in the game.