Matchmaking is screwed but, DON'T BE THAT GUY

VSchmitt Member Posts: 571

TL;DR, thanks to the fabulous matchmaking of this game I was put agains 2 reds and 2 purples (the 3 matches before this one I was against 4 reds, with one mtach being against a 3 team swf, go figure).

So this Dwight was constantly clicking the flashligt at me, even tho' I was ignoring him and focusing on stoping the gen rush they were doing.

As you can see they got a hard time.

At the end of the match, de salty child just started saying "trash killer, go f. yourself, only those who don't know how to play use this #########".

Don't be that guy ppl. If the matchmaking is broken, at least you could be nice to the other ppl, I know when I'm playing against a red rank and, when he's being a scumbag, there'll be no hatch, no mercy, and in the endgame I'll make sure that at least he will get the hook (in this match he was the last alive).

PS. The prompt is to monitor my connection as I'm having some issues with the game, and need proof that it isn't my fault :D
