opinions on stuff not having hitboxes wich allows very weird "flicks" with certain killers.

seki23 Member Posts: 833
edited June 2020 in General Discussions

personally talking about cars and lots of structures not having hitboxes where killers like billy should get sunned instead they make a "flick" wich shouldnt be possible if the corners of cars and other stuff had a proper colission, dont get me wrong there a re good and fair hits and hits that shouldnnt have been you can notice when u see certain montages of "billynation" for example. sky billy is gone yes (for good) but tehre are still some stuff to get adressed, dont get me wrong crack billy and space billy are fine wich is not fine are the certain hits you get taht shouldnt been if things had proper colission.


  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,651

    I like it, personally. It adds a whole new skill level to both sides- as killer, can you do it? As survivor, do you know about it and can you dodge it?

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited June 2020

    thats the problem, sometimes you literally cant because even if u are not in the line of possible hit you actually turned it still hits you, is stupid tbh, if the hit was fair because i literally got outplayed fine. but is not fair when they do hit you like curving the entire car in a way taht shouldnt be possible for example. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epc57hSWQ8U

    5:05 for example look at that curve u shouldnt be able to do such a thing. doesnt corner have a hitbox and also look from where he started, im not talking about the curve that naturally billy have tahts other stuf wich double space addons somehow allow plus cars not having hitboxes at corners.

    then 4:40 look at those hits is bullshit imo. and there are way more. is like if billys chainsaw had the hitbox of a truck

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,651

    This is available to, what, 2 killers? Billy and Demo? Imo it makes the game a whole lot more fun because its a game of "I can do this but do they know" or "Do they know they can do this". It's another layer of midngames, if they've been aying badly they might not know/be able to pull it off, but if they've been good all game they might be able to pull it off and get you. It's more skill being added to both sides, and makes these loops more fun.

    Counters off the top of my head I thought of whilst cleaning my teeth:

    -Drop pallets early

    -Run to the short end of the loop instead of through the pallet first, particularly effective vs billy

    -Use a different loop. Particularly on Hadham, there are plenty of pallets.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited June 2020

    sorry but is not fun to me when i get "outplayed" when i literally couldnt do anything apart from getting msyelf out of the range of the chainsaw and still get downed. maybe we have different opinions.

    dont you worry im a rank 1 survivor and know how to loop, im talking about how stupid some of the things hillbily can do are with space addons and the map hitboxes allow.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,651

    And the glory of opinions here is that they're allowed to be different!

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited June 2020

    i mean i dont know how can you defend a completelly unfair hit like that, unless you do this all the time as pretty much a billy main, otherwise is having 0 emphaty for the other side wich is the reason why the game is in actual state. defending the indefensible but whatever

  • Loner
    Loner Member Posts: 139

    Trucks got worse after the most recent side. They allowed you to start earlier from the back side now,so it's really unsafe to even think about playing them. Then some cars just don't have collision and you can 180 flick em and ######### the surv up completely unless they dodge. I'm just speaking from my 1v1 experiences vs flickbillys also,just to say. And as you also said,sometimes the chainsaw hits you around corners which is what my friends refer to as the "double engravings hitbox".

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    Exactly, i dont know why arent enough people complaining about it.