How do the killers meet/interact
I know the killers have met in some way seeing that wraith and nurse are close friends but how do the killers meet where do they go after the trials and are the wraith and nurse cannon!?
Wait The Wraith and Nurse are close friends???
Where did you find this info?
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the devs mentioned it a few times and they have matching valentines day outfits and are the only confirmed killers to have a positive interaction the descripton of one of wraiths skins metion him being a figure compelling the nurse to find her voice again
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Well maybe as the survivors get the campfire, the killers get something similar? I want to dig into this....
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It appears as if canonically, they "set up" in their respective Trial Grounds and use it as the equivalent of the Survivor's campfires. Killer Addons often paint a decent picture of what they do between Trials.
I imagine the way Killers end up meeting each other is, if they decide to, they could leave their Trial Grounds and wander through the Fog to travel to other areas. The Entity probably doesn't care as long as they don't shirk the Trials, and they don't make any progress on a potential escape. Even though a lot of the Killers are placated by the Trials I imagine they eventually get restless, so The Entity probably lets them wander if that's what they need to avoid distraction come the next Trial. However, The Entity definitely doesn't want them mingling too much, heartless murderers and friends don't exactly mix, and many Killers would pose an active risk to each other.
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What if the Deathslinger just shoots his speargun and now, he has a pet demogorgon.
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The killers have a basement club called the hookers. They all hang out down there with nea, the entity as they vote on new deisgns, rules and powers and generally complain about stuff. When not reading the survivors rulebook for killers.
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It's unclear if they ever do. A long long long time ago (possibly 2016 / 2017) I'm pretty sure I remember the devs said the killers might not even know that each other exist. They are kept in isolation, waiting for their next trial, alone (which I assume fuels their frustration, hatred, insanity, sadness, etc.)
Especially since we don't know how they would react upon meeting another killer- aggressively or cooperatively. It wouldn't do the entity any good if the killers started slaughtering each other (although of course "death isn't an escape" and all that)
That whole thing about The Wraith and Nurse is just Dave Richard (creative director) hopping onto the ship train. I don't think those cosmetics are actually canon, and I'm pretty sure that's a sentiment echoed by some other community members, there are certain cosmetics that have legitimate story lines attached to them that make them canon and others which seem a bit more outlandish that probably aren't canon - specifically the fog travelers cosmetics, anything to do with the dev team, content creators, DBD events that spawned cosmetics like the one from Brazil or Thailand, and of course the ship between Nurse and Wraith.
Cosmetics are kind of a strange thing themselves since it's unclear how they're manifested. It could be that since Time and Space don't exist it could just be what the survivor was wearing at a given moment when they were taken by the entity, different versions of different characters appearing in the same "place" at the same "time". Or it could be that these survivors somehow manifest the clothes themselves because they are attached to a certain memories, dwight's many memories of working at many dead end jobs for example all of a sudden could create these clothes close by that he would stumble upon. Or at least something similar to this I heard from a different community member who theorized something like this
But yeah no, ix nay on that Wraith X Nurse deal. Not a reliable source of evidence to back up the idea that killers ever interact with each other.
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They don't interact with one another. One of the devs was asked if they meet in between trials and they stated the killers were all alone.
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But they also contradicted themselves by saying that sometimes when passing through realms, they see each other and sorta acknowledge their existence. NGL, this whole section of DBD lore is super janky and really need a clear, 100% answer.
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I couldn't imagine Huntress getting on with Freddy. She likes kids and he's not so good with them.
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Well, considering what Huntress does to little girls, I could see them having a really sick and twisted rivalry. She's nearly as bad as he is.
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I thought she was just bad at taking care of them?
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When she kept kidnapping little girls from families she murders just so she can chain them up, pretend to take care of them, and then rinse and repeat when they die due to illness, starvation, or the harsh Russian cold, any possibility of saying she was just bad at taking care of them went out the window. She's sick in the head and relishes in the suffering of others because she feels she's superior to them, yet still makes the heartless mistake of letting multiple kids die under her care because she refuses to figure out what she's doing wrong.
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As others have already stated the devs contradict themselves since they have said they are all alone but have also said sometimes they see each other when crossing realms or the like. Up to interpretation which I like because everyone can have their own take on it. Personally it could also not be entirely contradictory since you can still be all alone but when going to trials see killers along the way possibly even wanting to interact but can’t. I like to think of this since it keeps killers isolated and angry when waiting and through the trials but seeing other killers possibly even short interactions between their trials when they see each other can cause indifference or possibly friendship something like nurse and wraith have in their cosmetics.
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The Executioner and The Shape are bound to have a grand old chin wag!