The Fun in DBD

WeslYght Member Posts: 27

So after a pretty normal with the ussual thing, you know chase, down, hook, gens pop,ect... I get a really interesting message in the end game chat : "That was so Unfun, dont know if it's you or the game but that was a boring game"

That was a strange message because i try my best to not camp/tunnel and boring thing and after a short time, i was like :" But, What is fun in DBD ?" That was a really good question. What make people go back to DBD ? Because if the game is boring why would you play it ? Most of us play for entertaiment and fun right.

For answer to my question, I decide to see strategies that are considere unfun. We can all be agree being tunnel/slug the whole game is unfun. Same for camping just waiting 2 minutes to get one kill is boring for the both side. Same for the genrush (i see you say genrush dont exist because its the objective but dosent mean its the objective tthan cant get rushed) is unfun for the both sides. This is based on my personnal experience because you can enjoy camping of genrush but i try a general answer.

Now we can see what is the common point betwen all this strategies : The lack of chasse. Simple as that.

The fun part of the game is when you start chase or getting chase.

When you camp, 3 survivor hold M1 wich is boring, the one on the hook need to be here for struggle and just wait and its the same for the killer.

When you slug someone is just in a state he cant play he just become a spectator.

When all the gens are done in 2min you just hold M1 for 2min and that all. Its like the killer was AFK wich is boring.

Of course i dont say :" you can do that because i think its bad" You can do whatever you want.

The only objective of that is to make some people realise what is actually fun. That can make some people avoid thing that destroy the fun of the game and try to make the game enjoyable for everyone.


  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    I don't inherently disagree with your arguments, but I do refute one point here: for me, playing survivor is not fun for the chase...I suck at running as a survivor. I'm a red rank who can't loop and never did learn. What's fun for me is the stealth, the mindgames, and the "being a helpful teammate while also not being seen." Games where I haven't been hooked but everyone else has been twice are my favorites, because to me, that is playing well...except unlike a lot of other red rank survivors, I achieve that not by being hard to catch, but hard to find. THAT is fun for me, and why I enjoy survivor when I do play it.

    The exception to this rule is Nurse, I can run her all day. Though I always end up feeling bad for them at that point...

  • NotDBD
    NotDBD Member Posts: 182

    Yeah I would agree with you that it is always the chase. Whatever side you look at it all the bad tactics like camping etc will just reduce chases. But that is not going to change unless the killer gets more time. There is just not enough time at a decent skill level to chase for every long, let alone to complete all 12 required hooks

  • WeslYght
    WeslYght Member Posts: 27

    Yea fun is subjective and of course if you enjoy more the stealth that okay everyone has a different idea of what fun is.

    But what i say it just being inactive (camping, AFK,ect) or have no time during the game is boring for both side in general.

    Everyone have a different definition of fun and i think we should try to make everyone have fun during a game.

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    Fun as survivor: Everything. Pulling off different builds, getting chased, successfully being stealthy when needed, saving someone (especially if it was a flashlight), watching my bunny ears flap, screaming because Ghost Face yet again jump scared me, random 4% unhooks when you think the game is lost, and so on.

    Fun as killer: Learning their mechanics and finally getting 4k's, because they are much harder to learn. Out mind gaming someone. Snoot boops. Meme survivors. Revenge for games past where you lost horribly but now they're on your hook. Probs more but I'm still learning.

    Not fun: As said, camping. I hate having it done and I dislike when I've felt the need to. Rude folks -- I ignore it plenty but when you get raging people game after game it does get old. Some people were never taught sportsmanship. AFK / game throwing lots.

  • kill_bill
    kill_bill Member Posts: 60

    playing in the green ranks, because the game is balanced around bad/mediocre players :)