The Pig

Lets just cut straight to the point. Pig players, have the biggest brains in DBD, and are the most underrated talents in DBD. That being said, Pig also has some of the most useless addons in DBD.

Razor Wires...Pretty useless, Utility Blades, also pretty useless, Amandas Secret...yeap....useless.

I got to watching pyramid head and I thought to myself, you know know what pig needs more of to be more fun to play and more exciting.....


Bear Traps are nice...but how about an Aesthetic skin that makes my beartraps SHOTGUN TRAPS!!!

I saw pyramid head throw people into an ethereal box across the map, and I think to know what I LIKE BOXES TOO! What if, there was an addon that allowed pig to throw people into booby trapped lockers after she downed them. Hell you could give it an ammo system like the normal bear traps....but if you give it an ammo system make the lockers have MORE DEADLY CONSEQUENCES!!!

SURVIVOR IS STUCK IN THE LOCKER BOOM!! The locker is trapped with spikes reaching out of it, in order to get the person out of the locker, you have to do a series of EXTREMELY DIFFICULT SKILLCHECKS!! And by difficult I mean sometimes no sound....sometimes sound but at the wrong time, sometimes the wrong part of the screen, pretty much lullaby! (((Or god forbid they come up with something like a locker combination similar to Predator Hunting Grounds))) If you fail the skill checks (or locker combo) trying to break someone out YOU GET INJURED A HEALTH STATE and they get set free. Up the ante? Being placed in a locker does not count as being hooked. BOOM!

Amandas Secret: FAILING A JIGSAW BOX, or skillcheck while trying to remove a beartrap NOW CAUSES DEEP WOUNDS!!!

I just...want more ways to torture people is that so bad to ask???


  • bLoodSLoth97
    bLoodSLoth97 Member Posts: 29

    I second this. Also, give her a bigger snoot as well as more squeak.

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889

    Clearly the most unbiased suggestion by someone who has a totally nuetral stance on Pig.

    But seriously that would be pretty cool, plus they showed us that they can do alternate powers since the Freddy rework so I don't see why not.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568
    edited June 2020

    Onlу thing I would love to be changed with Pig it is ability to spam m2 sound faster while ambush mode. That thing made Pig the most fun killer to play. But devs nerfed it without any reason. Now you can't spam this sound without add-on. Why do BHVR hate Pig so much? :c