How good of a player do you consider yourself?

So how good do you consider yourself to be in both roles? And how many hours do you have?
I personally think I'm a pretty good killer. I may not be one of the very best killers but I'd say I'm expert level at least. I win a good amount of my matches at rank 1 and my chases are usually short. As for survivor I'd say I'm mediocre at best. I know how to loop most tiles but I feel like I'm too susceptible to mind games if the killer is competent and sometimes I mindgame myself. I'm not too sure how many hours I have but I'm guessing around 800 across both xbox and ps4.
I can spook people. I'm pretty good.
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I'm basically a god. The killers and the Entity run from me. So do the survivors, come to think of it... Y'know, I think I'm just ugly. :(
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Depends on the day. Some days as survivor I feel like I'm the mvp, other days I can't hit a skill check and just run face first into the killer every match. Some days as killer I'm getting 4k no problem, others I can't even get a hit in. 😂
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Decent at Killer, ######### trash at Survivor.
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I'm an average survivor, decent killer.
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Above average I guess.
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I feel like I am at the same time above average and bad. I have 4500 hours and sometimes I just do god-tier plays with huntress/billy and survivor all game against survivors/killers that know what they are doing and sometimes... I go full potato against objectively meh survivors/killers. My worst aspect as killer is definitely tracking though.
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Literally 20 minutes ago I probably had my worst three games in my Dead by Daylight "career" for lack of a better term. For Survivor I'm getting there.
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I have no idea how good or bad I am due to the amount of potato survivors. Sometimes I absolutely destroy them, other times I get annihilated.
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I'm rubbish in both roles. But tbh I've never really been good at any game, except maybe Titanfall. I have 31 days on record. But no clue how many for each.
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Decent at both sides. Probably better at survivor tho
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Based off how long i have played id say very good on killer and survivor.
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Really good killer, not a God but i can put up a fight with good teams, above average survivor though i feel thats not saying much. 4500hrs, too much 😣
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Eh, I am not sure, I guess I am good but not the kind of player that can 4k a 4 man SWF with OoO or can loop an iri head huntress with 4k hours
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I'm an above average killer, otherwise I'm honestly not sure where I'd rate myself specifically.
Survivor I'm above average until I get into a chase where the answer is to loop. Then I'm a boosted idiot.
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I am at an expert level, when I play as killer I win 9/10 times my score for most games is around 31,000 blood points as, But I have never played as survivor so I would say I am a noob survivor, The reason why I have never play as Survivor is because it seems boring
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Or your a Claudette 🤣🤣🤣
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Average at both. My chases as survivor are usually around 2 minutes, and I can get 4ks with killer after I practice them for a while
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I feel like I'm am just above avg killer on ps4. I don't know how many hours I have but i've been playing since 2018. I like to shoot tequila when I play so that probably brings me down a bit 😂
I just started on PC, but I feel like I'll be a better killer on there because of the quick response of the mouse and the fps. Missing M1 attacks seems to happen more on ps4 than on PC. Tracking survivor movement with the mouse feels way better.
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Im a generous killer.
If a Survivor are too weak (get 2 hooks so fast), I give them another chance if they down again.
If I have a killer daily that not my main, I will meme around Hex build so survivors can earn more BP
If I play Spirit and Survivor are good, I spam vaulting windows as a reward
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On a good day, I am very good on both sides. If I’m having a really good day I’m probably escaping 90% of the time and 3-4K in my killer matches.
But I do have my potato days where I dead hard into walls and run into the killer. I also have my rough days as killer.
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Mediocre survivor, decent killer. Mostly get carried by my knowledge of the other side.
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I'm a terrible survivor. Can't keep up a chase and I'm awful at rescues. Only thing I'm good at is dumping the killer onto somebody else and hiding.
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After 1k+ hours, I guess 8/10 playing as regular killer style getting stressed and not fun
If I play sadistic facecamping Bubba I'm 0/10 and not stressed, more fun
As for surv, still a lot to learn looping, which the hardest to master, so I guess 6/10
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I'm terrible. I can't remember how to play tiles or the shack no matter how many times I watch videos about it, so I really suck as both killer and survivor. Spirit is my favorite killer but I can't track via sound (I dunno why, but I cannot determine where a survivor is based on their injured noises and I walk around in circles trying to locate them). I can't judge speed and distance, so I'm terrible at looping as a survivor. I'm good enough to waste a lot of a killer's time in a chase if they're a rank 20, but if they rank any higher than that I go down quick.
I'm on PS4, so I don't know how many hours I have, but my Devotion level... um, it's definitely higher than it should be for how bad I am.
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I'd say I'm below average. I'm starting to learn, though. On both sides.
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good at killer but mediocre at survivor
it can depend on the day tho, like sometimes im a god at survivor and meh at killed but other times its swapped
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On a scale of 1 to 10, I would put myself at... Crybaby.
Check through my 730 comments. 700 are whining; 30 are terrible ideas from not knowing how to play (and choosing not to learn. Why learn when you can cry for easier matches?)
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Above average survivor and a average killer. Recently have been playing solo que, and practicing my nurse skills.
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I would say that I'm decent at both sides (better with Killer) but I think I'd need to play on a DBD without poor optimization and good dedicated servers to get a better idea of my skill. Being a console player, I feel both of those things mess with me enough to have an impact. I've had countless hits and grabs fail because the servers suck or console isn't optimized.
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Being fully honest. I think I'm a very good survivor and a pretty good killer.
As survivor I can have those days where I make boosted mistakes but then I can also have a 5 gen chase while hungover the next day. I'd say it's more who I see the game (I.e what gens to pressure and other things I can't think of right now) that makes me a very good player.
As killer I'll beat any average team easy. Know exactly how a survivor team thinks and how to outsmart them. I can be a little lunge happy at times since I don't play killer more than a few times a day. Also against really good survivors I can be beaten pretty well if I'm not playing a good killer.
I don't mean this to sound cocky. This is just me being honest about how I am at this game. I'm devotion 8 level 70 so I know this game inside out. Am I the best survivor or killer? Absolutely not. However can i hold my own consistently at rank 1 on both sides? Absolutely yes.
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I’m the absolute best survivor and killer player in the game!
Is this a fact? Nope. I’m not that conceited.
But I would NEVER enter a competitive game with the mentality that my opponent could be superior...that’s how you defeat yourself.
Believe in yourself.
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id put myself at a 9 from a scale of 1 to 10.
I always have a pretty good idea of where survivors are and im pretty good in a chase so getting into a chase, downing the survivor, and repeating without spending that much time finding someone is how a lot of my games go. this is also why pgtw is my favorite perk since i can worry less about switching to a more gen defensive play style and can get rewarded for focusing on a chase so i can slow gens with that perk.
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I think i am pretty decent as survivor. I still cant loop (even with devotion 14), but i am ok with juking the killer. But thats maybe because i like the hide-and-seek part of the game better than the chase part.
As killer, i am pretty bad, again, because i cant loop and i am easily outplayed by good loopers.
However, i like the hag, spirit, as well as wraith/meyers which change chases and looping.
I think i could learn to loop, but both as killer and as survivor, it is the most boring part of the game for me, so i simply dont want to.
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I have about 700 hours (give or take) more killer time then survivor
I'd say I'm a high Mid-tier killer, and a low Mid-tier survivor (see what I did)
I hover around red ranks as killer, and a solid green rank survivor
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My ancestors shake their head in shame dispite the fact they don't even know what a video game is
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It's hard to say because I'm not consistent, like with most games I play. Some days I can take down swf teams who all know how to run tiles, can force decent killers to break chases and save me til last. Other times it's one painfully stupid move after another. But idc either way if I'm having fun.
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I'm a trash survivor and a trash killer.
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My tolerance level for the game is crap so I play like a zombie going through the motions. Gamers wondering about the Dwight that didn't remember to mend will find him drooling and dead eyes irl
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I am what is commonly describes as being a potato. Both survivor and killer. With killer I am on a fitting rank though (10-12), as survivor I am „boosted“ (red rank).
that said, I am not urban evasioning around, selfcaring in the corner while teammates are hooked etc. I do play decently. But I am not best at looping. I swear I get stopped at every corner and (invisible) obstacle, I am telling myself this is due to me using a controller in pc though. I am probably wrong and just bad.
there are also times where I do nothing different and I can loop the killer what feels like an endless time, and those killers may also be red rank. So who knows. I also have very good killer games. All in all I have fun and I get mostly not toxic comments from both sides.
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I'd say I'm average. I know how to play and my game knowledge is pretty big brain but putting it into practice I fall so hard you'd think I was in a LifeCall advert. I'd say I'm definitely a better killer than survivor, although that could be because I use Head On in 80% of my games lol.
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I have 2k hours and honestly i'm the best player i know that has that amount. i main 4 roles: survivor, huntress, billy and nurse.
survivor: im really really good and i have no problem looping good killers for minutes. my average chase is 2 minutes, and only because im extremely greedy. I'm around noob3 level
hillbilly: i can curve very very well, and i havo no problem destrying an average swf (the ones that tru3 calls "top 0.0001% god loopers"). im around ayrun's level
huntress: i try to go for extremely fancy hatchets, like coconutRST does. im around his level for close to medium range hatchets. i struggle a bit for long range hatchets.
nurse: i just started to learn her, so obviously im not good. my game experience, and the fact that matchmaking is broken, allows me to win 50% of my matches tho (i play at rank 1)
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I think I'm decent enough for both. I can get my jukes and 360s in for survivor but they're my main weakness and I can keep good gen pressure early game as killer (maybe because I run corrupt but we don't talk about that). I keep my ranks pretty much the same, being a red rank survivor and a green rank survivor. I definitely have at least quadruple the hours on survivor than killer. I take criticism well and it really helped me learn the game better.
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Definitely feel like I'm better than the average player in my rank group in both modes. But i still have my games where I play like an idiot so its definitely in flux
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As killer I am absolute garbage, and as survivor I'm somewhere between mediocre and absolute garbage.
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Recently hit 1K hours, not including mobile and switch. I think I'm a good killer overall, but I certainly do better with the ones I prefer. Kind of wish matchmaking could account for how bad my demo or oni or slinger or billy are. As a survivor I can loop the killer if I want but I don't find that fun, and I just generally don't enjoy survivor (unless I can play with friends). I usually run pebble and left behind, if that tells you anything (and IW cause I'm an Ash main). I think I hit the survivor skill ceiling pretty early, even in spite of being a killer main. If I wanted to 4K at any given time bad enough chances are I could against most lobbies as GF or one of my other mains.
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I don't play every killer, but when it comes to my mains, I would call myself above average. For survivor, I'm absolute garbage.
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Very good at both. No problem getting to rank 1 on either, but like to derank sometimes as killer. If I can get better at looping I think I will be one of the very best solo survivors on Xbox. I'm getting there 😀