Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

This game has absolutely bad new player experience, due the "ranking" system.

Meksagon Member Posts: 10

Im still quite new to this game and im still learning slowly, but there is one thing which is starting to keep me away from the game, and its this poor "ranking" system.

I started to play first as a killer, played around 20 hours and i had already reached purple ranking, it seemed really weird to me that how fast i ranked up, did i just play really well? No. I just kinda ignored the rank at first until i clearly noticed that how out of the league i am compared to surviors. I started to check their profiles and all of them had 1-2K+ hours into the game while i had less than 100 hours, they knew every map layout, they had every perk, they were just overall 10 times better than i was and it felt so unfair and unfun.

I decided to go try surviors then, same thing happened. I played like 20-30 hours and im not at rank 5, starting to play with top tier surviors and killers which doesn't feel nice, i barely have any perks, i dont know map layouts, hell i dont even know if dropping down from a high spot alerts the killer or not.

This game has so bad new player experience, it literally punishes new players for playing the game decent amount in a short time by putting them agaisnt top tier players. This game HONESTLY needs a rank AND a normal match mode ( seriously i've never seen such a stupid decision making in any game ever ). Sometimes you get people who want to win and people who just want to mess around, it makes both sides unhappy.

---And if they add an actual rank mode someday, they gotta rework the current rank system and make it last way longer to rank up. Also i strongly do belive that offerings, add-ons and items should be revomed from ranked because it shifts the gameplay into somewhat "add-on/item to win", while bloodpoints offerings could still be allowed in ranked. ( Im talking about both survior and killer add-ons ), only way to get items in ranked would be chests. Now chests are somewhat RNG and may give you a rare item which can help you win a little bit better, maybe there could be set a rule for ranked chest items, like they are only common/uncommon/rare or you could upgrade them later on.

---Then there is normal mode, which is the same than it is now, you can use add-ons, mori, map offerings etc. And normal mode is then meant for fun, doing daily and challenges.

TLDR: The game needs to add an ranked + normal match mode, rework their ranking system and make it take WAYY longer to rank up. Please.

PS. is anyone else annoyed by the fact that you cant visit rift/store/settings while searching for a lobby and after the match ends the rift progression bar pops up infront of the chat for 5 second, which sometimes accidently makes you press it. ( reminds me a bit of some mobile game tutorials, where i says smth like "press battle to start a battle", like i have enough braincells to move my mouse over the rift to check it myself, i dont need it to pop up every single time by itself ).


  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807
    edited June 2020

    That's not just the new player experience. That's basically the killer experience overall. You have to word 4x as hard, play 10x sweatier, and endure 20x the hurling of excuses from, survivors. Combine that with the fact that BHVR is constantly giving survivors perks that synergize with eachother, while at the same time going out of their way to remove meaningful synergy from good killer perks. It's a balance issue, not a rank issue. You're not getting top tier players just because you're at purple/green/red ranks; and players aren't top tier because of their rank.

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    Agreed 1000x

    They're reworking the ranking system, and I honestly can't wait. If it's not much better then I think I'm going to just play with friends once a month or uninstall. Why bother buying a new killer or survivor when this is what it's like.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    @Frankie The problem is, the argue will soon appear, killers have still a relatively high kill rate, even in red ranks. And i mean, playing against good survivors, because many more people can reach red ranks now, because you reset only one tier. If you have a above average looper with the toxic second chance perks and above average survivors that don't run around like chickens and just doing gens, with a killer that is not high pressure, you are most likely done and you have to get extra sweaty to even have a chance of a 3k.

    And now don't tell me that 2:2 is "good". A survivor wants to escape and a killer always wants to get at least 3k, a draw and a loss is not something anyone wants. With the current state, some killers may win 2/10 games in red ranks like clown // leatherface // pig and if you want that people play more different killers, you have to buff them, so they can actually pressure gens.

  • ZttII
    ZttII Member Posts: 12

    While I agree that the ranking system as is is kind of a mess, I don't agree that adding a separate ranked mode is going to help. Will it make those games more competitive? Not really. What's going to change? I guess they could set the matchmaking parameters tighter so there's less extremes, but the queue times would suffer.

    Then you have the casual mode, which sounds good on paper, but it would be chaos. There would be no matchmaking, and while it would work in certain cases, if the Killer decides to be sweaty it's going to be an absolute stomp worse than anything you would see in ranked. It's the problem of every game that has these splits. You'd have high-ranked SWF in ranked mode waiting forever, then decide to switch to casual because at the end of the day people just want to play the game and slaughter the killer with one perk who's just learning or vice-versa. At the end of the day both sides just want to feel powerful, and I imagine there would be a huge surge in toxicity when they abuse random people just trying to do their totem challenges or whatever.

    It's hard to fix this matchmaking because the actual ranks skew depending on the role. I had the idea awhile back to split matchmaking so that ranks 1 through 10 could only be matched against one another, and 11 through to 20 would be in another pool, but that wouldn't work because green rank killers are much, much better than green rank survivors, for example. I played a match yesterday as killer with survivors at rank 2, 4, 5 and 6 and three of the four were potatoes. There's a lot of variance, which makings splitting ranks

    I think the only solution would be to wait and see how the MMR system fixes things. If we still get wildly unbalanced games, then it's going to take more drastic measures.

  • NotDBD
    NotDBD Member Posts: 182

    I don't think they would want to have a casual or ranked because they are afraid of splitting the community. But yes, the system needs to be overhauled. It is a little too easy to rank up in the earlier ranks, and the system starts to break for killer in the red ranks.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    "This game has so bad new player experience, it literally punishes new players for playing the game decent amount in a short time by putting them agaisnt top tier players."'ll do the exact same to a person with literally 60 seconds in game with no perks and match them against a rank 1, rank 1, rank 3 and rank 4 with a combined 10,000 hours in game. Now as a survivor I literally love such a game where I can literally bully the killer right into the ground...but somehow I don't think it is very much fun for him...not that I care about a killer's fun...but just for a fairness stance...well sucks to be him.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Dead by Daylight has one of the least friendly and most mismanaged NPEs I have ever seen in a modern video game.

  • tixerp
    tixerp Member Posts: 270

    Eh idk about Ranked and Casual. The games not a competitive E-sport. I don't know if it's possible, but is there not some kind of way to match players with each other based on their locations, total playtime AND rank? All you ever hear about on the forums these days is new players screaming over matchmaking against red ranks, or getting BM'ed from red ranks. So it's pretty evident it needs to get fixed, yeah.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    Instead of separate Ranked and Casual game modes, they could introduce two modes that use the same people.

    Quick match: Ignores rank. This mode will match you or your swf with quickest possible match.

    Ranked: Guaranteed to match you within +/- 6 rank levels of your rank. This mode has no time limit to matchmake.

    So a rank 10 killer could launch Ranked mode, and still be matched with a 4 man swf of ranks queing Quickplay, with their ranks being 10, 14, 7 and 16 (or whatever).

    Feel free to poke holes in this.

  • Meksagon
    Meksagon Member Posts: 10

    @toxcitynacl Im not sure if you're just joking around but if you arent, you sound a little... sick in the head you know. Just a lil bit.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650
    edited June 2020

    I gotta be honest here, you would have to be some kind of DbD savant to get to rank 8 or Rank 5 in 20 hours. That is 60 pips from 20 to 8, that is 3 pips an hour, and you pretty much can play 3-4 rounds an hour. So you would have had to pip nearly every single match to clear this number and more for the survivor. As a brand new player. I am VERY sceptical that this happened, this way.

    Ranking is crap though, especially because it is so much easier for a survivor to pip over a killer. So you get a big difference in ability in the same "ranks". A rank 4 survivor may very well be on par with a rank 10 killer. I think it either needs to be harder for survs to pip or easier for killers so the ranks actually meant something.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    I haven't been on my Smurf in weeks and I do have 2000 hours + in game. I went from 17 to 12 in maybe 10 hours. I could probably go from 20 to 8 in 20 hours because if everything worked as it should I'd be playing killers with 15 minutes in game and rank 20 with no perks. But if I started as a rank 20...a real rank 20. Yeah be pretty hard to get to rank 8 in less than a day in game. I'd agree pretty doubtful.