BM Killers.

LeleLP Member Posts: 153

Hello everyone. This is my first post here in the forums so apologies if this topic has been made 100 times over but something I just am generally curious about. And yes before anyone says I am aware that there are Bm'ing survivors it's not just killers but that's not my focus with this thread. After a lovely morning of nothing but BM killers. Between the nodding no and bottle spamming clown. The tbagging ghost face. Insidious camping leatherface. who decided after getting a 3k they still felt the need to talk smack in post game-chat. A lovely tunneling to the ground huntress with iri head and ebony Mori. Who also felt the need to talk down to everyone post-game. I just have to ask how do others handle situations like this when you have an ill-mannered killer? Now keep in mind I can see it a survivor was being toxic toward them tbagging, flashlight spam etc. But From what I had seen from my matches no one had done anything of the sort for them to want to act like that. Just came into the match and had this mindset that they wanted to just p/o other players. I'm not making this discussion to start any arguments or looking for insults but I am truly curious as to how other players deal with these kinds of players. Obviously i'd be lying if i said it didn't get under my skin to some degree.


  • Loner
    Loner Member Posts: 139

    I like how you made an honest post and said that you'd be lying if you said it didn't get under ur skin to a certain degree. Well,they are bming with what's in the game. I don't see a problem with it,myself. Only time where a person pulls the line is if someone says you should jump infront of a truck or something like that in end game chat. Just keep ur head cool,and don't care about it. Sooner or later,you'll get a killer that won't bm ya. If you really can't deal with it tho,you can switch roles and just go to killer. Or just come back at some later time,and cool of in the meantime.

  • SewerSwans
    SewerSwans Member Posts: 147

    A lot of the time, what truly pisses me off is the image I have of the person being rude. The kind of person I think they must be. So instead of saying something to myself like "what a prick this guy is." I'm trying to give a casual "easy there, tiger" or the like, make them sound overenthusiastic and a little ridiculous.

    This makes it easier to develop an image of them that isn't as serious or as rage-inducing.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    There's lots of people who like the idea of playing an unstoppable, dangerous killer but as soon as they realize you have to play well to beat SOMEWHAT DECENT survivors they quickly find themselves in a victim-ish position even if said decent survivors play completely normally without any BM in mind.

    As a result they (the bad killer) get salty thus typically ending in childish in-game behaviour/post game talk. Luckily that kind of killer usually quits the game in the long run as they can't take the "stress" of playing killer - whatever that means.

  • Turretcube
    Turretcube Member Posts: 460

    As it's been stated there is no problem with it, that's just how those players are getting there fun out of the game. I'v had my fairly large share of such killers, more than survivors actually, they are also way worse in the endgame chat than any survivor iv had.

    There isn't really a great way to deal with it besides make the best of the match when you realise whats happening, play in a swf/kyf or just play killer and remove that element. The (possibly) best answer would be wait for the MMR change to hopefully get matched with player's not playing like that. (But who knows when it'll come out)

    Hopefully you do find a answer you can use and keep playing.

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    Throwing bottles as the clown or smacking a survivor on a hook (only when they are the only person left) isn't all the time bm'ing. These people paid for these killers so they might admire the hit animation or sound ot their power. At least thats why I do it.

    The laugh and that hit animation of the clown is perfection.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Usually, I'll put up with it. If my mates ever have a rubbish day, they usually rant to me, so I just make an assumption that they've had a rubbish day too.

    They can take it too far. Way too far so that it hurts me. But if I can make them feel a bit better, than I feel a bit better.