What would your one fix/adjustment for each Killer be?
If you could only ask 1 fix/adjustment for ever Killer, what would it be?
Demo - Soften his footsteps
Trapper - Allow him to carry all of his traps starting out
Wraith - Improve his invisibility
Nurse - Decrease the overall amount of fatigue she suffers when blinking
Huntress - Decrease the hitbox of her hatchets
Myers - Nothing
Hag - Decrease exaggerated animations (i.e picking up, destroying objects, stun, etc.)
Doc - Slight decrease in time of shock treatments ability to make it unable to interact with objects
Cannibal - Decrease chainsaw movement speed
Freddy - Increase times to put down snares
Pig - Increase deviousness point gain
Clown - Increase speed when using his power
Oni - Nothing
Spirit - Nothing
Legion - Decrease punishment when exiting Feral Frenzy
Plague - Increase deviousness point gain
Ghost Face - Nothing
Death Slinger - Nothing
For me id have these, these changes dont mean the killer isnt good or bad. just feel it makes them more equal in terms of threat.
Demo - Default portals placed at start, helps early game which is what he needs.
Trapper - Should start and default carry more traps, also have traps more equally spread across the map for pick-up
Wraith - Move even faster while default cloaked (or make the clapper base so hes not as easily noticed)
Nurse - increase the time you have before you become fatigued (that extra time could get you a hit or even a better second blink)
Huntress - (Remove iri hatchets=broken) Locker aura`s built in when out of hatchets, should also have faster locker searches by default.
Myers - Increase base stalking, make add-ons unstackable (also make stalking not bugged)
Hag - make base traps remain active longer, change iri add-ons to be good.
Doc - NONE
Cannibal - default movement speed when charging chainsaw should be increased (near impossible to get hits without add-ons and perks)
Freddy - Dont make the game so dark with his filter
Pig - Faster movement in crouch or make the dash more viable
Clown - Keep PTB changes, default faster reload
Oni - Reduce his turning capability by a small %
Spirit - NONE
Legion - Basic attacks shouldnt remove part of your power bar
Plague - Increase default infection of puke, remove the ability to stack add-ons
Ghost Face - NONE (or make his add-ons interesting)
Death Slinger - NONE
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Demo - Also soften footsteps.
Trapper - Yeah, let him start with all traps.
Wraith - Make him 10% faster at base. He's fine with the invisibility.
Nurse - Fix bugs and see how it goes from there.
Huntress - Decrease hitboxes, yeah.
Myers - Make him more viable by removing his red stain in EW2 (to make the mode unique and worth it) and giving him 10% faster stalking at base, and nerfing his stalk speed addons to stay as are.
Hag - Flashlights take longer to burn traps, now ~2 seconds.
Doc - Nothing.
Cannibal - Increase speed when charging saw.
Freddy - Give him an animation where he's locked in place to place snares. Leave dream pallets as they are.
Pig - Nothing.
Clown - Nothing, his PTB ones are fine. Maybe add a reduced reload time.
Oni - Decrease footstep sounds normally, leave his mode's footsteps sound as is.
Spirit - Nothing.
Legion - Let him have his FOV when stunned out of frenzy.
Plague - Nothing, I think she's underrated.
Ghostface - Nothing.
Death Slinger - Nothing.
Pyramid head - Nothing.
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Pig: Ambush lasts 1s longer. Would dramatically increase the number of loops it's actually usable on.
Demo: Remove global teleport sound wue, remove survivor aura reading of portals, give him real addons, longer undetectable with quieter footsteps.
Bubba: 95% movespeed while charging saw, 1s extra duration.
Nurse: Remove charging mechanic.
Myers: Faster base stalk while reducing stalk speed addons to compensate. Dislike addon dependance in general. Remove slowdown on nonbroken mirror.
Freddy: Slowdown while placing traps, longer cooldown on teleport.
Spirit: Something definitely needs changing but how to go about it no idea.
Trapper: 2-3 traps baseline please! Remove the rng for escapes and just make escaping the same duration as 3 attempts.
Wraith: move some movespeed from windstorm onto baseline ans and reduce the addons speed to compensate. Slightly reduce his addon dependence.
Clown: Have to see how PTB changes work out, if he still has issues just reducing reload time would probably do.
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for me it's just
nurse - fix bug
pig - increase her ambush dash range
trapper - yeah carry all trap sound balance for me
cannibal - increase his chainsaw hit range but decrease his VOW while swinging his chainsaw
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Demo - Rat liver base
Trapper - one or two extra traps at the starts
Wraith - Invisible from a certain distance
Nurse - Fix the bugs
Huntress - Make her hitbox an ovoid instead of an sphere
Myers - Increased pallet breaking speed on EW2 (10%) and EW3 (20%)
Hag - I don't really play hag so I cant give an informed opinion
Doc - Nothing
Cannibal - Full rework
Freddy - Make him unable to win bloodlust
Pig - Make her boxes not RNG based
Clown - Bottles regress gens
Oni - Nothing
Spirit - Nothing
Legion - Add-on rework
Plague - soften the slow down after puking
Ghost Face - Make reveal more consistent
Death Slinger - Add-on rework
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I have a love hate relationship with the pig.Don’t get me wrong as a doctor and survivor main.I get the killers goal is to kill.Most of the time though when going against the pig it makes me wish her characters speed was just a little decreased.I mean isn’t the pig the most notorious for tunneling besides ghostface?.
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Trapper - Brown bag add-on becomes basekit
Wraith - Yellow Windstorm becomes basekit
Huntress - Hatchets remaining determines movement speed (5-7 hatchets is default 110% speed, then gains an additional 1% movement speed for each hatchet she throws to a max of 115%)
Clown - remove noise when vaulting windows
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Trapper - start with 2 traps.
Wraith - reduce the range of the whoosh audio heard by survivors to 36m.
Hillbilly - his chainsaw power becomes gauge related. Only starts to recharge when fully depleted.
Nurse - fix her reapearance issues. (Getting hit by a Nurse that hasn't finished her blink is annoying af.)
Hag - start with 7 traps but they can no longer be destroyed by flashlights.
Doctor - Static Blast has a fixed range of 28m instead of TR related.
Shape - remove Tombstone Piece and replace with an upgraded version of an already existing add-on, like Dead Rabbit.
Huntress - remove Iri heads from the game.
Cannibal - change the function of his chainsaw charge to prevent the abusable camping aspect it currently has.
Nightmare - Snares no longer stack the Hinderance effect.
Pig - remove the ability to see Jigsaw Boxes.
Clown - a fully charged bottle toss is hurled much faster.
Spirit - her whoosh noise is audible even within the TR.
Legion - Frenzy recharges 2 seconds faster.
Plague - survivors puke while max-infected spaced further apart.
Ghostface - time taken to recover power is 2 seconds faster.
Demogorgon - portal traverse speed is slightly faster.
Oni - decrease range of orb detection by 1m.
Deathslinger - reload speed is slightly slower by 0.2 seconds.
Plus a change to all killers in general - remove status effect add-ons.
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Trapper - honing stone basekit and start with three traps.
Meyers/ghostface - ability to stalk through corn.
Wraith - windstorm basekit
Nurse - less cooldown
Demo - less warning of teleport.
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Huntress does not need a speed boost from less hatches. If the huntress runs out of hatches and hasnt down the survivor. It is their fault. Either bad at aim, patients. Rewarded for missing is the theme for less hatches in pocket.
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The Pig isn't fast so much as she's smaller than most killers so doesn't suffer as badly with the hitbox disparity. The reason she's notorious for tunneling is the unreliability of the headtraps - while rng based, they're generally SUPER easy to remove in time unless you make sure to harass the hat.
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I dont really play other killers i really only play trapper so ill give my opinion on trapper there's a lot that could be done
-Either Allow him to start with more traps or up the default carry limit.
-Adjust the Bear Trap hit boxes was watching theentitylefthand today and a survivor literally walked right over the trap i mean on top of it and nothing happened
-Adjust beartrap escape insta escape's shouldn't exist. RNG is not healthy for a killers kit.
-Fix Dead Harding over a trap makes no sense that trapper has as much going against him.
These are all possible solutions to make trapper actually strong with that being said i highly doubt behavior will act on buffing trapper atm sadly :/
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A lot of y'all made some excellent points. I forgot that Myers/Ghost Face can't stalk through corn but a flashlight can still blind you at any distance. Someone also mentioned it about Wraith also needed improved invisibility. I think it should be something similar to Freddy's 'Pill Bottle' add-on where you can't be seen unless you're with 24 meters. What's the point of being "invisible" if you can still be seen from essentially across the map?
Pig also has a lot of issues (really quirks, still love her) where it just doesn't seem viable. Like how Survivors can still escape through hatches with traps on their heads or the fact that she along with Plague are the hardest Killers to gain deviousness on. Using ambush at high ranks is nearly impossible, since the only good time to use it is during chases.
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Only if they're bad.
GOOD Pigs will either ignore you or slug if you have an RBT.
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Trapper - Add trap capacity to basekit
Wraith - Make him actually invisible when he's far away and cloaked
Billy - Give his chainsaw a cooldown meter and it inflicts deep wounds instead of downing (jk rework some of his addons)
Nurse - Remove blink charges. She already has a cooldown, just make that one longer if you really want to nerf her basekit.
Myers - Make his jewelry and glass addons not useless.
Hag - Make her traps not burn from flashlights. There are other ways to disarm her traps without using a specific item to gut her.
Doctor - Change scrapped tape. No idea why they put that back in the game.
Huntress - Hard limit Iri head to 1 hatchet, ignoring belts
Leatherface - Rework his addons
Freddy - Rework his slowdown addons. And the useless debuff ones.
Pig - The key is never in the first box you search. When you search a box, it temporarily highlights the remaining boxes in yellow except one, and one of the yellow ones contains the key. That way if you're paying attention, it won't be in the first or last box.
Clown - I'll just keep it short and say fix some of his addons.
Spirit - Make survivor noises nondirectional in spirit world.
Legion - Fix his addons
Plague - pass
Ghostface - Stalking only resets if you down them
Demogorgon - Red moss should make his portal travel silent (just the scream, you can still hear him if he's crawling out a portal near you)
Oni - make blood orbs disappear over time (not quickly but at least eventually)
Deathslinger - Increase his range
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Trapper: At base, let Trapper carry two traps. Still start with one.
Wraith: Buff move speed while cloaked. Windstorm is too required on him.
Hilbilly: Don't play him, but I know he's missing some add ons.
Nurse: Go on a bug hunt. Also buff her movement speed from 3.85 to 3.90 with a similar buff to her move speed while fatigued.
Hag: I'm not entirely sure, but maybe somewhat nerf flashlights vs her traps.
Doctor: Uh... I honestly don't know. OH WAIT! Make it so Mending takes precedence over snapping out of it.
Myers: Vanity Mirror needs a buff. Probably just less movement reduction.
Huntress: Iri head + Infantry Belt is really her only issue. What if Iri Heads made her hatchets start giving out Deep Wound?
Bubba: Similar issues as Hillbilly and also his Chilli add ons are worthless.
Freddie: Freddie's issue is basically that he has a whole lot of minor powers that have nearly zero punishment for using it wrong. That's not fixable in one fix.
Pig: RBT Rng. There's way too much of a difference in a survivor getting it off first box or last box. Also, a lot of her add ons are... not good. For more info on that look up Scorpionz on youtube.
Clown: Increase movement speed while reloading. Also maybe make it so his reload time is dependent on how many bottles he's replacing?
Spirit: Add some sort of animation or sound cue as to when Spirit is using her power. I honestly don't know why she's the only killer who doesn't have something like that. The lack of that makes her way to difficult to outplay.
Legion: Make it so landing an M1 eats 25% of their power gauge instead of 50% of their power gauge (maybe even less). Also Frank's Mix Tape and Stab Wounds Study are artifacts from when Deep Wound could actually be used to down and they're currently worthless. They need to do something else.
Plague: Honestly I don't know. I find it incredibly annoying that her power allows her to counter both healing and stealth basically for free and the only counter play involves giving her access to arguably the most scary power in the game. I don't know how to fix it though.
Ghostface: No idea. I think he's too dependent on his power refresh add ons, so maybe buff the timer at base and nerf the add ons so they aren't as necessary?
Demogorgon: No clue.
Oni: I don't much like him, but he's fine.
Deathslinger: Not sure about him either.
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Trapper - yes, have him start with all traps
Wraith - make him faster when invisible (basically a build in windstorm)
Hillbilly - Add On rework
Nurse - bug fixes
Huntress - get rid of her Iridescent Hhead + Infantry Belt combo (i know many want to have a hitbox decrease, but simply by the way the hitboxes work in this game, this wouldnt be possible. i wouldnt mind her hatchet hitboxes actually matching her hatchets playmodel, but the survivors hitbox would have to get reworked to match their playmodel aswell - also most of the BS hits are due to bad latency)
Myers - i like him the way he is
Hag - i dont know tbh. its been months since i last played her, i never really got into her. though i see a lot of stremers do extremely well with her, so i'd say she is fine?
Doctor - give his electrode add ons the old downside of an increased shock therapy charge back. we all saw that monto video and even as someone who mained doc for a long time i think thats broken.
Cannibal - remove the unnecessary slowdowns his power gives him (while charging it up and when cancelling it)
Freddy - make it so you dont passively fall asleep until you've been asleep at least once. i find it to be very strong how just 60 seconds into the trial everyone automatically enters the dreamworls, making them extremely vulnerable without exploring anything (fake pallet wise). i think it'd be better if in order to get them sleepy freddy would have to pull them into his dreamworld first. freddy is just... too good at everything right now imo.
Pig - completely rework her RBTs.
Clown - make his exhaustion add on basekit. i mean, why not? it fits his gases theme and it would greatly help him in chases, something he should be dominating in anyway. also it'd be interesting to see one killer being able to fight exhaustion perks - it would probaply make him quite a bit more popular (also remove all the echaustion add ons on other killers. these are extremely outdated) - and when i made a poll about this, people seemed to like the idea.
Spirit - she is fine imo, but maybe give survivors a way to tell when she is actually phase walking? e.g. allow them to lightburn her double to expose whether she's still there or not.
Legion - slightly reduce the stun after a frenzy - maybe make it so the more people you hit, the less of a stun you will receive, rewarding good usage of the power while not allowing for just a single hit and then profitting from the shorter fatigue.
Plague - an increased BP gain in the Deviousness category sounds great
Ghostface - fine
Demodoggo - finally change his name into Demodoggo and make the footsteps silent while undetectable (so he is "sneaking up" on survivors)
Oni - perfectly fine
Deathslinger - mostly fine, maybe decrese the slowdowns he gets e.g. for reloading? he is lacking map pressure quite a bit after all.
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The only thing I would change is the cannibal and hillbillies one shot abilities being endless. There should be a cool down for the next time they are able to one shot. Every other killer who can one shot down has to earn that ability by stalking or in the oni's case gaining blood so why can the hillbilly and cannibal just have it endlessly. You can at least give them a cooldown for every time and they one-hit down a person.
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Trapper: Starts with all of his traps. Trapper Sack is now basekit.
Wraith: A boost in movement speed while cloaked or he is completely invisible a certain distance away and the shimmer can be seen when he gets closer.
Billy: None. Fix his animation bugs please.
Nurse: Remove the Blink recharge but keep her addons the way they are now, or at least keep Omega Blink and 5 Blink Nurse gone.
Hag: Make her fingers not so wiggly. I believe before she got her addon pass with Trapper her fingers didn't wiggle as much. Now it looks weird and I don't like it.
Doctor: None, he's great.
Myers: None.
Huntress: Make it so that Iridescent Head can't stack with Leather Loop and Infantry Belt. Fix her hitboxes.
Bubba: Oof, poor Bubba. Make him move faster while charging his chainsaw, I guess?
Freddy: Make Pallet Freddy the base, and Snares are his addons. Add in an addon that lets me play as old Freddy please?
Pig: Rules Set No.2 is now basekit.
Clown: Along with his current changes in the PTB, make his reload gradual, so you don't have to do the whole 5 second reload for 4 bottles. You get 1 bottle for every second you reload, cutting his full reload down to 4 seconds.
Spirit: Fix sound bugs.
Legion: Lower the stun time after Frenzy to 2 seconds, for 15 seconds after the fatigue, Legion moves at 110% and has no Stain. Hitting survivors who are already in Deep Wounds in Feral Frenzy gain no speed boost.
Plague: Fix vomit hitboxes.
Ghostface: Make the reveal mechanic more consistent.
Demogorgon: Quiet him down a bit and make Rat Liver and Rat Tail basekit. Give him an addon pass and make more of his addons focus on Shred and less on Portals.
Oni: None
Deathslinger: Fix his hitboxes.
Pyramid Head: Make it easier to apply Torment, maybe Punishment of the Damned leaves a trail that stick around until the next time he uses Punishment of the Damned.
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Trapper - make his yellow addon, Trapper Bag, base kit.
Wraith - without Windstorm addons, the movement speed boost from his power is way too small to really help him move around the map & apply pressure. Therefore, I think yellow Windstorm should become base kit, so Wraith can use different builds without being at such a big disadvantage.
Hillbilly - nerf the "Crack Billy" combo of addons. Maybe make his yellow steering addon base kit too, because it's just atrocious to play him without at least that.
Nurse - I don't even know what to do with her at this point.
Huntress - remove/rework Iridescent Head. Improve the dedicated server experience.
Myers - no changes needed
Bubba - either improve his chainsaw charge & movement speed values, or make some of his yellow addons involving those stats base kit. Fix the Chilli addons, because they STILL don't virtually do anything.
Pig - make it so the survivors will never remove a RBT with their first box, to make it so she gains pressure even if survivors got really lucky. That slightly reduces the fact that her performance is heavily RNG reliant.
Freddy - take something from his kit away, because he's heavily overtuned. I like the idea of making Dream Pallets base kit, while the Dream Snares become a purple rarity addon, which would be more adequate to their strength, and Freddy would actually have to use an addon slot in order to have a stronger power, as with his current state it's exactly the opposite.
Plague - no changes needed
Ghostface - all there needs to be done is to fix his reveal mechanic, because sometimes you can reveal him through solid walls, and sometimes you're staring right at him and he doesn't get revealed at all.
Hag - it might be my personal issue, but I hate how the traps forcefully rotate your camera as survivor. Other than that, Hags are usually using a very boring playstyle of camping hooks even if they're half the map away. Maybe her traps should disappear if they're too close to a hook or a generator, similar to how Pyramidhead's trenches work? You can crouch over both of these powers, so it would fit.
Doctor - his Iridescent King addon should give him some sort of a downside. It's basically 6 addons in one but without any drawbacks. However, I think that his base shock range is simply horrendous, so his brown addon, Mouldy Electrode, should become base kit.
Clown - his power isn't horrible at what it's supposed to do as long as you're using addons. He can actually be really oppresive in chases, it's just that he lacks in all other departments. I saw a nice suggestion back in the day that he should have access to multiple different potions, and they would have different effects and purposes, such as being able to zone off survivors off of generators by leaving a gas that lingers for a long time, and applies status effects that discourage survivors from staying in the area.
Legion - I honestly like them the way they are, even though they're not really strong. I find it so enjoyable to just run around the map and chain frenzy hits for several minutes straight.
Spirit - I'd give her some sort of visual clue that she's actually phasing, so survivors get to react and juke accordingly. No, the glowing shards or hair physics bugging out don't count, as they're inconsistent and/or can be covered up with various skins.
Demogorgon - I'd lower the volume of his footsteps, and remove the indicator that he used a portal (perhaps incorporate that into an addon?). The Devs clearly wanted him to be able to use stealth to his advantage, but all these audio cues make him as sneaky as a Legacy 3 survivor.
Deathslinger - quickscoping shouldn't be a thing. Huntress and Plague are balanced ranged killers, because they have clear indicators (both visual and auditory) that they're about to use their powers, as well as windup that prevents them from being able to use it within less than half a second. Deathslinger is able to raise his gun, aim and shoot all in a span of 0,125 seconds. It should not be a thing.
Oni - I feel like his power is a bit too forgiving if you end up missing. He's really strong and has insane snowball potential if played right, but he's not really punished whenever he misses a Demon Dash swing. Maybe he should lose a portion of his power bar for missing?