Least favorite survivor

Mine is a toss up between jane and legion.
Janes voice gets on my nerves.
Legion cant do generators. But they have really cool cosmetics. And they can genderbend!
So Jane wins my least favorite survivor. Followed by Lori. Not because she is bad per se. Just that she brought OoO.
Claudette. Almost everyone I play with make the stupidest decisions imaginable in this game. Repeatedly. It's to the point where I'll outright refuse to play with more than one in the game because one meatshield distraction is enough to make the game challenging.
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Maybe Zarina? I think she's probably the most forgettable survivor
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Zarina. Her backstory is lame, her looks are lame, her perks are (for the most part) lame. She is just boring.
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You are both entitled to your opinions however wrong they are lol!
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Though to be fair i never read her story. I just had like 1 perk on her when i first played her and got 6 escapes in a row. Took it as a sign. Shes my only P3 survivor and only survivor with every perk (OoO excluded)
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You do you, I have never watched a single episode of Stranger Things or Evil Dead yet Demo and Ash are my mains because I do good with them
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Plauge: it doesn't matter whether I'm playing Min or Yui and it's probably not going to matter when I'm playing Cheryl I hate the sound of the survivors puking it's annoying as hell.
If I don't want a super buff the plague I'm stuck listening to for most if not all all of the game. that is usually a reason why when the last gen is popped or when we entered the clear stalemate I'm usually the first person who cleanses
Claudette: ever since Ochido (yeah even now) specific type of Claudette player who goes out of their way to be toxic without realising their favourite YouTuber in question usually goes up against the baby killers and most if not all of their stuff doesn't work against killers who at least moderately know what they're doing.
It's annoying as a fellow survivor because these people usually get down incredibly quickly. It's annoying as a killer that you guys honestly think I'm stupid enough to fall for the crouched by the locker in killer shack strategy. You insulted my intelligence by attempting it and you insulted your own intelligence by thinking it would work.
Nancy: I just hate Nancy as a character in Stranger things doesn't really matter what season she is portrayed in she always manages to be the worst character in that season. Makes me really wish we got Robin instead also any time I encounter a Nancy I usually put on a Mori just so I can at least get some justice for Barb.
Meg: the amount of Meg heads I have encountered as a survivor even at red ranks is absolutely ridiculous.
Gets on gen with you blows it up immediately runs away. ( which is super annoying because I normally run a lone wolf build so I usually have technician so not only did you screw over my perk you screwed me over as well)
The survivor most guilty of walking to the hook when you're about to hit second stage instead of just running to save you
She is also the survivor that has collectively farmed me the most then proceeded to blame the killer for tunneling if I asked them why they farmed me
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I second this. Jane's cries of pain are incredibly loud and very annoying.
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The second they had her square up to Oni (the chapter video) instead of cowering like most other people would.
He's an 8 foot demonic creature.
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Yeah im 6'7" and i would crap my pants seeing him. That could mean im chicken ######### or smart. Lol.
Never thought about that but a Robin legendary skin would he awesome. Plus, she only had 1 outfit so the scoops ahoy memes would be everywhere! That and robin really is pretty freaking cool!
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Megs and Dwights.
Kates <3333333333333333333333
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I've been in my fair share of scrapes, but if I saw a gigantic, flaming samuri warrior armed with a sword growling at me, I would go full Kevin from Home Alone: Loudly scream for 3 seconds, turn around, run back inside and hide under my bed.
Post edited by Dr_Loomis on2 -
I hate Zarina because she was an unnecessary addition to the game, but Nancy mains are trying to make me hate her despite the fact that I like the character
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Depend on what rank you are playing pal..
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Yui is just a badass, and a strong independent woman, who don't need no man to fight her battles.
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I think every new survivor is an unnecessary addition to the game. Just sell perks and skins.
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new perks are kinda unnecessary imo too. we already have too many perks to grind (from a new player pov)
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I dislike megs they tend to be cocky in their pathing abilities and try to lure me to the genless side of the map.