Matchmaking is screwed but, DON'T BE THAT GUY

TL;DR, thanks to the fabulous matchmaking of this game I was put agains 2 reds and 2 purples (the 3 matches before this one I was against 4 reds, with one mtach being against a 3 team swf, go figure).
So this Dwight was constantly clicking the flashligt at me, even tho' I was ignoring him and focusing on stoping the gen rush they were doing.
As you can see they got a hard time.
At the end of the match, de salty child just started saying "trash killer, go f. yourself, only those who don't know how to play use this #########".
Don't be that guy ppl. If the matchmaking is broken, at least you could be nice to the other ppl, I know when I'm playing against a red rank and, when he's being a scumbag, there'll be no hatch, no mercy, and in the endgame I'll make sure that at least he will get the hook (in this match he was the last alive).
PS. The prompt is to monitor my connection as I'm having some issues with the game, and need proof that it isn't my fault :D
While I agree with you - holy crap, you went balls deep into sweat city for that spirit build lol
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I don't see anything wrong with the matchmaking in the scenario you're presenting though. Red and purple ranks represent basically the exact same "skill level".
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Unfortunately, up/down 8 gives you the ability to play against red ranks now at rank 8, so it's "reasonable" matchmaking. I say this with as much sarcasm as I'm able to over text, but yeah.
Fortunately, as Theetis said, not all red ranks are what people think of when they think of "top level survivors." I'm in low red ranks as killer right now, got on a 3-4 game losing streak with actual red ranks, then came back a few hours later and merciless killer popped up for three more games against red ranks. Rank at this point really does mean very little, just as people have said for ages.
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NOED. Kinda cringe homie...
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If it's any help they are planning on updating the match making soon. Will it be a mess too? Probably. But it might actually be good.
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I mean, there's aimit of 6 ranks up/down, so congratulations on being the only person with functional matchmaking I guess?
And congrats on killing em all.
Matchmaking is planned to be fixed this month according to the anniversary stream, if that helps too.
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With how bad match making is atm I really can't blame anyone for bringing it so they can stand a chance if they are mismatched well above what they could realistically play against.
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Rank doesn't show skill so it doesn't matter. Higher rank literally shows that this guy doesn't play the as much as others. People make fun of me being rank 5 while I am sitting here with 1400hours and them 200hours and I just say I been playing dbd before you were born because I know anyone who brings ranks up is a newbie then they say I been playing before your father was born then I tell them how many hours I have so they stfu and move on lmao.
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I mean I think you can use it. I also think it's a broken perk. Especially when he paired it up with haunted grounds lol. That's less having it for a safety net and just wanting free wins.
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You know that haunted grounds make it so only 3 totems need to be cleansed to stop NOED right? NOED doesn't replace active hex totems even if they are just Haunted grounds.
Secondly who does hex totems against a spirit who doesn't seem to have any curse effects?
Finally do bones if you think NOED is that broken. Theres even archives that reward you for doing bones right now on 2 levels.
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This may be off topic, but why did you name yourself that in game? Lol.
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I don't play survivor much. Most survivors are gonna do active totems. I've never seen a game where haunted doesn't proc. So, he's using haunted for one shots early and then NOED to one shots late. Plus it's not always just do bones. Especially if you're against a camper. You can't gen rush and then also do bones. If you don't think NOED and broken on it's own you're whacky bro
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Its funny when campers call me out for gen rushing after I already did 3 bones.
Bones don't take that much time to do especially when you have 3 survivors able to do gens unimpeded.
When I play killer I for the most part don't let the game reach the point that NOED even spawns or when it does happen most of the time it doesn't matter.
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I don't use NOED for two reasons. It would rarely proc for me and because it's a crutch perk that rewards killers for not playing well. That's all it does. You can't expect survivors to do 5 gens and all the bones within the time it takes for one person to die on hook. There's just not the time for it. Survivor takes 2 minutes to die on hook. Takes 80 seconds if everyone does a gen and it takes 14 seconds per totem plus the time to find all the totems. No good killer uses NOED because NOED will only help killers who aren't playing well.
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Just wanted to vent about matchmaking, and here seems like a good place. lol II'm r12 and just had a game vs two r1s and a r2 (other was close to me). It's just not fun. 2 Flashlights and all the experience you'd expect from red ranks...
Is there any hope for the matchmaking system, or is it going to be random crap that make you want to just go find another game were the's at lease some hope of balance? ol
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Imagine they weren't running This Is Not Happening, Solidarity and Leader. It's funny when baby survivors try and be toxic lol
Some people are just dumb and unfortunately survivors like them are the reason people will leave this game.
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That loadout on Spirit is pathetic.
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Noed on spirit, #########?
I'd cover that up before the spirit mains disown you.
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This, within 6 ranks is fine as they announced. It’s when you get ranks 1-2 against a rank 15 that the problems arise.
Like someone above said, the range of red rank survivors is so wide now they may as well have been purples
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This guy posting the same NOED complaints everywhere he goes.
Leave the damn OP alone, jeez. Always someone feeling the need to ######### nitpick what killers do.
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I'm not? I posted here because I was already in a conversation with the dude that responded to me. I just put this here and there because I didn't feel like writing it out. Also, I main killer. What killers do doesn't effect me.
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This, I’ve been NOED face camped by killers who literally got zero hooks all game prior to NOED... then I see matchmaking is all rank 1 and 2 vs a rank 15 killer and I say “gg all, sorry killer matchmaking is messed up.”
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Just using all of my addons and perks b4 prestiging it
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Matchmaking worked as intended. It tries to match you against people 6 levels from yours.
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Hellsing Abridged Ultimate (you can follow it on twitter @TheCrimsonFucker LOL)
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Do bones, there, no NOED.
Some of the best killers in this game use NOED, the ones who don't are sheep that care about peer pressure.
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Guys guys, c'mon. First of all, NOED is a friggin perk, if you don't want to face it you shouldn't use ALL THE GODLIKE SURVIVOR PERKS (DS, BT, UNBREAKABLE...) ya know??? And I've been facing red ranks since I've entered green ranks (rank 12+ i think) so yes, since rank 12 I've been gen rushed in 9/10 matches, so I'll NOED the ######### out of those teams.
Secondly, I've never said that I'm a master killer in the levels of Otz, Monto or anyone, this discussion is just about it, how new/inexperienced players are thrown to 700+ hours players.
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True. In a normal game it is that easy
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Right? I mean, any hex that the killer bring is a ######### gamble 'cause today doing bones is the easiest thing in a match.
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Spirit without stridor=respect
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What a terrible build for nurse.
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Except Noed is used by good killers for endgame builds, also I use NOED for the 4% speed boost for faster Bubba chainsaw, also this post isn’t even about NOED it seems like any post that even mentions or has NOED in a picture you turn it into a debate about how bad NOED is, also for my opinion the perk is fine and really not that of an issue
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It’s like a broken record but the message will never get through. Do totems when you see them, don’t wait til end game when you first see that hex notification pop up it may be too late.
I see survivors run past A totem to loot a chest, basically Close to the same time commitment and I know a medkit would be neat, but that totem should be higher priority. If you ignore totems you don’t get to complain about NOED.
If my team is well ahead of pace, meaning like 3-4 gens done and no one even hooked yet then I ignore gens and go totem hunting
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I think I was talking to people in 3 threads. I don't think NOED is great in a regular game. I think it's an issue that it compliments face-camping so well. Which is a strat that is already good against solos. I'm not going out of my way to argue about NOED lol
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Yes, I agree. It's very easy to do bones in a normal game.
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Stridor, for me, is a handicap, the sounds make it look that the survivor is right in front of you when he's like 10m away
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It's not that hard either. Quit worrying about only the gens. Totems ARE an objective,just not the main one. Run small game. Bring a map.
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I agree on the don’t be salty thing but that was not a bad matchmaking that’s how it’s suppose to be purples and reds matching lol
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I started the match on green (got 2 pips on this one), but as I said before, since I've entered green ranks I've been put against teams of reds and SWF reds, now I don't care that much, 'cause I'm realy learning a lot on how to play, but when It started I had my face wiped on the floor evey game,
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Well it's a good thing he was playing Spirit or else he would've been screwed.
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Yeah man, cool and all you posted a half-assed image on the forums. What you thought was him being toxic and clicking flashlights was just a dwight wanting your attention because you wouldn't go after nobody and kept kicking gens. You also used NOED... in a spirit... versing a spirit is already unfun, but going against a NOED spirit that camps generators... That means you chased no one, kicked gens for the whole match, and in the end killed all with noed... where's the fun..
And after all that you post it in the forums, claiming matchmaking was bad, even though it was perfectly normal.
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yet when they run good perks you guys complain...
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Who is "you guys" lol please explain
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dbd community
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Ok np. Only some people complain about perks, not the whole dbd community and not me.
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Oh, so you have astonishing psychic powers and have seen the match? If you wan't I can LINK the whole match here.
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I really don't know why so many "survivor mains" get butthurt when see NOED and JUMP to conclusions as NOED=SITTING KILLER. And I really don't care at all for all that flame. If a perk is avaible I'll use the perk. If the perk is strong, then I'll use it for sure. I've never seen a survivor who's against DS, DH, OoO, Unbreakable and now Sprintburst (98% of the matches at least someone have sprint burst). You guys cry a lot and if it were for you every match would be 4 escapes. If you want to play a game that the survivors get 99% chance of escaping go play L4D.
Thank God that I don't combo NOED with Blood Warden, I can just imagine the crying.
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'cause it's just like giving them a fake hope , idk mostly survivor are thinking "yey, we do all 5 gen , we're win this game" i think NOED is gen rush counter
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please do, prove me wrong and I apologize.
'So this Dwight was constantly clicking the flashligt at me, even tho' I was ignoring him and focusing on stoping the gen rush they were doing.' basically describes an unfun match for survivors (and killers). I play both btw, I'm no survivor main.
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It seems that I can't upload it here nor in youtube, is there another way that I can send the video?