Controversial opinion time : enter your controversial opinions below!

Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

Add anything you believe in, but know a lot of people would either disagree with or don't like. so long as its not toxic to any particular player group (survivor/killer.) or derogatory towards anyone else in this thread!

I'll start :

I am of the firm belief that keys of purple and pink variety should only be found in chests whilst running plunderers instinct. They shouldn't be a baseline chest item due to their incredible power to turn the tide of a match in a favour. i've been on both sides of the coin and it just feels... odd finding a free escape route due to random luck.

I also think there should be more chests by default on maps :P


  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Bubba is an A tier killer.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited June 2020

    Most controversial opinions are quite popular, they're just not usually held by an absolute majority of players (>50%).

    (This is my controversial opinion.)

  • WTBacon
    WTBacon Member Posts: 593

    I honestly think Bubba isn't that bad, he just needs some love. As well as every single one of his add-ons getting looked at.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Patch 3.4.0 was a buff for legion

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Spies From the Shadows is an awesome perk! (I mean it too!)

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,782

    SWF aren't nearly as bad as people make them out to be.

    Pig is a lot better than people give her credit for. I'm a recent changed believer myself.

    DS is fine as is though I'm not opposed to it being tweaked.

    Not nearly as controversial as it used to be but NoED is also perfectly fine.

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    Most people don't hate Claudette's because they're "toxic". They are literally the product of the Monkey Ladder experiment.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    docs reversed skillchecks actually help with hitting greats

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807

    Not really a controversial opinion - but more a fact. NOED is not OP, and is perfectly balanced.

  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2020

    They should've given legacy clothing to people who leveled their killer to level 50 but didn't prestige because the leveling system made it not worth the trouble :(

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    V controversial and ily for it

    ironically enough i am both inclined to agree and disagree. controversial opinions can be very popular due to their very nature of the opinion itself, but quite a few can also be unpopular and not well talked about due to many other even more controversial or more "important opinions" being held in manys high esteem

    i think it deffinately pushed him up, but i view it more as a sidegrade personally. he's very middle of the line, able to captalize on mistakes, but at the same time easy to hit the limits of, with not much to combat many widely used tactics. it did however make him more useable ngl. was deffiantely a step in the right direction though he needs a few more.

    Now ho ho ho this is controversial! im actually really interested to hear why. is it because many don't play around it in your opinion? or because its genuinely good? because i could see arguements being made to the contrary, but honestly ngl whilst i don't use it myself, i probably would if i didn't have bbq or bitter murmur. Whats your opinion on whispers though?

    honestly i feel like these are rather safe opinions, but at the same time also ones not widely shared haha. that being said true god tier swf like people make out every swf to be are next to non existent. your very unlikely to find a very hardcore 4 man squad out in the wild, though they do exist. most people just want to have fun, and occasionally their high skilled which is always a bonus imo. it becomes a problem when they become abusive gameplay wise, or utelize bugs and other forms of play to push themselves over on you though.

    i think any killer can be played in a ridiculus fashion though. pure example of this being a camping leatherface. never fun for the opposite side, though at the same time, its not as if its unfun for the killer, or a legitmately bad strategy in some cases. just very unfun and well, toxic in some cases.

    personally i think its less monkeys ladder, more bandwagon effect. i mained claudette for the longest time, and i 99% of the time am farming bp/going for speed heal builds. or atleast i was back in those days (hence claudette with botany knowledge.) now i do so on kate though, my main survivor with all my perks, where i can do my crazy autodidact, we'll make it, no one left behind and botany knowledge green medkit speed heal builds in peace.

    though a lot of players do genuinely dislike the p3 skin due to its very blendy nature. which can at times be legitmately unfun when you have a 4 man squad of them do nothing for 20 mins just to tick you off (i had a game like this a year ago where they all hid in bushes and lockers on yamoka until i finally dc'ed after 20mins of not a single gen popping and finding two of them.)

    I mean as survivor? definately though i do enjoy a fair amount of solo q myself. though its just more fun with friends!

    Honestly? very controversial and out there but i think you might actually be right. its untraining the pure like timing aspect, and retraining the focus aspect, due to the different turning of the skill check requiring hightened focus and therefore more precision when it comes to actual great skill checks? im no psycho analyist but in a way i actually do feel this is correct. atleast in training the brain a different way.

    personally i disagree in the extent it's OP. things are allowed to be strong but perfectly balanced. Noed can feel cheap to me personally though, expecially when paired with over altruisim of the other side (or my team mates) but at the same time i also feel its similtaneously very balanced and fair? just cheap/very powerful. Like iridecent head on its own, being rather fair, and counterable. but when you pair that with just walking up to someone, an infantry belt and iron maiden... gets kinda ooft.

    I think this is just player bias though coming into play. people are more likely to remember bad experiences over good experiences its kinda human nature too. thats why i personally try to spread positivity wherever i can in this game because i know what its like to have a bad match on both sides. lotta people think they gotta give it out as bad as they get it though, killers and survivors both, and the community suffers for it as it becomes a resounding message of hating either side when collectively we just love this game and the matches we have in it as a whole. negative experiences shape our perceptions though.

    i think the survivor perk thing though is personal bias. the survivor playerbase is arguably larger then the killer playerbase, and the loud minority of them is always going to be more active then the majority who learns and plays the game like the rest.

    totally agree with the toxicity part. what goes around shouldn't come around after all. support positive matches, and like just because someones a dick and body blocks you in a corner 3 mins doesn't give you the right to do the same to others sort of thing. or general bullying in endgame chat/other very toxic messages. it just contributes to peoples hate towards each other.

    i raise you this opinion. - your probably not wrong when in the right hands, though at the same time, he's far from the best or even mid tier and needs some help.

    i.... i feel like that happened to you or a loved one. if so my condolences and i feel that. here's hoping with the new prestige changes comign eventually that either legacy outfits are made avalible or something cooler is.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    the new map is the most poorly designed map in the game with how long it takes to reach the gens because of the lack of staircases and it gives me the haddonfield longwall fence vibes, it also performs at lower fps than other maps making it super laggy, there are more than a few extremely safe windows and pallets and has extremely poor hitboxes on loops making huntress unplayable. basically its lerys, haddonfield, and ormond rolled into one

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Billy is only top tier in the hands of a competent player. Otherwise he is one of the easiest Killers to play against.

  • OhMyWords
    OhMyWords Member Posts: 230

    Saloon is the best map in the game. Old feral frenzy is better than new burger frenzy.

  • Kotentopf
    Kotentopf Member Posts: 276

    there are so much rare offerings/addons, that these you want are actually ultra rare and ultra rare stuff is uncommon, maximal rare

  • CaptainSkel
    CaptainSkel Member Posts: 24

    If another survivor is being camped, just finish gens, let them die and leave. Camping is only punished if you take advantage of it.

  • Strancol
    Strancol Member Posts: 158

    We don't need sexuality in this game. Who cares if David is gay and Jake straight. Let the players decide if character is gay or not.

    Sexuality should stay away from video games

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099
    edited June 2020

    Green add-ons are usually the best and most reliable on every killer and ultra rare add-ons are usually the worst.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    I’m happy to answer why I like the Spies perk! (And before I start, I’m typing in a mildly-amused mindset. Not argumentative, as things can be lost in text 😋)

    First, just from what I’ve read on the forums, Whispers seems to be far more popular than Spies, which I why I posted about it on this thread. I’ve tried Whispers a few times, but could never get much value from it. Prolly just my play style, but Spies works so much better for me!

    I like Spies because:

    • It helps you pinpoint where survivors are (as opposed to Whispers which just gives you an area to search in.)
    • If they mindgame you and run off in a different direction from where you’re looking, the birds can redirect you.
    • If they run through a bunch of birds, it’s almost as good as seeing auras as you can literally watch the progression of their movements.
    • Survivors don’t seem to even realize or care that they’re scaring crows most of the time. Even if not being chased, they’ll walk right past multiple crows which can alert you to a lurker.
    • If you’re lucky enough to get Hawkins while you have Spies equipped, well...... 😈 Let’s just say it gives scratched mirror Myers a run for his money!
    • Its highly versatile in seeking, chasing, mind-gaming, and maintaining an overall higher situational awareness (Like if another is nearby to try a flashlight save, for example.) To this point, I see Whispers as only helping with seeking.

    Anyway, that’s it off the top of my head, though there have been a great many situations that it’s been vital for me!

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Im not to sure about preformance issues as i have a above average pc, but i can attest to alot of players feeling a very locked in and hard to navigate vibe. lots of people don't think its poorly designed though, just hard to navigate with long walls. mind elaborating on the safe window part? haven't tried huntress on it so can't attest to that, but seems wondeful for deathslinger, if a big again difficult to cross in some places.

    i don't believe many people are utilizing the torment/cage effect to its full potential though. imo/my experience, i usually get them all tormented and leave that effect on them until their second hook, or when there on death hook to save on travel time through the instant mori/denying perks like DS and unbreakable. its more a counter to playstyles then an objective tool. i personally find him more rewarding due to his difficulty and feel that he could become amazing with stealth builds (a le tinkerer) and getting really good with getting behind walls shots. he has a lot of area denial in his kit too which pleases me, as theres not a lot of that outside of trap based killers, like plague has a lil bit with her infection, but most people remain infected for the most part so that quickly becomes irrelevant when there already infected.

    oh i think thats just an undeniable fact, but you could say that about a lot of killers. billy just has more potential then most due to his high mobility and instant down, and combined with his high skill cap and techniques like curving, he can be a monster in the right hands which is why a lot of people give him the credit he's due. in an average players hands though he becomes very easy to dodge, akin to a huntress.

    agreed on saloon. its by far my fav map, and i send myself there frequently as survivor despite it being a lil killer sided. (i love its overall asthetic, it has some good loops, and is generally very fun! plus its legit the most fun oni map, because i can charge around like the hulk and break stuff) i think both frenzy's had their ups and downs. still needs steps to be better tho

    yeah i get what your saying. green offerings are ironically rarer due to bloat of a lot of green type things for example. vs purple/pink raritys which are usually what you want.

    I understand this but im ngl chief im always going to attempt to save against the insidious bubba no matter if it kills me. no one deserves that fate

    I understand this is a controversial opinions thread... and to an extent i agree. to an extent. unwarranted and purely throw away unneccessities are absolutely not ok, expecially if your throwing in sexuality purely for the sake of bonus points, inclusion, or to bring in a wider fanbase from the lgbtq fanbase. but at the same time inclusivity is incredibly important and people want things they can identifiy with in every type of media and its important to show these kinds of things in all forms. does that mean we need an entire archive devoted to david having homoerotic tendencies? Absolutely not, but opening up these barriers and including lore and creating stories around blank slates is the entire purpose of the archives. if it makes sense and is loyal to what we already know of charecters im all for it. expecially if it allows someone out there in the fanbase something greater to identify with and feel included and noticed. if its thrown in without thought? creates a bad story for the purpose of just being so? im not for that.

    Sexuality is neccessary for all forms of media. should it be in dbd? arguable. archives? well its lore around charecters. if the storys good, i'll enjoy and support it is the main thing. and if it makes someone out there whose on the lgbtq spectrum happier? im all for it. gotta make sense and be purposeful though, because even me as a straight white boy from ol nz, can enjoy a nice gay story about two people coming out. or heck just people being gay in general yada yada yada. im babbling at this point but whilst i see your point i think its something that should probably be neglected, for the fact that greater inclusivity allows for greater story telling, and more love from all sides.

    and i bring you = Iri hatchet! and Iri tombstone/tuft of hair! i see your point tho. a lot of them are very transformitive in nature and not always just a straight buff. honestly though, i'd prefer if every single addon in the game changed how a charecter functioned slightly/without just being a buff. i like the creativity and applyability for different builds. if every addon was like a trait from f:nv, or every addon acted like things such as scratched mirror, or prayer beads, or like bone clapper etc i would be very happy. green addons usually just add straight percentages or buffs to killers which arguably make them better by a long shot.

    Honestly im not even going to lie you've convinced me and remained incredibly positive and descriptive throughout! <3 personally i would prefer it being aura reading, or at the least personal cooldowns for each survivor. but now im genuinely considering trying spies again! i've always prefered whispers for as you said, seeking, along with its endgame and start of game potential - but with how you described its use in a chase (which i thought it deactivated in a certain radius for whatever reason) i might have to try it again! that being said calm spirit is slowly becoming more and more of a meta perk, due to infectious fright, so im not to sure if it would work too to well expecially in the future haha. nor on the killers i mostly play such as oni, doctor, freddy and trapper, but i'll deffinately see about experimenting with it and trying it out! might be something else i might recommend to newer friends trying to play killer haha.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    I usually don't count the add-ons that are just OP like iridescent head, that is a stupid add-on and the belt shouldn't work with it.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    I mean i just think iri head should be distance based like death slingers addon. any shot outside of 20m-25m radius is an instant down. requires skill, and has counterplay. then take away the lack of hatchets portion. boom decent addon, thats powerful, yet not absurd.

    i mean, putting all survivors into torment is reasonably easy if they decide to loop an area. they can't avoid it forever. take shack as an example, just placing a small amount of goop at the shack pallet/window makes it really gosh darn hard to loop it without getting tormented. plus a lot of survivors straight up will ignore it and loop as normal + dodging/faking against your ranged attack, specially if their confident.

    you gotta keep in mind if they just touch a milimeter of your goop there now tormented for the rest of the match unless you cage them, (or i believe they release someone from a cage?) ie their tormented forever, and can thusly be mori'ed on final hook, or if they try to DS, just down them and send them to a cage. being instant saved from a cage, whilst it may be a loss of pressure in terms of area/chase, its a HUGE time save for killer, even more so then just simply not hooking them. instant save, means they have no perks activated from it and have lost a single hook state within 5s. plus you know where they are. not always useful, but it completely denies ds users/unbreakables and puts them on their final hook.

    he herds sort of like trapper and clown in that way. you make them go towards your torment, either pre placed or placed in a chase.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Hey I’m glad to see that you’ve opened your mind to the bounty that the birds can bring! Lol

    In all seriousness though, I’m eager to see your feedback after trying a few games with the perk. I get value from it on every killer (except deathslinger. His shots scare them off 🙁). But to help ease you into it, I recommend slapping down a Hawkins offering and using Legion. As soon as you deep wound somebody, those birds will start popping all around!

  • PassarinoT
    PassarinoT Member Posts: 910

    There need to be more paths/windows for survivors to run to. I absolutely HATE gameplay revolving around looping. I want to chase a survivor halfway around the map if I'm gonna get ran for a bit. Not around 2 pallets and a shack.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,874

    The hatch is garbage and shouldn't be in the game. Killers should've never had the hatch grab taken away.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529
    edited June 2020

    The game never left its early access state from 2016.

    • Optimisation is still incredible bad (especially on console).
    • Every bigger update is plagued with so many bugs. Some parts of the game are particularly hit hard by this, like sound or killer powers.
    • Hitboxes and netcode are especially bad. The developers's excuses that its done for "performance reasons" hold no ground, considering that every modern game nowadays has atleast some degree of accurate hitboxes for their characters. This becomes an incresingly pressuring issue with ranged killers like Huntress, or Deathslinger.
    • Animations do not reflect the hitboxes. For example an injured survivor, who's leaning forward while running, has the same hitbox as an healthy survivor. Which is misleading to an observer.
    • Its notoriously easy to cheat, hack, exploit, and abuse in this game. Both with and without coding skills applied.

    The game just had its 4th anniversity, and not a single problem in the list is even remotely close to being fixed. The game is one of the most popular games on Steam according to Steamcharts, so I can't imgine the developers struggling on the financial side.

  • undeadcookie
    undeadcookie Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2020

    You shouldn't be able to flashlight blind Killers while they're picking up a survivor and still have it force them to drop a survivor.

    It's annoying af to down a survivor in the open and then have no wall or object to look at to avoid the stun. You have to bait out the survivor with a flashlight which can lead to the downed survivor either being revived or using Unbreakable. It makes it feel like there's no counter play outside of running Franklin's.

  • Kachowzer420
    Kachowzer420 Member Posts: 1

    The silent hill chapter is extremely disappointing, the killer isn’t fun to loop at all, and seems super fast, and the map feels cramped and hard to navigate due to every room seeming the same

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    Charms are the worst reward in the game, hard to believe people get excited for them. They're dogs**t.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    DS should absolutely work in a locker. It's the ONLY defense against a Tunnel-Mori.

  • Uistreel
    Uistreel Member Posts: 634

    Myers isn't that good of a killer

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Survivors are a team and need to act as such to survive, therefore many of the toxic things killers can do that could have been avoided (such as farming) are on the survivors and not the killer and the killer shouldn't be punished for it/should be able to freely take advantage of the teams mistake. In the same vein, survivors ability to rank up should be based more around teamwork and altruism than generators or running killers. Who cares if you run the killer for 5 minutes, you had 2 unsafe unhooks and never touched a gen. You don't deserve to rank up.

  • R52G
    R52G Member Posts: 257

    Controversial Opinion: The DC Penalties screw some people over who basically aren’t gifted with God’s WiFi password and have to use regular WiFi. I believe with this the devs need to make a system that actually makes sure those who aren’t actually disconnecting but still get taken out can not get screwed by it. From what I‘ve seen it happens to Xbox players a lot too.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    DbD shouldn't need to be balanced and they should prioritise fun over balance

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088
    edited June 2020

    DC penalties should be harder. Like, 10 minutes from 1-st DC. It also should flag player as DCer for some time and during matchmaking put him with other DCers if possible.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Bring back the lobby ranks or give is rank based clothing options.

  • cenoflame
    cenoflame Member Posts: 320
    edited June 2020

    People that don't heal up even when the killer is busy are garbage.

  • ich_häng_mal_rum
    ich_häng_mal_rum Member Posts: 435

    You don’t need 4k for a good game or a win. A killer who earn around 30.000 bp is better than a 4k-killer with his 20.000 bp.

  • SaltedSnow
    SaltedSnow Member Posts: 309

    If it did what it said on the tin it would be trash, however I will agree that it's good right now, because the cooldown is broken so you get constant accurate location updates

  • SaltedSnow
    SaltedSnow Member Posts: 309

    @Maelstrom10 I'm not the same guy but spies from the shadows is actually not too bad right now; they broke the ######### cooldown a couple patches ago so now it has no cooldown at all. You get to know exactly where people are going and get constant accurate location updates. It's almost like a budget IF right now.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,207

    Hawkins is extremely survivor sided, but barely anybody knows how to run the pallets.

  • SaltedSnow
    SaltedSnow Member Posts: 309

    Ironically this means the game should be balanced. Things made for fun in a PvP game are rarely ever fun for both sides.

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    Add ons that makes Trapper traps darker are just cosmetics for it

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Paths i can agree but windows? the reason they are limited is because they are an unkickable pallet which can be chained into other loops. its very hard to design anything with a lot of windows that can't be infinited. hell people can do so off of a single window, let alone multiple, so if every loop/path ended in a window i could see that ending poorly.

    what i want to see is less powerful pallets, that can be mindgamed or played incredibly differently depending on the way a survivor paths towards it/killer corrals a player towards it. being less powerful from one side, more powerful from another and equally mindgameable if you just ran straight towards it kind of thing. kind of like 1 or 2 of the many pallets on hawkins, where the pallet if run around one side of a wall can be powerful, but if ran straight to without chaining it loses any kind of power due to the short sides. obvs in a better fashion of course.

    but.. they can close it now? before a survivor even gets to it? which is so much better then just standing on it with a healthy survivor and no insta down for 2 hrs because you want the 4k but can't grab the survivor without them going into it first and having stand off scenarios? having no hatch would be just as bad leaving no exit scenario for the final survivor other then doing up to a total of 400s worth of gen time (if no gens get done)?

    deffinately a controversial opinion atleast haha. appreciate it, but kindly have to disagree.

    you can look down/up directly after the pick up animation stops locking your charecter camera, and unless the blind time is perfect you won't drop the survivor. looking in the opposite direction after baiting a survivor to try and come for the save and driving them temporarily off is usually enough to grant you those extra seconds and prevent a blind. also lightborn is a perk if you tend to be struggling a lot with flashlights, as it completely ruins the blind timer for survivors. just run it if you see 3-4 in a lobby. otherwise it should be a non issue most of the time.

    infectious fright is also another good counter by giving you awareness they're there.


    thats hard though, as its really really easy in a lot of cases to just fake a un-natural disconnect. they could punish pressing the button harder, but then that will cause people to just task manager the game away. they could try to detect cut outs, but anyone can just disable wifi on windows 10 or pull their ethernet cord. i wish to god it was more lenient as sometimes i have the worst internet. but i also know that its incredibly incredibly diffcult to do so.

    i mean i agree with the timer part, more so if they've been previously known to dc (ie if a player maybe disconnects every 1 hundred games, it should be less.) flagging dc'ers and matching them with others would only further them and their toxic attitudes though. i mean you might dc, but being paired with 4 other angry or toxic people who are likely to do so would completely kill the game for them. the best solution is to just lengthen the timer which you already said, in order to give them a chance to tone it down/calm down.

    I'd say it depends on the killer and situation. why should i heal when theres one gen left, i've never been hooked and the killers busy? expecially when me and said survivor im with (because outside of bringing perks/items how else would i do so) i could likely pump that generator out in 50-60s or so. people that don't heal at all are horrible. people that know how to prioritize their time, utilize perks like adrenaline etc to do so for them are smart

    Good fun match <- Bloodpoints <- escaping/4king to me. having a fun match but getting next to no bp (tho not likely) will always be better then just simply "winning"


    Fun and balance aren't inherently opposites though. nothing needs to be perfectly balanced. but very unfun things shouldn't exist (ie forever freddy 1.0, and how godawful that was to play against despite being verrrrry fun as killer. it wasn't op, or even insanely strong, it just made the game very lax and slow.)

    I actually 100% agree. except when you manage to get a 3gen due to unintelligent play, or your playing a stealth killer.

    I absolutely disagree and i feel like otzdarva would murder you on the spot for saying that haha.

    there is a huge difference between a green addon trap being able to hide on land and regular tiles/next to objects, and a normal trap sticking out like a sore thumb. i equate it to oni's top knot in a way, that its in no way neccessary, but it brings up the things you can do with the killer and makes them easier to play.

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    Most people are in Red Ranks because their opponents are bad, not because they are good. (And Ranking system is flawed. But that's not an unpopular opinion.)

    It's fine to sacrifice a teammate if the rest of the team can take advantage of it.

    Most cases of tunneling/camping or Genrush are the fault of the survivor/killer.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    Because Infectious Fright is so powerful on strong killers, Calm Spirit should be meta.

    SWF has extended the life of the game.

    Both sides have OP stuff that needs to be looked at. And defending it with "You have OP this so we should have OP that" shouldn't be used to justify it.

    Bare-faced Jake is better than bearded Jake, fight me.