Console players please read
Enough is enough. We've been promised optimization for over a year. I ask all you console players of the fog to take a stand with me until they fix this game and make us up to par w PC. Are consoles are MORE then powerful enough to handle it. Don't buy the new chapter. Don't buy ANY DLC PERIOD, no matter how bad you want to. We NEED to take a stand, because it's the ONLY way there finally gonna care about us, and finally give us some much needed and well deserved TLC. If you want a change, this unfortunately is the only way. We make up a nice% of there income now. Time we got the respect we deserve. Thanks.
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Good luck with this.
It won't have any effect sadly.
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Already bought the new chapter and I am liking it, sorry.
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Too late I just bought it.
As an Xbox player you have to just accept consoles are not perfect. I have noticed big difference since dbds release in terms of performance and there's still a way to go.
Boycotting or protesting console optimization just means you'll be forcing yourself to take on a disgruntled stance and not be able to let yourself change your mind.
My biggest problem with console optimization was the loading times getting into matches. It used to take about 5 minutes to load into each match and now it takes about a minute.
Dbd has a small team of around 60 people as far as I know. If you want to see console optimization you have to support the game.
I do encourage you to raise your concerns but wanting to boycott buying the Silent Hill Chapter is counter productive.
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I have zero issues with my Xbox copy of DBD so I'm good. I suppose it could be prettier but I don't play DBD because of the cutting edge graphics.
Good luck with your boycott or whatever you want to call this thing
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I didn't have any intention to buy it anyway.
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The only issue I have is with the wimpy Switch overheating and you can bet Nintendo is getting a letter about that ASAP. Sorry but, in my specific case, the issue is with faulty and inferior hardware design and engineering. My last Nintendo system ever.
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Nah man I'm good.
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that's just stupid and none will do that. I am not gonna let the new chapter because you are not good. Consoles are fine.Get gud
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I'll pass, my only issue was horrible sensitivity. Now that its fixed I'm playing better than ever and loving it.
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They don't even answer questions about the optimization, they just ignore everytime someone asks about it. I made a thread about this same issue yesterday. I'm just not gonna play killer anymore until they release an optimization patch for console.
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Take it from me console players, if you're play this game like I did, there is an extremely likely chance you will eventually reach a point where this game immediately overheats you'd system.. My PS4 is wrecked pretty much, any game I play my PS4 starts sending me smoke signals.
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With the coming graphics update later in the year, I would think console would get a performance boost just by default? To support it. At least i'd hope. I don't have too many issues on ps4 pro.
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Sorry already bought it.
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I agree with your sentiments but I'm not NOT going to get to laying waste with PH as soon as I get near my Xbox. I'm not strong enough lol
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To late homey. Hes gonna be p1 in a few hours...
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Funny, my Xbox doesn't do that... 😈
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My PS4 doesn't do that.
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I suggest you listen to this person, they speak of True-true. The last thing you want to do to get your desired results is stop spending $. The way I see it, the more console players they see are shelling out for content, the more motivated they will be to get to things like optimization. I see frequent updates to consoles, and that's actually pretty impressive. Look at what happened to 7 days to die- things could be far far worse. I think BHVR is doing well and will support them for the efforts I appreciate instead of boycotting them for the one or two things I would like to see happen that haven't yet. Patience. Patience and appreciation.
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My PS4 is fine go fix your console
Love the new chapter soon Prestige 1
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It won't, it'll make things worse. More demanding graphics = more stress on an already underperforming platform = worse performance.
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The problem is that optimization isn't something that can be fixed in a day. It's going to take time, especially in a game that's super prone to bugs like DbD.
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well, maybe its time to open up your console, clean the fans from dust and replace the thermal paste. I dont own a ps4 tho, but back in the days I did the same thing with my ps3 which helped a lot. You should clean the console and replace the thermal paste after around 3-5yrs (depends on the amount of time it has been used as well as the enviroment).
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It doesn't yet. Also keep in mind I bought PS4 on it's initial release, so mine might just be older than yours...
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Oh, finally something for the Xbox to brag about
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OP does have a point. Unreal Engine 4 can easily handle 60fps on console for this game. But we still only get 30fps.
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You know, this is absolutely true and I haven't gotten all the way into my PS4 in a minute.. at this point I'm worried the thermal paste wouldn't have an effect, maybe the damage is already done. Guess I should open it and see for myself, I just need a new small screwdriver.
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I had mine for 4 years now and it still runs like a champ. Maybe you just have to clean it up a bit
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Same here. It does get significantly louder,but I made I'm almost Devotion 2 from just a few months of playing,so it definitely gets heavy rotation,lol. Never had an issue.
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Right, the PS4 came out in 2013 so I've had it for about 7. It definitely needs a clean. That said so does this games optimization. I don't want to ######### on parades but it's the law of attrition here. If you're constantly playing a game that's running your system hot, regardless of all the thermal pasting and fan cleaning you'll do, it wears on your GPU. This game is not that graphics intensive to run your ######### hot like that. All I'm saying, been my experience, never had another game runy PS4 this hot
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I'm between red and purple ranks on ps4. Been playing since it's release. Go sit down jr
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Console is cleaner than a alcohol pad, never has any issues with FR w other games that have 10x the graphics this does, and none of them make my console sound like a jet engine. Only dbd
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That's what I've been trying to stress for months, but some just don't get it.
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It's been 3 years, or close to it. How long does it take then?
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Oh, and if your a survivor main, your not gonna really notice it as much. Play killer though. Main them for about 20 matches and then tell me there isn't an issue. Then, go play killer on PC and really tell me there's no issue with console...
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I'm a Killer main. Two of my five Killers happen to be Doctor and Freddy, two graphic-heavy Killers. I know there are issues with optimization and I hate dealing with them. They start to really take effect after I play a few Killer games, so after I start seeing major issues, I just quit the game and either restart it or play something else. I really want consoles to be optimized and I know how much sucks to play like this, but we have to be patient. Do you want the devs to rush console optimization and risk breaking something else entirely?
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Seems fine to me.
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That’s what I’m doing, I feel a lot less stressed too. I just run WGLF and I make about the same BP’s anyways
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I play since relish and everything is fine. I have ps4 since 2013 and everything is just fine. Sure body