Remember when the game was fun?

jiguiri Member Posts: 124

so i just recently got to red ranks and was quite happy. But omg this triggered me so bad. Ao i was playing oni on mothers dwelling, nothing much. The game was going good, a few hooks but was still fun cause it was a challenge. But then it got to the endgame. I downed a jake opening the exit gates. I hook him and started to collect blood so i can have blood fury ready just incase, when i was collecring the blood i could not press to collect blood as if my controller wasnt working. Then i got sent back a few steps and i got lag switched, fun. They unhook the jake and i activate blood fury. I go to chase them and my dash stopped and i could not hit anyone. They opened the gage and tbagged being the little shits they are knowing they were using an unfair advantage, i tried to get them and i got sent back alot as if i was running into a tree. What a way to enter red ranks for ######### sake. And for anyone who thinks lag switching isnt a thing on ps4 i can send you the clip no worries
