How has the Hex: Ruin rework impacted the state of the game?

It hasn't changed anything
I'd say both. For some killers, such as Legion and Hillbilly, it's been a positive change as they can keep people off gens with ease. For other killers, such as Trapper, Hag and Bubba who either need time in the early game to set up or can't keep people off gens easily, it's been a negative change.
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Yeah fair enough. I would say it's damaged the state of the game though because Ruin was such a necessity, especially for killers like trapper, as it slowed down the game early on and allowed the killer to begin putting pressure on survivors without gens going flying. Consequently, so many people have turned away from playing killer and as a result we see the queue times are awful for survivor, especially in red ranks where the game is so unbalanced
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Made it less pressure for survivor, and doubled the killers. And if it's so great and powerful now, then why do 85% not even hunt for the totem now? I know it wasn't like that before the nerf... Y'all was hunting your asses off at the start of matches! 😂
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As a survivor, It was getting eyeball-rollingly predictable to start every game with the gens effected by Ruin. It was almost standard to discover you were up against the hex, then had to go hunt the totem.
As a killer, it forced players to be more creative. I use perks I never bothered with before. At first it was tricky to live with my Ruin comforter, but now I get on fine.
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Every killer was running ruin because it was necessary, the gens go flying without it. For good players who get used to it, it doesn't do much. New ruin, on the other hand is wayyyyy more annoying because you can lose all progress on a gen just for not touching it
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It hasn't changed anything
I have not seen much of an issue. I never used Ruin in the first place, so my Killer gameplay did not change.
But I also did not notice any differences in Survivor games. More Corrupt Intervention maybe, but thats it.
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This game is about time management. If you don't have enough time, you have to adapt. And by adaptation I mean other ways to play more efficient, such as camping and tunneling.
And by all means, this forces gen protection perks to be meta asf. I can't imagine my build on any killer without PGTW.
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It hasn't changed anything
Killers have instead of using ruin instead went to Pop and maybe corrupt intervention. Ruin, I think, used to be the best gen regression perk because early game pressure is a rare commodity.
Only difference I can tell is that late game is more intense because Pop tends to lengthen mid/late game. Games don't really go much any faster, just segments of the game have had their length affected. Early will always go fast but late game can be quite lengthy with the current meta.
Edit: Clarity on what I was trying to say
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On killer side made no difference to me. I don't like situational or negate-able perks.
As survivor, I like it a lot more. It still is stupid brutal when you have to leave a nearly finished gen to regress, but feels a lot more fun to play against as old ruin was too boring for me. It also made way too many people waste time just searching for totems or gen tapping instead of working through it.
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As Survivor, before Ruin rework it took multiple good chases/jukes to win against the Killer. After rework, it takes one good time-wasting chase for your team to get too far ahead. The perk served as a pseudo secondary objective and made games require a full 4-man effort to win. After the rework, I find myself constantly holding back by searching chests and totems, as well as healing through Sloppy. I also found the toolbox change (which was obviously caused by the Ruin rework) to be lame and unrewarding.
As Killer, ever since switching to PC last year I found myself playing only high tier Killers (specially Spirit and Freddy) and slugging a lot more than before. With Nurse becoming unfun to play as and Legion being butchetred, I have played considerably less on the Killer side.
Overall, similar to the healing changesd back in the day, the Ruin rework made the game a lot less fun/tense to play. IMO, DBD was best around a day before "yEaR oF TeH pIg" Amanda terror radius increase. While some good changes were made in 2019/2020, I think overall the negatives outweight the positives.
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... Both?
Positive for Survivors, negative for Killers. Also, in high ranks, good Survivors would just do gens instead of wasting time with the totem. Progress was just a bit slower, yet they still got the job done.
I believe old Ruin was just a band-aid for the classic problem: If gens get done too fast, the Killer will be the one having a rough time unless they're REALLY good at, y'know, being Killer, while average Survivors can just get away with it. However, if the gens repair speed were even slower, the game would drag on eternally. Ruin was that option to "slow down gens a bit, however the effect can be nullified by cleansing the Hex". This is why, since Ruin was reworked, everyone changed to Corrupt Intervention, Thrilling Tremors, even Huntress Lullaby... the changes to the toolboxes didn't do much, to be honest, and I'm saying this as someone who plays both Survivor and Killer equally.
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it made the pool of viable killers even smaller.
I know it needed a nerf, but the timing and execution wasn't the best
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Tbh for killer I think it made me and other killers better, while yes I’d rather still have it in the game because I don’t play trapper anymore because of that and death slinger isn’t as good as he could be with ruin, I think killers like spirit and Freddy right now with ruin would be a little too much.
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Upon its release I wasnt all for it, but with the steady balance updates we have received, I find myself not missing ruin and enjoying its new synergies. And when I did play suvivor I never enjoyed needing to hit every single great skillcheck to get a gen done.
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It hasn't changed anything
I'm a survivor main mostly (75% survivor) but i can tell it's really really annoying when you don't find the ruin early !! it's annoying but i feel more comfortable with it other than the other annoying one which 99% of players using, i even build a totem hunt perks just to get it early before but now it's better
As a killer (playing killer 25%~) Sometimes i run it sometimes i dont , it's better that its got me to use diff build everytime which is fun , i win by killing em all or at least one escape with the hatch or thro the door
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The core problem still exist and bringing ruin back won't change that, but it was something that helped at least sometimes, which is more than what we have now. Gen times are still too fast for the current state of the game.
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I used to never play Ruin, now it's genuinely worth playing 115% m1 killers like Michael Myers in red ranks, allows me viability, I don't have to spend my time losing out on a chase to kick a gen, I used to never use Ruin, now I love the perk, now I don't have to depend on Hillbilly or Spirit to have a chance early game.