Skillchecks when stop healing and genrepairing
I hate this:
always if you stop healing or repairing a gen (switch repairing without to with toolbox) I become punished like a „missed skillcheck“ even though I can’t see and hit the skillcheck. Please fix this, maybe like the skillcheck of overcharged.
My rule of thumb is that -- unless it's a KILLER SEES ME AND IS RIGHT THERE, GOTTA GO NOW emergency -- the only time I stop working on something is immediately after a skill check.
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I try the same, but for example I use toolboxes after they were nerfed only to sabo. If a gen is near 100% and the killer comes sometimes I want use the toolbox to finish the gen in time
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Don't forget the "random" skillcheck that pops up exactly when the killer hooks someone.
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I hate that lol the scream also for some reason overlaps the skillcheck noise so like 9/10 times i screw it up lol.
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Yes I agree this is aggravating. A real pain in the bum with potential match-changing implications as it notifies the killer.
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Yeah that’s way too frequent, especially while healing and the killer comes, maybe autodidact would be needed here, since that Perk has some not officially stated passive effect to lower occurrence of healing skillchecks?
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It honestly makes zero sense that this is still in the game because it's unavoidable. It's not like it's a lack of skill that causes it, it's just purely chance.
I love when it happens when you're on a gen with another survivor so you're the reason the gen doesn't get fixed and the killer comes over.
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Honestly I hate this more than almost anything else. You go to leave the gen and immediately blow it up, pissing off your teammate and unintentionally throwing them under the bus. Then the killer comes along with Pop to compound your misery. I’ll never understand why this happens so damn often.
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It's all RNG, the skillcheck triggers on the server before "you letting go of M1" registers on the server which needs your ping amount of time to reach.
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That I know. But if you tapp a gen with overcharged you run and get the skillcheck
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Me too, but sometimes when we get a gen to 95-ish I prefer to heal the other person BWFORE finishing the gen but now we run the risk of alerting the killer and adding 10 second of repair time
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Isn't that a placebo, though? It's possible to get skill-checks back to back and the events are independent. So, you can still complete event, release and blow the gen with a phantom skill-check.
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I hate that. I swear it happens 9 out of 10 times.
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If you let go immediately then the second won’t trigger, if anything you’ll hear noise but It won’t explode
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That's a good tactic, unfortunately sometimes you need to let go as the killer is approaching and the phantom skill check is simply unfair.
@Almo @Peanits @not_Queen folks can any of you do something about this?
It is very unfair that a gen explodes when you have already released M1, there is literally nothing you can do about it.
In F13 when you release the button the skill check stops completely
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That would allow you to avoid skill checks altogether, rendering all skill check-related perks useless.
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Maybe make normal skill-checks work like overcharge i.e. runaway skill-checks and buff overcharge to insta explode the generator when it's only tapped.
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That's the main reason why Overcharge isn't used, though.
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A-#########-men. I swear this game tracks mouse decompression and prompts these skill checks on purpose with the frequency at which this happens and its super annoying.
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I agree. It should still show the skill wheel for interaction even after letting go.
The way it's designed now, is deliberate extra "gifts" to killers.
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I don't understand what you mean, or I didn't word it correctly.
Making normal skill-checks to show up even when leaving the generator would solve the issue of phantom skill-checks that the OP is lamenting, without any exploit that could simply cancel skill-checks altogether.
In exchange, overcharge should be buffed to instantly explode the generator if the survivor leaves it at any point before completing the special skill-check. The survivor would have to stay in the generator instead of a quick tap.
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Overcharge's skill check can be completed without actually being on the generator because it "travels" with you. That's the main reason why you don't see it that often, because it works the way you're saying regular skill checks should work.
IMO, as annoying as this is, I like to think of it as something to add tension to the game and make skill checks more than a "tap space bar" interaction.
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Ok, mate. I don't understand why you keep repeating that. I think I've explained my idea clearly enough. It's all good.
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Dont worry, you are 100% right with your suggestion. Was also suggested on the Forum several times since those automatically missed Skill Checks are a thing for several months.
(They were fixed for a few weeks, but then came back...)
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It should work like that normally, not only from a logical point of view, but having a gen explode because you got bad RNG feels cheap and undeserved (and like a poor design)
funnily enough, this would buff overcharge
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Something even more horror,miss a skill check, Gen noise sound overlap another incoming skill check.
20% Gen progressing throw away.
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Yep, could be! My ideas is to limit risk, though it very well might not work out that way sometimes.
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Alright, but it is clearly unfair that this game cannot detect exactly when I let go and not punish me.
There is nothing I can do once I let go
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Like I said, I just see it as an additional risk.
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But it's nonsensical nevertheless.
It would be like, as a killer, you go to pick up a survivor and then you change your mind and your screen turns back at the survivor without any control.
These actions should not happen at all
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Don't argue with Orion. He is a hardcore killer main who hasn't played a single game as a survivor. He would probably like all survivors to spawn on hooks.
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Rank 5 survivor, but OK.
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Like I also said, the problem with any "solution" is that it would make skill checks virtually pointless. You could let go of M1 at any point to avoid them.
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*let go during skillcheck* - "Why did i fail that skillcheck?"
The game cant know when you decide to let go of the gen. If you were able to skip skillchecks, it'd be the same as gen tapping. Avoiding skillchecks shouldnt be a thing.
Overcharge skillcheck should be changed, but not the normal ones. Beimg anle to repair a gen while running away pr past it (running tap) is just plain stupid.
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I would at least like it if the healing skill checks were fixed. So often I'll be healing a survivor, they'll decide they want to be somewhere else, and as they start moving a skill check pops up which I can't hit because it doesn't show up because I'm not healing anymore. I could probably still hit it if the game gave me a chance, but it doesn't. And I have no control over a survivor who decides to move mid-healing.
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I'll try not to sound like a "killermain" but isnt it kinda logical to mess up the healing (skillcheck) if your patient keeps moving?
But in this case I guess it should be the healed survivor that should flinch instead the healer.
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It may make sense in the real world, but the noise notification that brings the killer straight over means I get punished for the other person moving. Not to mention, I don't think the survivor always moves on purpose. Sometimes I don't see them move at all but healing gets interrupted for some reason.
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Well if you leave the gen the skill check should follow you and if you pass it nothing happens.
It doesn't seem too difficult.
Or if the server detects your character hit box moving away from the gen, lik when you gen tap you could get a 5 seconds delay before you can repair the gen, that would solve people leaving the mouse pressure to avoid skill checks.
The solutions are there, it is a matter of simply finding them. As it stands it is simply unfair to punish the survivor for somehting they have no control of.
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This happens to me way too often and it's a pain in the ass. I remember this being an issue in the earlier days of the game too and it was eventually fixed but at some point it came back.
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Had a match a couple of months back where I brought a med-kit that had charges for two heals. I was last survivor alive, had half of the charges left and was healing myself. Just when I was almost healed I got a skill check and my med-kit ran out during the skill check. It failed of course, even though I was technically already healed (but the skill check took a portion of my health) I was left injured and here comes the killer. If your healing bar fills to the FULL and you get a skill check to an action that you can only do with the item that runs out, that is BS.
And I have also gotten the "I hear heartbeat I go hide" -skill check reguralry. It's also nice when you get a skill check the moment the killer hooks a survivor and your game drops frames so you miss it. Free BBQ!