Jeepers Creepers Dbd Concept (I hope dev will look at this)

NateyBoi Member Posts: 315
edited June 2020 in Creations

My Killer Concept For The Creeper. I hope dev sees this.

Map: Police Station (where the creeper flew out with one of the characters)

Killer: The Creeper (from jeepers creepers) The Creeper is a large creature full of scaled skin and blood. He is very strong

Power: Carnage

You have the power of rage and madness. You will be able to use a powerful lunge to hit survivors causing them to get insta-downed. If you miss the survivor you will get fatigued for 3 seconds. The cooldown for this power is 15 seconds. His power is easily dodgeable


Depths Of Hatred: When killing a survivor on a hook, your vaulting speed will be faster than normal for a medium duration.

Entity's Favour: When you damage a generator, the entity blocks that generator for a medium duration.

Fast Reputation: You have an obsession for one survivor. when killing that survivor, your speed is faster than normal.

Mori: The Creeper will start pinning you to the ground taking both eyes out and eating a hole in the body.

Weapon: Large Battle Axe

this was planned to be a solo killer. Please comment anything down below and let's try and make the dev see this!



  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    His power is way too op, and that's coming from a documented killer main. It would either have to be easily dodgeable, or have a much longer cooldown. It's iri head huntress levels of overpowered.

  • Dolls
    Dolls Member Posts: 395

    Couldn't they make it anyway? Petition judge to let proceeds go to the victim...or to sex victims in general. No need to close the door. Can still be proactive.

  • NateyBoi
    NateyBoi Member Posts: 315

    You know you could just make the creeper without the pedophile senses. Really, people hate this one idea due to the characters inappropriate stand points. How bout’ we just make a monster that is like the creeper but not so pedo like. Like, I worked hard on this idea and all I get are stupid comments about how much of a pedo the monster and director were! DID I SAY IN THE IDEA THAT HE WAS GONNA ACT LIKE A PEDO?? NO! SO MAYBE YOU SHOULD KEEP AN OPEN MIND! SMH.

  • Dolls
    Dolls Member Posts: 395

    My minds open to this idea~~🌈🌈

  • NateyBoi
    NateyBoi Member Posts: 315

    Did I say the director was the killer in this idea, no! I worked hard on this and all I get is a bunch of comments based on inappropriate things that happened. Why don’t they make a creeper like monster without the pedo like qualities. Like cmon guys, I’m trying my best.

  • Dolls
    Dolls Member Posts: 395

    Can his chase music be "Jeepers Creepers" song??? Is it in public domain???

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
    edited June 2020

    I believe they mentioned before this chapter was a no go. While I understand you worked on it and that the idea is rather cool. I'm sure the company nor the Dev's want the negative stigma involved with the background. Not only that journalist would have a field day with the fallout repercussions being bad. It might of been possible before Jeepers Creepers 3 when the director decided to try and get a character to make the Pedo behavior acceptable.

    Your best bet is to revise the killer into an orginal idea.

  • micheal_myers34
    micheal_myers34 Member Posts: 10

    Jeepers Creepers is a good movie all thought I don't like how the writer/Director was a child abuser its makes me hate the movie now, This idea is good but the fact is that it highly won't happen because of the background of the movie and it could put Behaviour Interactive and DBD in a really bad position, It's very sad that we might not ever see this killer because of the background of the director/writer.

  • OutcastEric
    OutcastEric Member Posts: 495

    iri head huntress isnt even that strong. 1 they have to actually hit the shot. 2 you only get to carry 1 hatchet when running that add on. and if you want more you have to run another expensive add on. 3 hillbillys chainsaw is stronger

  • Mikeadatrix
    Mikeadatrix Member Posts: 890
    edited June 2020

    The rarity of iri head is a moot point since anyone can get dozens, if not hundreds, of the best addons just be dumping endless amounts of BP in a character. At that point, you should also be very, very, VERY good at the character and in the case of Huntress, nigh unbeatable with god tier aim and iri heads. See how this is a problem? The devs need to make it so you can only have one hatchet and it can't be increased in any other way. That is the only way I can see it being fair. Also, Billy's chainsaw is stronger than a competent huntress with iridescent hatchets? You're funny.

    But, back to OP...

    Listen, just like other people have said, this is a good idea but it won't happen in any licensed form (which is the only way this exact idea is getting implemented due to legality) because BHVR has made it clear they do not want to support a child abuser/pedophile. We know that the creator is different from the creature but you can't have the creature without the creator, that's the issue. Sorry.

  • oh_0k
    oh_0k Member Posts: 712

    No dont want to support a pedo

  • 5thPerkSlot
    5thPerkSlot Member Posts: 395

    wrong, wrong wrong... the power must be FLYING and attacks from flying cause insta-down! what were you thinking? the flying has a long cooldown

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    No thank you. I don't want Behavior supporting pedophiles and child abusers. :)

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Man, even when I was bad with huntress, I wrecked with iri head and infantry belt. I'm bad with Billy no matter the add ons.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    Sorry to disappoint, but I very much doubt devs would grant this any attention due to it being Jeepers Creepers. He's not getting in.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    It's really cool that you made this concept but jeepers creepers should NEVER be in this game. Guy who made it is a pedo... so no.

  • OutcastEric
    OutcastEric Member Posts: 495

    nice troll attempt. Pick and choose points to argue and then just say "youre funny" when up to one that you cant argue. Ill give you my points lil guy while picking apart yours.

    yes anyone can have hundreds of iri heads, but bloodpoints spent do not equate to skill. just bc you spent bloodpoints on a character doesnt mean that person will be very very good, haha are you kidding me? nigh unbeatable? a good huntress will struggle on 80 percent of the maps in this game. mainly because this game isnt designed in favor of low mobility killers that take percision into account while also checking horrendous hitboxes on objects. Also maps with near to no line of sight such as the indoor maps.

    yes hillbillys chainsaw is more powerful, a noob can see that. 1 you can instadown with no add ons, 2 you can break pallets with the saw, 3 you get one of the best if not the best movement speeds in the game 3 he can run around the map without worrying about reloading, yet survivors never complain about getting one shot by a chainsaw. IRI head is fine. theyll still change it though because survivors always get their way.

  • Mikeadatrix
    Mikeadatrix Member Posts: 890

    I said it before and I'll say it again, damn, you're really funny! Nice job with the mental gymnastics to say I was trolling when it's pretty clear that everything I said was accurate to the way the game is actually played at high ranks. Bloodpoints don't equal skill? Yeah, obviously not, so why say that anyone can have hundreds but then in your earlier post say that it's an expensive addon that needs another another expensive addon to work properly? Like, okay, and? You just contradicted yourself by lowering the supposed value of the addons by agreeing with me, you see how that makes you look?

    Also, I take it you're unfamiliar with Huntress players like Umbra and other top tier Huntress players. These players have painstakingly memorized every single map and can basically envision a target on a survivor's back 24/7. They know when to throw, how to throw, and what they can and can't throw over. A top tier Billy can still be looped to hell and back by a good survivor and the chainsaw is only a threat when a survivor is truly out positioned. A good Huntress with the infantry belt and the Iri Heads, however, doesn't need to wait til you're out positioned, she just waits until you walk into one of the many spots in the game where you can squeeze a hatchet through a fence post or a gap in the loop and just like that, the survivor is downed with no counter play whatsoever. Don't forget cross-map hatchet bombs that seasoned Huntress players are known for pulling off. Wow, getting downed in one shot across the map with zero counter play! So fun!

    As someone who's been playing since the launch of this game and has over 2K hours clocked in with a slant towards killer but with a healthy heaping of survivor mixed in, it's clear to me that you don't play survivor near as much as you should to make a valued opinion on a broken combination of addons. But that's okay! We all start somewhere and maybe one day you'll see what I'm talking about and regret any ignorance on your behalf later down the line.