Its hard to enjoy this game.
I was a killer main, but I switched to survivor. Playing as killer is so stressful. Most of the times you just have to wait until survivor makes a mistake. And if you make one or two mistakes you are probably going to lose. Almost before every game I wonder if I really want to go into the match. What if I go again vs a very good SWF and will have to sweat my ass off.
Not so long ago I switched to survivor. Playing as one is so less stressful and easier. But often times I play against killers, which only want to make the match for survivors as bad as possible. Today I played one match vs spirit, which camped Claudette on her first hook, and later every next survivor. ("Tunnel of love" included.) No one t-bagged her or anything. When 2 survs left (me and Claudette), spirit slugged her for 4k. She found me, hooked me and hit me like 5 times. Entity saw ######### was going on and gave me 4%. I went into the locker, she waited 50 seconds and later slugged me. She hooked us when we nearly bleed out and after nodding her head like 15 times. In the endgame chat we only saw "Ez".
I played many toxic games, but Dbd is the worst one. People just want to unload their negative emotions and make the match as ######### as possible for the other side.
Do you think it's because dbd is a more personal type of pvp? As opposed to just shooting red names in the distance? That people feel they can 'own' people more?
Or more of a general frustration with mm'ing? Maybe both.
My last survivor session, I had several teammates working with the killer to try and get me killed. I feel your pain. I'm not sure it gets more toxic than that.
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When a game is going that badly you could just DC whenever you want, yknow. Obviously, don't let it become habit, but no one's forcing you to play garbage matches at gunpoint.
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I think, it's because game mechanics allows that. If killer is toxic and wants to make the match as bad as possible, he can do that. He can camp, tunnel, slug and wait till everyone dies on the ground. If you go into the match, and If killer camps you on your first hook you are going to derank. Thats ridiculous. There is nothing you can do in that situation.
Yea, but this thing is getting more and more common. And if you DC, you just giving them what they want.
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I don't think what they want is for you to DC. They want a reaction/to waste your time. Who even cares about "giving them what they want" anyway. It's a name on a monitor that you're going to forget in about 2 minutes. It becoming more and more common on the otherhand, yeah its unfortunate. But there's not a certain way to avoid this. All you can really do is ignore it and press on.
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I want to play killer but can't as well so I switched to survivor, It's way less stressful.
Seeing killers acting like that is sad to me because in most cases it comes from match after match of toxic survivors. Flashlight clicking, t-bagging, unfair matchmaking, awful verbal abuse... the list goes on. That killer has probably had enough and unfortunately, they could take it out on you. (This is not always the case, there are just plain old toxic killers)
In my experience as a survivor I find that killer BMing is only mildly irritating. Survivors are almost always in control so in most cases I can just choose to die and move on to the next game. If all else fails, sometimes the DC penalty time out for leaving is worth it.
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Agreed. Which is why I’m getting out of the game. They got my money, I don’t cheat, therefore I can’t do anything. This game rewards bad play and bad people.
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I love horror, but I fully acknowledge that this game is full of issues. I agree, it's the most toxic game I've played too. I also agree that it's hard to enioy, especially since the rift challenges started.
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Case in point.
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Quit, I did and it's awesome. Been playing rocket league, I forgot what a balanced game with no bugs and solid matchmaking was like. Once mmr matchmaking comes in, I will be back, but until then, I can't take this bull ######### matchmaking.
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that.. kinda sad, but hey, don't give up keep playing until you get better with it mechanical and then you can give a revenge to every toxic surv, tbh it's fun to play killer once you get used to it
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I can't believe they didn't fixed that yet. New players are like bully dummies for survivors. I guess its fine when 1 person gets destroyed and 4 have time of their lives.
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BTW. I never received so many comments on my steam profile playing other video games. xD When unloading emotions in the endgame chat is not enough.
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It goes the same for when you’re not part of an SWF. It’s fair. Try playing survivor solo and you’ll feel the same frustration. Killer can be stressful, but it’s also too easy sometimes. You don’t deserve to win every single time because you’re the killer. An organized team should be able to stand a chance at kicking your butt too! Clearly you need to revise some of your tactics playing killer. Maybe that will assist you.
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I am a solo que player. In most of my matches I get 3 or 4 kills, but still... So god damn stressful. :D
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I am a solo que player. In most of my matches I get 3 or 4 kills, but I have to be in try hard mode and play a strong killer.
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So it’s hard to enjoy the game because you have to work for your wins? I’m not understanding 😂 It’s 1v4 where the team of 4 can’t fight back, they run slower than you, killers have melee lunge attack range that exceed what’s necessary, vault hit boxes are broken for survivors because killers still get the hit when the survivor has already fast vaulted through the window and has taken a few steps, half the pallets are seemingly poorly placed throughout the map where killers can walk around them because there’s no wall to cut the killer off, maps have shrunk which benefit the killer, coop gen speed has been nerfed, killers have been buffed in recent patches (except my favorite Plague but she’s still fun to play). I don’t like seeing people complain about being killer because in reality.... it’s just too easy lol
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you can only enjoy when you are trolling the killer or the survs
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Killers come in with their ebony Mori’s that almost guarantee them free kills while playing as a survivor I barely see a key to give my team any kind of shortcut. About Half of the time of those rare “my team has a key” situations there’s an even smaller chance we even get to use the key. Killers are granted add ons that give them ez downs, ez kills. As a dev, if I saw people complaining about wanting more out of being the killer that would be an insult. A slap in the face because they have already made it too easy. Although I must admit there are a few killers who seem more stressful to play as than others simply because they either don’t have the mobility other killers have or they just flat out don’t have enough anti loop potential.
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That's where this game is at. The gameplay is aight......but the tears? A++++ never seen more in any video game in my life.
Literally some SWF joins my game with a guy named 'depip squad' included, the team gets absolutely destroyed, and then they cry and post salt on my steam profile.
Does it get any better?
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THis game isn't chess or civ4
This game is about being savagely massacred or surviving, so rage and toxicity is a MUST!
If you don't understand it then this ain't ur game
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The problem in this match is what means for killers.. lose. So many killers think lose it's not 3-4k, and tha't s the problem of this game. If killer could only 0k or 4k in 1 of 10 games this will be a very good game.