What're your thoughts on this?

Dinja Member Posts: 6

So I rarely actually play the game, but I watch a LOT. Something I have noticed that I'm sure many of you have as well is that the killer is often punished when the survivors do something detrimental to themselves. What I mean is if all survivors kill themselves on hook, the killer also suffers by not pipping or even de-pipping. I don't understand how that is fair.

In a related point, the game also punishes (or at least doesn't reward) a killer who has an incredibly dominant game. The specific situation I'm referencing is when the killer somehow manages to down and hook all survivors in such a short time that they all die on first or second hook without completing a single gen or maybe only one. In the end screen, this is almost certainly a black pip or de-pip because of the lack of chase and number of hooks.

Again, this seems really unfair to the people who play killer. These problems are mostly in the red ranks, but a killer should not have to suffer because he or she played extremely well or the survivors played extremely poorly.

On a side note, the gen speeds are still way too fast. This is IMHO. :)


  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    That goes both ways. A bad killer will also depip the survivors. That's why the emblem system needs a complete rework. A better system will probably need to be based on relative performance. Unfortunately, there are people who'll defend the current system and blame the better players for not playing worse.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Works both ways. Recently seen an increase in afk wraiths hiding in corners. Survivors are guaranteed to depip no matter what if the wraith remains cloaked.

  • Dinja
    Dinja Member Posts: 6

    True. From what I've seen, it seems worse for the killers. Even if the killer is bad, as long as their is effort, the survivors still get objective, chase, and escape points. But I agree that the whole thing needs to be reworked.

  • ZarinaKindaThick
    ZarinaKindaThick Member Posts: 63

    Normally, especially since rank reset, it will be a guaranteed Black Pip unless the survivor in question did absolutely nothing to get their points in the game (i.e. cleansing totems for 1k each and repairing generators for roughly, with co-op actions, about 2.45k each gen, getting to a maximum of 18k.) And with the rank reset, it should become more apparent with the case as more Grey/Yellow rank Wraiths seemingly do this more and more.