console killers

genuine question but why does every single rank 1 console player tunnel & camp?
(I can't quote messages I keep getting an error so just editing this a bit)
It's even apparent in streams, if you watch any PC killers they rarely tunnel or camp (the streamers I watch anyway) but almost all of the console killers I've watched will play like that
They have to play extra sweaty at that rank.
If they do not red rank swf steam roll killers.
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@claudetterealness depends on the situation and on your definition of camp and tunnel. Define those so we know how youre using them
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Genuine answer but either loosen your perception of camping and tunneling or dont say everybody does it because i dont do it and im a rank 1 killer too.
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We don't.
Next question.
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The camping thing I dont understand but tunneling is the quickest and most efficient way to kill them so it would make the most sense at red rank. Nobody really plays respectable in those ranks.
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I agree but I have never played SWF and I never run decisive strike and I'm always tunnelled, literally always
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I love it when somebody joins the forums just to complain, really warms my heart.
But to answer your question, red ranks everywhere kinda do this as it is the sweatiest area in the game. In my experience though, I don't see a lot of camping, more so tunneling.
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also why are all you console killers so hurt, literally EVERY console killer I've faced at rank 1 camp and tunnels :) just had a Freddy put all his blood pools around the killer shack and wait at the top for people to go for a rescue - yes ofc we can do gens but it's still camping isn't it makes no sense just forces the survivor to kill themselves cos it's really not a fun play style
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I can't quote messages to reply because I keep getting a 505 error message but in response to Diggly this isn't my first account, I don't remember the password to my other :)
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While I do sometimes get red rank killers who
camp my ass so hard I expect them to ram a tent pole up therecarefully patrol the area to secure the kill it's not that common really, camping usually doesn't equal ranking up. Tunnelling tho yeah there's plenty of that.2 -
Because killers play by the rules. Why does every single rank 1 console survivor (except me) t-bag at exit gate when winning, and complain and write abusive messages when losing?
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As a red rank killer, you HAVE to be sweaty because the console controls are less forgiving in responsiveness and the game lags with every notification. If you didn't, then Seal Team 6 will gen rush you and try to farm points off you at the end.
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In general the people you are watching mind game more than console killers. There's a serious lack of skill prevalent in console killers by and large (just my observations) hence the selection of killer as well.
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I've never tea bagged or BM in my life because when I'm killer I don't like it lol, and I agree with you @DBD_Pinhead, playing on a console is definitely a lot different with a lot of bugs and lagging - dropped framerates, it just happens almost every game for me
I also agree that camping is literally fine when you're next a hook because the other survivors are around it too, there would be no reason for you to leave, but to camp whilst everyone is doing gens and then when I finally get rescued I get insta downed and hooked again you really did not earn or deserve that rank 1 as a killer lol
2 - many other tactics are there?
Game is braindead when it comes down to it. They go patrol gens? One less person is a huge advantage.
No real dynamic elements. Killer doesn't have an edge unless they're already winning.
Killer looks for people, wacks them. Can't find people, you use what you already have.
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@Tactless_Ninja if you're rank 1 or red ranks and you can't find other survivors & that's your whole game play, I don't know what else to tell you except that you're not very good
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Well it's win win either way.
They try to rescue? You take out a player early and essentially won the match because no one is doing gens.
They gen rush? They're not doing totems. And you've already secured a kill. Rank 1 killers always stack their one hit down capabilities.
Game needs a serious rework around the player econony. The way the killer uses the survivors I mean. After trying other asymetrical games lately, DBD seems to be lacking on that front.
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I had a game where I hooked one and then they ran around the hook in circles I downed one and then i had a slug and a hooked right on top of the other...
Like was I gonna walk away from the guy trying to save them both ? No I had 3 people pressured standing still im not walking away from that and then the slug unbreakabled litterally in front of me, downed.
eventually I chased after the 3rd and when the 4th and final cam back around i pulled her off and threw her down.
They all messaged me after and complained but like.... at any time they could have gone 15ft away from me and won the match.
If they crawled away they coulda forced all sorts of chases outta me.
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@emptyCups well that is a whole different scenario and what you just described there was brain dead survivors, so yes in that circumstance what you did is the right choice. Fortunately I'm only a lil bit brain dead just need to get better at looping, but I'm on about camping when no one is around & tunnelling a swing right off the hook it's just poor gameplay and isn't rewarding to anyone
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Yeah but like... its a decision a killer should make often...
If I see someone really good at loops and I waste mintutes trying to kill him or someone who's gotten away multi times already I'm gonna tunnel them out.
Because I wanna eliminate strong players early to improve my chances.
Or even loopers in general because a chase can cost be half or entire gens sometimes a chase costs me 3 gens yeah id rather just watch the hook to secure the kill rather then risk another chase like that.
If I have trouble finding players or there's no information on where to look I mean I know they wanna save there freind might as well patrol around here.
Its tough to convince me not to tunnel or camp its usually the only way to even try to stand a chance against these supernaturally powered avengers they call the survivor role.
The obj math basekit is 35seconds for a 12 hook juggle game. That's find,chase,hit,down,carry,hook repeat 12 times perfectly. Lol nah. I'd rather blow 60 just to let them hit struggle then risk a 30second chase just to achieve the same goal.
Its not my fault they gave more heathstates and looping to game instead of more stealth.
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Rank 1 console killer player here.
I can maintain my rank pretty consistently without tunneling or camping. I've even soft thrown games before by intentionally not going after the same survivor twice in a row even though it would be better for me too. I really don't like to tunnel or camp if I can help it.
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Actually, we wouldn't be rank 1 if we camped, as any survivor with half a brain will penalize you heavily for doing it.
Tip, don't stay near a hooked team mate staring at the killer, either go for the trade or go away, cause if there any survivors hovering near the hook, the killer has no reason to leave.
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All i know is ive been accused of tunneling and camping before when i wasnt. Im not saying i never camp or tunnel, but when i do i say so flat out cause i dont care. If I did i had a reason that wasnt personal. Today for instance, Feng found a key in a chest, feng chose to pick up key, i put feng in basement. Key stayed in basement after the entity took feng. Sorry not sorry.