Buff The Nurse?
Yes or no and why?
yes cuz i used to main her before the nerf and damn she was good. afterwards.....idk. maybe i just suck.
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If they just fixed all her bugs I think she would be fine (although console also needs an optimization update.....)
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Would be great if the recharge mechanic was removed. I don't care if they increase fatigue time to compensate. The recharge makes her miserable to play. She's still strong and I can still win with her but I'd have more fun sticking my hand in a blender than playing a match with her anymore
BHVR might as well have deleted her from the game with the basekit changes they made
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She doesn't need a buff, she should just become slightly less sluggish
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Honestly she doesn't, still a top tier killer just have to get used to the recharge. The only thing that is really bad about her rn is that she is bugged af.
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Nurse does not need any Buff, she needs Bugfixes. IF her Bugs are fixed and IF she appears too weak, then she can get Buffs.
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Qol change, give her a real power meter instead a cooldown.
X charges max, regenerates y charges per second, costs z charges to blink. Charges per second arent interrupted by blinking. Something like that would stop the 99% interrupted cooldowns from happening.
Or better yet, just remove that cooldown instead.
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she is the strongest killer in the game, she really doesnt need buffs.
instead i'd be all for a QoL change that makes her less frustrating to play and ofc bug fixes for her power.
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Yes. She can't spam without blink addons more. No need recharge for nurse now or atleast make recharge faster
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It's almost like they want you to be more precise with her blinks and not spam them with no consequences...
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No, because she is fine, power-wise. bug-wise she is the complete opposite of fine, and if those specific Nurse mains wanna say she's no longer the best killer because of all her bugs then I can see why, but people who complain about her basekit and think that those changes "killed" her are delusional tbh.
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I agree. That cd isn't long but it really increases the time it takes to travel the map. Once you find someone you need to recharge then spend 2 blinks just to close the distance. Then recharge before you can try to land a hit.
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So shall we buff the best killer in the game? The killer is regarded as a S tier killer.
I have no opinions on this. Just wanted to say this lol
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Fix her bugs, then see if the kill rate changes. Right now she's the weakest killer at high ranks, but that could just be because of her many bugs.
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Nobody has called her s tier in half a year
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There's actually quite a few. I don't know a few of these sorry but I just wanted to type in dbd killer tier list on youtube and see what they say.
Rowby: S tier
Dowsey: S tier
Jaee: A+ (spirit and freddy are also here)
Jamishio: A tier (Myers SS, Hag S, Pig S)
The King: S tier
TydeTyme: S tier (tbh this tier list looked weird lol) This one was 4 months old.
These are just the first set I saw. Sorry if this looks rude I'm just showing what they are saying. I don't watch anyone here and I don't think any youtuber I watch has done one within the last 6 months.
I never play her myself (other than a meme build yesterday which was a 4k) but I just don't think it would be received well if arguably the best killer in the game got a buff.
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Survivors used to beat her with omega blink..this new nurse is just free wins for survivors , and I've never heard of most of these people..and anyone that puts pig and Myers above c or b cannot be taken that seriously imo..they are m1 killers..by default that makes them weaker..and I'd wager they dont play much if any nurse even against the poorly designed ranking system..yet theres strong evidence to suggest nurse doesnt have it anymore
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Truetalent also stands by Nurse as best in the game. 2. Spirit.
I think a half second reduction of her base cooldown along with a slight reduction to her cooldown add ons could be nice, but she already is the best at chase. We’d just be opening the window for players who aren’t putting much effort into her. Do we really want a bunch of Nurses running around again?
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Honestly she could probably use it. She's really not worth learning. As much as people love slapping her at the top of everything, I really don't believe she is actually anywhere near the top. It's funny how everyone just puts her there just because everyone else does. She's definitely worse than Spirit, Doctor and Freddy. There are far more reliable ways to deal with pallets and windows in the game now, ones with far less counterplay.
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Her blink recharge does nothing but simply add a second or two to chases for good nurses
She literally ignores everything survs have to extend chase. How anyone can consider her anything less than s will always baffle me
All you got is los break and hope she doesn't know to blink to corners
So no. No buffs needed just bug fixes
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I'd reduce her base cooldown by a little bit. It's slightly too long. I think they went a little overboard with it. But the biggest thing they could do is fix her ridiculous amount of bugs and poor interaction with dedicated servers. There's absolutely no consistency with her performance from game to game and day to day as far as blink distance and power function around small objects and tiles. Nurse players have to figure out what they can and can't blink through on a daily basis. I've watched better Nurse players than myself fail the same blink twice near a pallet and be absolutely mystified about it. She needs a lot of work on the technical side. That alone would buff her, as it costs me games.
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Tyde really doesn't know much when it comes to killers. He considers Hag to be D tier, even if the tierlist was on pipping, Hag is still one of the best killers for that. But Nurse is definitely the best killer still, I'd just fix her bugs and see how it goes.
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I play nurse with no perks or addons and still do fine, I think people just overreact
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This, the bugs and latency issues make her awful
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Nurse is still the strongest killer in the game, slightly above Freddy. If you are good at her you can still do really well. The only issue with her is how buggy she's become.
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Yea I'd agree with that. Tydes list was definitely a strange one lol
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The blink spam argument always caught me off guard.
The Nurse cannot catch up to survivors because she is slower than them, so her blink is the ONLY way to down survivors. Applying spamming to this scenario is in a way similar to saying a 115% killer is spamming w to move at a survivor.
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I mean she can't spam even if get rid of recharge. Couse no more addons with extra blinks. Recharge make her ability weak
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Even on console, nurse is still arguably the strongest killer in the game. I'd just argue her problems are bugs and that the basekit changes sucked all the fun out of playing her
I would LOVE if they tweaked the numbers on some of the recharge addons so there was at least one option to play old 2 blink basekit nurse again, with no blink recharge cooldown. Omega blink and 3-5 blink nurse was unfair but I feel like the previous nurse basekit was perfectly balanced
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The thing is she's S tier only in terms of 'winning.' If you want to actually have fun nurse is one of the worst killers in the game. Every action requires waiting, be it for charges or fatigue. With the dedicated servers muscle memory can ######### you over by reverting a 100% charged blink to an uncharged one.
There are multiple bugs that can completely ######### your game, whether it be removing a lunge from a blink (giving the enemy a literal free dead hard), blinking without moving (oh yay more waiting), or even just losing 1 of your blinks permanently.
What made old nurse absolutely stupid to play against was all the broken add-ons, which combined made her too forgiving. Now while she's less forgiving, she's also just pretty ######### to play, even if you're good at her.
Imo her current add-ons are 'bad' enough that all she would gain from reverting the charge based power would be a smoother playstyle. Fix her bugs and revert that change and she'll be in a good place.
(If someone plays bloody nurse of all killers long enough to be able to curbstomp then they kinda deserve it)
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Definitely still one of the strongest killers in the game. There are some players who are on 50-100 4ks streak with her. Apart from the bugs she has, she's in a good spot. I'm actually glad she's not as popular as before, since it wasn't a very pleasant experience seeing her every second or third game on purple/red ranks.
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Mmmm maybe a slight .2 second reduction to her stun timer but thats it
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No. She is very balanced right now, and if you are good at playing her, you can destroy.
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Fun factor is a completely different tier list. I find Legion fun but I wouldn't put him in A tier lol
She definitely needs her bugs fixed. I unfortunately don't play nurse enough to understand all these bugs. Her add-ons aren't great also which is something I'd fix.
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Nurse is in a weird place right now
In theory she's the strongest killer in the game. A nurse that hits every blink is a nurse that is impossible to escape from
In practise however you need to engage with an abusive relationship with her to reach that level and very few people will go through that effort
People who still call the nurse the best killer in the game are kinda delusional. If she was you would see her more.
In theory nurse is ss+
In practise she's B- at best
A god nurse is unbeatable
Anything less then a great nurse is a joke
Imo she needs QoL changes that make her easier to play. And after that we can look if she needs nerfs or buffs
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I've played nurse enough to get every perk on her twice, honestly the add-ons are fine; for such a (theoretically) strong killer, lots of meme add-ons is fine. Quite a few of her bugs are directly related to the multiple blink charges, which is why I think that reverting only that change would put nurse in the perfect place.
Her add-ons no longer let her omega blink (which was the real problem), she becomes far less tedious to play as, and can no longer be literally ran away from (you can run in a straight line and make nurse take half a minute just to get into a chase). Bad survivors get to go back to claiming she's OP, and people who actually know the game will understand that nurse actually takes lots of skill to play.
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I hate this argument so much. It's just so frustrating hearing it and it has no substance whatsoever. Say you could "spam" blinks again. If you missed and failed they still made distance. Not as much but it's not like there was "no consequences" either. Just frustrating to hear this parroted time and time again.
Because it made her counterplay too strong. Now anyone braindead survivor can make a chase last forever through bugs, deadzones, and that god awful recharge time. It took skill to evade Nurse before. She was scary. Now it's so easy to loop her or lose her while she's screwed by the game and must walk agonizingly slowly while doing nothing useful.
Even if people still think she needs an atrocious cooldown because she was "so OP" then by gods at least let us have this version of her power meter:
It won't bring her back to pre-nerf but at the very least the mechanics behind the power meter won't be as frustrating.
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I like some meme add-ons. If I ever play nurse I run the 4.6m/s movement speed after a successful blink add-on. I find this add-on funny to use and face. The thing is she has too many that aren't even worth much. In particular she has 2 bad point add-ons (one is enough).
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She doesn't need a buff just bug fixes, better servers, and some QoL changes. There's a lot of problems with Nurse right now, but power strength is not one of them.
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Nurse does not need a buff. She is the strongest killer in the game.
However she is not a very fun killer. She is littered with bugs, inconsstencies, and counterintuitive workings of her power.
- Blink being undercharged or cancelled by dedicated servers.
- Blink ability being outright taken away since her rework.
- Game prioritising the basement as blink landing zone even when looking high in the sky.
- Blinking out of the basement sometimes being impossible even with a fully charged blink.
- Unblinkable areas, like the area below the balcony on Bloodlodge.
- Generally too thick blinkable areas. Some objects like some cars or rocks have way too big hitboxes, that put Huntress' hatchets to shame.
- Post-blink-lunge inconsistent in length due to dedicated servers.
- etc etc.
She honestly needs a second rework. Not to buff or nerf her, but to make her power work as intended to begin with.
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That’s why I stopped playing with her. I couldn’t take it anymore. Lol
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I feel like she needs at the least bug fixes and QOL. As it stands she requires the most amount of practice and training to even be able to use her at a basic level. I love killers that rake time.to master but mastering her has a very low pay off.
Good survivors will trash a "good" nurse.
Great survivors will go even with a great nurse.
My issue is that with the bugs and sheer effort that mastering her takes. A Godly nurse should be rewarded with a truley destructive gameplay. But she isnt, because with her long fatigue time and blink.limitations (not.to mention the tsunami of bugs), all of her strength to be able to ignore loops and terrain fades away and you are left.with a killer who is very strong in the hands of the best nurse.plauers in the game, and trash for everyone else
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Remove Red Bar.
Find something else to slap on to her. The game is far from perfect and she's the only killer that gets punished from awful servers the most out of all killers because of her red bar.
I've been robbed of my grabs so many times, then Nurse swings and misses, THEN fatigue, THEN red bar.
It's unfair, and boring as hell.
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You hate that argument being "parotted around" but it's literally what the rework did to her.
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@coppersly it never took skill to evade a nurse. Just luck and a bad nurse. People dont seem to realise what little distance the surv actually gets on you.
After fatigue, you're left waiting for 1 extra blink. During this time you're still moving at 3.6. Every second the surv is only gaining 0.4m on you. That's nothing. And this is assuming they run in a literal straight line. How long do you think you're waiting for that 2nd blink?
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The rework was poorly implemented and has so many bad things that needs serious QoL fixes its not even funny. Whatever they were trying to do they failed at and now we're stuck with it.
It did. I encountered survivors that knew what to do. It was not easy downing them, and sometimes I would be forced to abandon them and try to get to them through their weaker teammates. Just because an overwhelming majority of people refused to try play her counters and tried to play her like an m1 killer doesn't mean she was broken or impossible to escape. No one asked for the basekit nerf just the addons (which 80%+ suck now), but BHVR in their infinite wisdom decided that a clunky, half-baked, not designed by someone who understands/plays Nurse excuse for a "small change" would be ok. It's not.
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if the killer lost while using omega blink, then they just sucked at the game.
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Lol maybe..maybe not..people like to say things like that but..I think even decent nurses still list to swf squads..they are just as powerful as nurse was at least..and nurse doesnt feel worthy of her weaknesses anymore
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Delusional..scott jund won 50 games in a row with speed limiter bubba..it proves nothing
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Yeah actually it proves that speed limiter bubba is broken and op. It clearly is in dire need of and deserving a Nerf.