Return the old Nurse

Damn, i just come back to the game since a year 0 playing and see the blinks need to recharge now!!!
Like #########!
Just why.... she got so many nerf ago.... dude i feel frustated... another innecesary change.... good job there DEVS kappa kappa.......
The recharge mechanic was a bad and clunky way of nerfing her. And it introduced many bugs the devs not even acknowledge till today.
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Yeah, they messed with her basekit.
Red Bar + Fatigue + Bugs + Server Lag.
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Because old basekit nurse was unbalanced af?
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lol cute.
Nurse's basekit was fine, it was Omega Blink that apparently broke the game, she got 2/3rds across the map in 1 Blink. Her basekit was nowhere near that. Most Nurse's I went against used faster port-to addons like myself.
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Couldn't agree more. Her basekit nerf is one of the most undeserved nerf in this game.
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I agree..survivors are strong enough to handle her that way..especially with ruin gone
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So I played against no addon nurses all the time before her change. You know why? Cause it was far too easy for real redranks.
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The biggest problem she has right now are the servers. You'll eventually adapt to the blink recharge with enough time, but you can't really adapt to playing against the game itself. I still can't quite wrap my head around the fact that they theoretically play test her consistently and say "This is fine".
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I too want base kit back
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Nurse is still by far the best killer. Just because you can´t play her, doesnt mean her nerf was underserved lmao.
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red bar? what type of bugs she have?
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the change on base kit was really really innecesary Survivors can scape ez from her vs a decent survivor
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like i said, they can´t against a god nurse. may be true against semi good nurses but devs should balance around the best players so the nerf was 100% deserved and necessary.
i would go even a step further and say the nurse is still way too strong.
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I agree that the change to the base kit was a little much, but in all honesty they would have needed to put seriously hefty negatives on all of her addons if they didn't change her base kit a least a little bit as she was already the strongest killer in the game without perks or addons compared to other killers running full loadouts.
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i feel her more weak, when u are recharging ur blinks u can loose any survivor, the change was 0% neccesary, i master nurse, few people scape from me, now i do 2 blinks, wait like 6 seconds for my 2 blinks and the survivor is done... or dodge... really inncesary change.... good nurses was insane, now i don't see any nurse when i play survivor....
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Btw why not give nurse good lunge after blink? Basekit ripped anyway
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The Nurse Nerf was 100% justified.
The Bugs need to be fixed tho.
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she's fine, her base kit need to be back... addons meh they can take his addons, btw devs kill all the addons
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I'd honestly disagree. Base-kit nurse was incredibly fun to face, adding in the recharge just made her easier to verse and even worse to play. Add-ons, I agree, needed a change, but the main kit was fine imo.
But hey, the bugs need to be acknowledged at least lol.
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Not everyone enjoys stun stimulator in case you didn't know. If you can still enjoy playing as her, then good for you. I wish i can be like you, but stun stimulator is just not for me
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the stun, and 6 seconds wait for 2 blinks damn, thats a lot of time for survivor to heal, repair, escape.... devs here was dumb... innecesary nerf
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Trying to play Nurse to get Adept, and I need to ask what's the best way to just get around the map when you're not in a chase? The standard movement seems so slow, but warping around and constantly being forced to stare at the ground doesn't feel any better.
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Red Bar = Blink Recharge (her cooldown). Nurse now has a lot of bugs, sometimes you'll have a full charged blink and will dead zones, sometimes you'll blink and can't M1 after you land!
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Almost every former Nurse main is going to agree with you. What bugs me the most about her changes is that BHVR clearly showed that they don't care about her. Usually after every killer rework, etc. they do a satisfaction survey, they didn't do one for dear Sally which show's that they didn't really care!
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Nurse main here with 800 hours in the game.
She is still by far the best killer in the game. Whenever i play nurse, it's rare that i don't get a 4k with at least 3 gens still up. Probably 25% of my games end in a 4k with 5 gens still up.
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u are half right, nurse needed a nerf she was kinda op specailly with certain addons wich made the experience beyond unenjoyable. she needed a nerf but to her addons and a massive one wich seh got, but they also nerfed her greatly to her base kit wich i dont think was taht neccesary, nurse is not gonna be what she was anymore FOR GOOD, but she needs some compensation now.
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new nurse is ######### trash, she was nice at first but once players adept she quickly fell down to one of the worst killers
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she needed (and still needs) to be nerfed, but the blink recharge rate was definitely not the right way to do it.
though i doubt they are ever going to get her balanced without completely reworking her power.
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She needs another rework. The old add ons were broken but the new ones are damn near useless. Revert her base power back to what it was and rework her add ons again. Don't give us back quadruple blink nurse cause that was broken but give us something better than what we got now.
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I really don't know what the devs were thinking. Giving a killer two cool downs is just asinine.
Besides, old base kit Nurse was on par with good survivors.
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totally agree
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really was, vs a really good player they can ez rekt the nurse, or people who play her know their down sides...
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Old Nurse Basekit was way to strong and im so happy that the devs listen to god players and not the forum guys here.
Also they won´t return the old nurse because of it. oh and ofc i can proof it with a god nurse like i already did in the past.
unlucky ^)
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id be happy if they just did review of her addons
theres 2 that are viable
rest arnt worth the time ..but I still have to spend 1ooo's of bp just to gather ######### addons
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They said a good nurse with an extra blink wasn't fun to verse.
I guess it is ok for Huntress to have a whopping 5-8 hatchets...with an actual insta-down!
Nurse was treated unfairly.
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Can't speal for PC, but on console she is trash. Before the rework, I encountered about 5 really good nurses. Since then I've yet to encounter a great nurse. Some okay nurses, but nobody where I'm realising 30 seconds into the game that we are in trouble.
Usually it's gg ez. Or maybe a 1 k.
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Every time i see a nurse post i always bring this up.
The best way to buff her without changing her back, which is actually not a bad idea but i doubt the devs will do that is to simply increase her lunge after blinking and or make it so she can attack out of charging a blink.
IF nurse had a longer or normal lunge out of blinks it wouldn't affect higher skilled nurses that greatly since they are usually accurate as hell and rarely miss and even if they did miss or are not close enough for a hit they will most likely just hit that survivor in their next blink. If this change happens it will mainly affect players who are not as accurate with nurse and in general will make her more friendly to new or average players.
As for being able to attack out of charging a blink its just as it sounds. How many times has a survivor just ran right up to you and because you cant cancel the blink they get away with it. There are also the instances of you pre-charging your second blink as you are blinking and end up right on top of a survivor but because you were charging a blink you can't hit them and they have a pretty good chance of not getting hit even tho you landed right on top of them. I just think it's stupid that nurse becomes like this for using her power.
out of these two changes the one i would actually want most and the one that would probably help nurse the most is actually the second idea. survivors just should not get away with being able to run right into the killer and get away with it without getting hit and pre-charging a blink is something a lot of nurses new or old do and when a survivor does a 180 and runs right into you it can be pretty hard to blink right on them since they can get distance by running in any direction as long as you mess up, all that needs to be done to fix this would be to simply let her attack out of charging a blink.
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This is my biggest problem right here. We went through all of this initially for the addon pass. And what we have now is honestly much worse than before imo. At least before if you didn't use Omega blink or 5 blinks you could still do ok. Now if you're not running the distance/CD addons you are literally putting yourself at a huge disadvantage for no reason because the other addons are buggy as hell and even when they do work their benefit isn't worth nearly as much as the good ones are.
We need the addon pass to have another addon pass and we need the power meter changed/removed. I link to my suggestion thread because it's the most viable change they could do to it imo but seeing as they rarely if ever post about Nurse I doubt any change at all is viable at this point.
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i do like the idea of the fluid meter charge over what we have now ..from what i played in the PTB it worked really well
but i would still like another addon pass along with that
simply due to how bad they are you mentioned before the "benifits" are crap ..literaly no point in using them at all
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We gave so many suggestions I know there's enough between ours and the development team that we can have more than 4 good addons that aren't going to be broken. Even more so if we get a change to her power meter, mine or otherwise.
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Exactly. Her basekit was just on point, powerful in the right hand but never op. The addons made her busted. And what did the devs? Trashed her addons AND her basekit
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Then wanted to give players more variety by reworking her addons, slapping a red bar so the only addons you're forced to play with are Recharge addons.
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Name checks out.