No pain no gain !
Hi, I'm sick of people who cooperate with the killer !
I would like to know the name of the killer before playing, I refuse to play with people I don't like (tbag, bad coop, bad action ..)!
It is the third part since yesterday that a survivor of a cooperative ... Is it dead by daylight ?! Coop with the killer ???
Nothing moving, I don't buy the DLC (which I like), and I leave in the loading screen now, everyone is wasting time and accessories, no penalty for me !
Do the same for people who disagree with this injustice, just look in "players encountered" to find the bad guys and give a lesson !
Naming and shaming isn't allowed here, you'll want to edit the post there.
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Report these people in-game, but don't put their names on the forum, that's against the rules.
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It's delete.
I am not surprised that we stand up for them!
I have already let hundreds of survivors escape, voluntarily! But I never favor someone. whatsoever
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Nobody's standing up for these #########. If you hadn't deleted it, the mods would've deleted it for you, likely with jail time. It was a friendly piece of advice for your benefit, not theirs.
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A jail IRL ? For a gt.. need jail youtube ! lol ok thank you
This game I wonder if it's worth it to continue..
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Think about it.😂🤣
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Mod, Can you erase this please
"No brain" yes sure
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No, forum jail.
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you scared me !🤣
Sorry I rarely come here. It is not the first time that this killer has done me a bad action, it is completely disloyal.
I had to talk about it, no hate but incomprehension.. All the efforts I make to improve myself by surviving