Sirenhead for dbd?

oh_0k Member Posts: 712

This is the creator of siren head talking about dbd

Sirenhead would probably be way too big for a dbd killer but he would still be cool if he got in this game

Maybe sirenhead could be put in as a map detail that walks around in the background of a map making distant siren noise?


  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921

    I love the idea of maps having unique functions, which Sirenhead would be amazing to have as a map feature and not so much a Killer. Maybe when a Survivor is downed it’ll mimic their scream, or play fake heartbeats like the Doctor does. Sounds like fun to me.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,723

    I really don't get all the love for this creature that I've seen recently. I mean, it's cool for the dude that made it that it has taken off but I just don't get the love for it at all. It's a tall thing with a siren for a head and it kills you, okay? It seems like something more out of SCP then anything.

    What's next, a telephone pole monster that slowly absorbs your life force the more you talk on the phone, eventually turning into you, killing and then replacing you.

    I know I'm being overly critical but I just don't get it and that makes me feel old. It like Slenderman all over again but the 2020 version.

  • brubli
    brubli Member Posts: 214
  • aderpymuffin
    aderpymuffin Member Posts: 97

    It might have to be a new game mode. Siren head just wouldn't work to me if he was 7 - 9 feet tall. But I've seen DBD pull off a lot of killers I've previously said the couldn't so if they wan't to hell yeah they should go for it!

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    The thing is supposed to be as tall as a tree. Do not see him working as a Killer, there are so many better options if you want something already established. Now taking inspiration from the sound mimicry could be interesting.

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    now he definitely wouldn't work as a killer because, well, he's a tall boy.

    But that map function idea got me thinking. i've seen a request for a creepypasta killer every now and then. uncommon, but a cool idea nonetheless. what if we had a chapter that was full blown creepypasta. I get that it's never going to happen, i'm not saying we need it, but it's an interesting idea. SirenHead in the background, maybe mimicking survivor screams or generator completion noises, Jeff/Jane the killer skins for legion, Maybe herobrine the rake hanging out in the back of a forest map w/ SirenHead, and the head of creepypastas as the killer mr. Slenderman himself. I don't know about a survivor though. the lobby could have subtle references to other popular tales like a dirtied soviet union emblem for the russian sleep experiment, or a dog bowl with a smile on it for smile dog.

    in other words: creepypasta chapter would be cool for all the things it could do, but it never will happen for a couple of reasons.

  • dbdplsaddpennywise
    dbdplsaddpennywise Member Posts: 12

    I would defiiantly would like siren head as a killer. they just need to make him shorter then how he is normally and taller then the other killers. the tallest is probably the huntrest but she is always hunched over making it uncertain. and i do like it when siren head knocks a survivor down it plays the scream. siren head would be a great addition into the game just not alot of people dont seem to like the idea. for once it could be better then having jason in the game

  • DingDongs
    DingDongs Member Posts: 684

    If siren head is impossible because he's tall gigantic monster than make "original character" base on him and called "The siren boi"

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    I agree, the first time I ever knew about this siren head was about two weeks ago because YouTube recommended a video about it to me.

    It was presented as a scary game and I honestly couldn't help but laugh over how silly it was. I mean the loud sirens and its power to bass boost and mimic other noises.

    Not long after I went to my living room and caught my little brother playing roblox with the siren head noises, he was going weee uuuuuu weeee uuuuu. LMAO!

    I guess if he is added into the game his mori can be annoying the survivors to death by playing bass boosted music while shoving the survivors head into the siren.