Yo I've got DS's after hooking two different surviors before picking the DS guy

So, did I tunnel a survivor while chasing and hooking two other survivors?
Plus, the guy who DS'd me didnt even bother to run away, he was just running around me, heading straight for unsafe unhooks so I had no option but to interrupt him on his second unhook in 30 seconds
I lost all the pressure I had since the beginning of the game (leading to only one gen being left at the end of the game) with one perk used against it's whole purpose, seems rather fair
Yes, NOED is annoying; yes, freddy can be boring to play against; and yes, tunneling needs a fix
But come on these kinds if situations are stupid
I do like the way the current DS operates but it definitely needs some tweaks. It’s supposed to be an anti-tunnelling perk, but so many people abuse it. If you’re fully healed or working on a generator it shouldn’t stay active as you’re clearly not being tunnelled anymore.
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DS is an anti-momentum perk, not anti-tunnel.
It’s sixty seconds from unhook at Tier 3. If you want to not get DS’d, keep it in mind how long ago the survivor was unhooked. There’s a section in the bottom left of the HUD that tells the killer the state of each survivor without seeing them. On top of that there is a noise notification letting the killer know when a player is unhooked.
As for suggested prescriptions: DS should be stronger then what it currently is, if not base kit.
I can pull out my killer credentials if you want.
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But why did you bother to pick him up. Slug him and move on. Even if they pick themselves up, they wasted Unbreakable and can't use it later. You keep your pressure and keep moving on.
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No, Devs have stated that DS wasn’t designed to be an anti-tunnel perk. They just wanted to give Survivors a strong perk. Players are the ones who designated it as an anti-tunnel perk.
They did say they are looking into ways to make it less abuse-able.
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Everytime I've been unhooked and chased down by a tunneling Killer, I've been slugged and left on the floor for 60 seconds. You should try it.
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Bruh you woudln't need to be a killer main to know about the noise and HUD notification.
I get that DS is supposed to be anti-momentum but it shouldn't be abusable in that way, it shoudlnt give you a free escape when doing a terrible play like unhooking in front of the killer or be able to finish a gen on a killer's face with no worries at all
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If someone is sitting on a Gen in front of you with DS active, what exactly hinders you from lunging at them to slug them instead of going for the Grab?
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The Fact that they are fully healthy anyways, so hitting them gives them time to finish it anyways
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Ah, ok, now they are also fully healed...
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Just imagine how horrible it would be for every survivor to have base-kit DS plus four other perks.
Its as if NOED was base-kit
It would be a nightmare
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Yeah, that happened to me a match ago (I went through an entire chase, double hit, and hooked and then got DS'ed by the survivor I then found with BBQ & Chill so I had to travel at least the 35M to get them). It never even dawned on me that DS might have come into play in that situation.
I find it annoying but I'm not all that concerned about it. Really my main issue with DS is how many people use it for trolling because they're #########. The people who use it to body block the gate and let themselves get hit knowing that I either pick them up and they DS me or they just take the 60 seconds to crawl to the gate. It's a smart play on their part but it's super annoying but I'm not sure how you could fix it without basically breaking DS in the EGC...
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Yes, they can heal themselves before DS runs out and run straight for a gen that is close to finishing with 0 worries of the killer touching them
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If it was base kit, every survivor would have a chance to enjoy the game for at least a little bit. Any game where you are sacrificed with less than 5,000 blood points is a far worse travesty then a killer getting DS’d with five gens remaining.
The point of that part of the post is to remind us that killers have the information available to know if a survivor could still potentially have DS on cooldown or not. Also the perk is easily countered.
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And NOED would be base-kit because killers would like to have a kill before the endgame collapse starts so they can enjoy the game and not have 5000 points by the end of it bc of gen rushing
See the problem?
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Base kit? Tf? Why?
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And the point of base-kit noed is so the killer can enjoy the game without all gens being done with them only having 7000 points. As a killer, getting all gens done in five minutes is a far worse travesty than a survivor getting downed and hooked for the first time in the collapse with NOED
See the problem?
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Thank you!
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I've ran DS maybe 5 games in my entire survivor career (started just after Hag came out) and I can say with total confidence I wouldn't want it basekit as a survivor or killer. If a game is over quick, oh well, on to the next one. No need for a guaranteed chase extender when the killer's tunneling. Plus I swear the meta only survivors play like morons when they have it because they know it's safe, so it lowers the skill ceiling of play for those 60 seconds, which isn't fun for anyone involved.
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The result of this would be way more slugging than what currently happens. Its a really bad idea, it as it woild make already hard to beat survivors op and if you think getting 5k bps a match is bad wait till youre spending 3.5 mins on your belly every match
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Is it really that hard to slug and wait 60 seconds? Jesus...
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I came to a conclusion here
But it needs a way to avoid it from being abused by players
As long as you can counter it if you at least try as a survivor
Any other comments?
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Ds is a free get of jail card. They said it's not an anti-tunneling perk
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How about base kit DS is thirty seconds and bringing DS in a perk slot adds 20/30/40 seconds to it. The longer the amount of time from being unhooked to the DS skillcheck, the less the DS stun is. Starting at six seconds stun to less than fifteen seconds from unhook; 5 seconds to thirty; 4 second stun to 50 and three second stun to 110.
As far base kit NOED, if survivors cleanse less than three totems, it activates.
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Did you miss the part where OP hooked two other survivors? Is it really that hard to understand that maybe DS shouldn't have been active in that scenario?
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In a role in which time management is everything I'd say yes, it is hard and boring to do so
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as much as the devs want to believe DS is a anti-tunnelling perk, as it is right now it's a 60 second immunity perk, this can be fixed by shortening the timer to 30 seconds, and having it deactivate when entering lockers or unhooking other survivors, then it's a anti-tunnelling perk
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Thank you
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Is that supposed to sound balanced for you?
Bc that phrase makes it sound unbalanced af
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I didn't say that. But it seems its is to them since they wanna build their game against this mechanic
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I can't tell you how many games I've been in where the killer is snowballing with 4 or 5 gens up.. They then get greedy and start tunneling everything.
I see streamers and youtubers doing it too which reinforces it. DS OP? LOL
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Yeah fair enough, it could be greed in some cases as well, I'll admit it.
But telling me that I was tunneling in that scenario is bs. I got hit twice by ds in that game, one I kinda deserved for half-tunneling the unhooked survior who ran into me by accident. But the one in the OP is definetly not bc of tunneling
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Yeah fair enough, it could be greed in some cases as well, I'll admit it.
But telling me that I was tunneling in that scenario is bs. I got hit twice by ds in that game, one I kinda deserved for half-tunneling the unhooked survior who ran into me by accident. But the one in the OP is definetly not bc of tunneling
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Yeah fair enough, it could be greed in some cases as well, I'll admit it.
But telling me that I was tunneling in that scenario is bs. I got hit twice by ds in that game, one I kinda deserved for half-tunneling the unhooked survior who ran into me by accident. But the one in the OP is definetly not bc of tunneling
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Tunneling? If the Killer is snowballing and in this case I'll assume they have hooked two survivors to be similar to OPs case. So two survivors hooked, two fully healed. If I find you I'm gonna chase you, I've hooked two survivors since you've been unhooked, I'm not gonna leave you and waste time looking for the only other survivor. It isn't even tunneling at this point, this is trying to keep my pressure up. Tunneling would be choosing to ignore every other survivor and only chasing you directly after unhook, which is an appropriate case for DS to activate, this isn't tunneling.
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I’m not sure I understand your complaint. You’re annoyed because you killed everyone with only 1 gen left, rather than more? Or am I misunderstanding?
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And if i come over and they jump into a locker?
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Not exactly, the problem is that I went from a snowball into a close 1 gen game due to a single perk used in a braindead way.
And the game was already at three gens when that happened, so that moment changed the course of the match as all my pressure was blown away and I had to try hard to gain back those five seconds of stun which were gifted to a survivor
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So you have two people on hooks, and you feel like you need to add additional pressure by killing anything within 20m of those hooks? (that's my issue honestly) And / or patrolling one of the last two survivors who can extend the game. What % chance do you think a double hooked survivor team can come back ? .5, 1%, 2% chance? The only 5 minute survivor induced game I've played was due to matchmaking (red survivors vs green killer). The amount of killer side 5 minute games is unreal.
Here's my thing, if you play killer to ruin people's games (snowballed double hook in the first 5 mins are ruined games IMO), great. Just don't expect people on the other side of it to just sit back and say wow that was fun. It wasn't. Whether I escape / win / lose, the fun for me comes from the game being competitive not a gen stomp or 4k fiesta. JMO YMMV.
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I mean, it was not a five minute game. And these were the kind of survivors who swarm a pallet when a downed survivor is near it, making the objective of downing them an extreme priority.
So yeah, dont complain about me ruinning your fun when you play poorly, you ruined the game for yourself
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If your style is start the lawn mower and mow everyone down, good for you.
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You honestly can't defend against the VS that DS can do. If ruin was nerf to be more fun for survivor an because killers used it too much then do the same to DS an tone it down. It should deactivate if you work on a gen for 20, fully healed or if someone else got hook.
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DS is a toxic perk and needs to go.
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His spelling is a little confused but he's got the spirit
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Well fair enough, I do enjoy to kill overconfident survivors