Killer Idea - The Shadow v2

NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
edited December 2019 in Creations

This was one of my older idea's and I thought I could execute it better now.

The Shadow

Movement speed: 4.6 (115%)

TR: 24 meters

Height: Medium

Power: Black Mist - The Killer emits a Mist inside of the inner half of the terror radius. This mist is opaque to Survivors outside of it. Survivors inside the mist have their screen go monochrome and cannot differentiate from inside and outside the mist. Additionally they will become Oblivious until they exit the Mist. The Mist will disappear when outside of the Killers Terror radius.

The Killer has 2 Abilities related to the Mist: Expanding the Mist, and Locking the Mist.

Expanding the Mist is channeling for up to 3 seconds, during the channel the Terror radius will increase by up to 100%. Afterwards the Terror radius will gradually fade back down to it's base level over 10 seconds.

Locking the Mist grants the Killer the Undetectable status, and drops an invisible decoy that continues emitting the Terror radius. if the Killer exits the Mist his movement speed becomes 4.4 M/S (110%) and he needs to be in the mist for 3 seconds to regain full movement speed. Exiting the decoy Terror radius entirely will cancel the lock. If the Mist was expanded locking the Mist will halt the Terror radius from decaying.

The Killer has a visual ring representing how far the Mist goes and where it is if it's locked.


  • Creeping Dread - If a Survivor working on a Generator, sabotaging a hook or healing enters within 8 meters of you they will immediately receive a skill check. This can only activate on each Survivor once every 20/15/10 seconds.
  • Twilight Approaches - Start the trial with 3 tokens. Consume a token every time you strike a healthy Survivor. At exactly 3 tokens: Instantly down the Survivor. At exactly 2 tokens: You suffer no successful attack cooldown. At exactly 1 token: You receive a 5% movement speed bonus for 20/25/30 seconds.
  • Ravenous Hunter - Gain bloodlust 50/75/100% faster. Gain an additional 2% extra movement speed per tier of bloodlust.



  • Survivors inside of the Mist are blinded
  • Increases your maximum expanded Terror Radius by 25%
  • Your expanded Terror radius takes 2 seconds longer to decay
  • You do not emit a red stain


  • Increases your maximum expanded Terror Radius by 50%
  • Your expanded Terror radius takes 3 seconds longer to decay
  • Re-entering the Mist restores your movement speed 1 second faster
  • You expand the mist 50% faster
  • Negative status effects cannot be removed from Survivors while they are inside of the Mist (Deep Wounds doesn't count for this). Timers on negative status effects will be paused until they exit the mist.


  • Your expanded Terror radius takes 5 seconds longer to decay
  • Re-entering the Mist restores your movement speed 2 seconds faster
  • You expand the mist 100% faster
  • Survivors that exit the Mist receive a 5% Hindered status effect for 10 seconds
  • While outside of the Mist you are invisible to Survivors inside of the Mist


  • While outside of the Mist you see the aura of Survivors inside of the Mist
  • The Mist lingers for 5 seconds after leaving your terror radius
  • Survivors inside of the Mist have their repair, sabotage, gate opening and repair speeds decreased by 50%
  • You may exit your Decoys terror radius without unlocking the Mist


  • The Mist fills your entire Terror radius
  • While there are no Survivor in the Mist and you are in the Mist move 10% faster. While there is at least 1 Survivor in the Mist and you are outside of the Mist move 10% faster. Otherwise move 5% slower.
Post edited by NuclearBurrito on


  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,502

    Oooh sounds cool.

  • SmuggsBunny
    SmuggsBunny Member Posts: 10

    I feel like Creeping Dread would help experienced survivors more than it would hinder them. Maybe make the skill check an "Overcharge" -like skill check.

    For Twilight Approaches, it would probably be a waste of a perk slot after the first 3 chases. Maybe you could increase the tokens or make it a Hex perk.

    Ravenous Hunter, I think that's good. Like a faster Play With Your Food without having to act awkward to get one stack.

    Other than that, I think the rest is cool! Nice idea

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
    edited December 2019

    The function of Creeping Dread isn't to create a skill check which the Survivor will mess up on, but to create a skill check that distracts the Survivor. Remember it's distance based. So you'd approach them as a stealth Killer for a sneak attack and then the Survivor would have their attention drawn to a skill check JUUUST as your about to jump out and hit them. If it was an overcharge skill check then it would be a warning instead of a distraction.

    Or as some other non-stealth Killer the Skill Check comes just as your about to get too close, forcing the Survivor to either miss the Skill check or wait to complete it giving you extra distance on them.

    Twilight Approaches is stronger than you are likely giving credit. It's a perk that gives you a boost in your first 3 chases, which is the most critical point in the game as that's where Survivors have the ability to complete generators the fastest.

    I could still buff it anyways, but it wouldn't be with more tokens.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Btw what about the Killer? You've only commented on the perks.

  • SmuggsBunny
    SmuggsBunny Member Posts: 10

    About the perks, you made a good point. I wanted to think of the perks against experienced players, and I was thinking about how they could get around the perks or something in that sense.

    About the Killer itself though? I don't know. Maybe if the killer could place the terror radius in a Hotspot, or have the mist off and on in loops to give the survivor limited view? The power could be powerful. If the killer has the red light on while in the mist though, that could take away the whole stealth aspect of the power.

    I would like to see a drawing or a concept of what the Shadow looks like, y'know, is it human or a being? Just curious.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    When I was making this I kept going back and forth on if he would have a red light or not.

    I ended up not having it be automatically suppressed because it would be hard to see it in the mist anyways (since it's monochrome making it gray) and because he can manually suppress it if needed by locking the mist.

    As for what the shadow looks like, definitely pitch black such that you wouldn't be able to see any human features (although he's humanoid). Kinda like some depictions of the grim reaper minus the scythe. Other than that I don't really have much of a vision, I never really cared for aesthetics regarding this sort of thing. I'm far more interested in the mechanical side of things.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    I added the addons.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @SmuggsBunny addons look good?

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    I always thought it would be cool to have a killer that deals with the fog/mist so this sounds incredibly cool to me. Just A quick question about the red stain addon, is that for the entire match?

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Yes it's the whole time, which in practice just means if you are chasing someone inside the mist it goes from hard to see your red stain (due to it being gray because of the mono-chrome effect and probably blending in with everything) to impossible.

    The only way to exit the mist yourself is to first lock the mist which makes you undetectable removing your red stain anyways.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428
  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    More feedback plz.

  • Erohnic
    Erohnic Member Posts: 44

    Question, when Locking the mist, the killer is able to move around in the mist, while the area of the mist stays in one place right? I also think getting rid of the red light would be the move, since the mist basically says where you are at all times.

  • Erohnic
    Erohnic Member Posts: 44

    To further go, maybe while the mist is locked, you get the red light if you leave the mist would help balance it alittle

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Locking the mist gives you Undetectable which already removes the red light

    And thus this is always already the case.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    And yes, locking the mist let's you move independently of the mist.