Hope these sh perks got buffed

Chapter comes out soon. I'll be disappointed if none of ph perks got buffed. DON'T SAY IT'S A KNEEJERK REACTION BECAUSE THEY NERFED GEARHEAD ON RELEASE AND IT WAS NEVER EVEN GOOD
I wouldn't be surprised if they would nerf Deathbound and not buff the other perks.
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Careful what you wish for, they may just nerf them just out of spite like gearhead.
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Knowing bhvr it's a possibility
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I hope all perks except Repressed Alliance get buffed tbh :') but most of the perks have their good little uses so we shall see.
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I will piss myself laughing if they find some way of nerfing trail of torment
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I really hope Repressed Alliance gets buffed to require less work to activate and can be activated more often. It’s very clear the Perk was made to counter Pop without actually nerfing it since Killers aren’t allowed to have good anti-gen Perks anymore, but the fact that you have to work on gens for a full minute just to prevent the use of Pop on a singular gen for 30 seconds, once per match, is extremely terrible.
I also hope Forced Penance gets buffed to have a more powerful effect when triggered, such as Oblivious or reducing the attack’s cooldown or something.
I think Blood Pact could use a few small tweaks, but I think overall it will be in the same vein of Aftercare, Empathy, and Bind where it’s not necessarily good, but very useful in solo play and quite fun.
Deathbiund is actually quite nice. It won’t change the meta, but if you’re looking for a solid Perk that encourages Survivors sticking together and provides decent tracking, it’s there.
Trail of Torment needs to lose the whole “tell every single Survivor you have it” deal. That literally defeats the point of the Perk.
I hope Soul Guard gets nerfed into the same tier as Mettle of Man because a Perk such as that being even remotely good is about as good for the game’s health as old Legion.
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Soul Guard is good but its not old Mettle Of Man good. How could you think its that good?
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Read back to me where I said that.
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You said it needs to be nerfed hard like MOM implying they're on the same power level
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Hey, remember that time the developers went "We're so mad at our players and our goal is to make them angry, so we're nerfing this perk JUST to spite them"?
Yeah no, that's not how anything works.
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If that implies that, then Donald Glover is the president of Russia.
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They seem to be on a trend of not changing much content wise once it's on the PTB.
Also wouldn't it be really dumb to change the perks after all that testing only to have newly untested perks on the live release? Unless it's just small number changes but that wouldn't make us happy either would it.
I don't envy them right now but I can agree that the perks seem fairly weak rn.
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I'm pretty sure the perks will be released the way they were shown in the spotlight trailer,sadly
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I am still mad at the nerf to gearhead. I use it sometimes in my builds but it just feels unreliable.
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I mean, the spotlight trailer says forced penance applies the oblivious status effect, change is still possible
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Wait a sec. They nerfed gearhead? #########
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Yup. Used to be 45 seconds and worked on great skill checks.
Still wasn't amazing but was at least alright. Now it's just bad.
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They didn't.
Balance wise this patch is boring. Atleast DLC content gives us something to play with for a week
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That was a mistake in the script.
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5 perks were actually changed in the update but the patch notes didn't include them. I think the patch notes have been updated so you should check them again.
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They changed it anyway, its is slightly better now, it applies the broken status for 40/50/60 seconds which is neat, but still not really strong.
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I dunno, having a full minute of someone being stuck in one-hit mode is interesting. It means you can go after the person they were protecting, eventually hook them, and still have some assurance that the person who tanked the hit is unlikely to have healed back to full. That scenario really wasn't practical when you only had 30 seconds.
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That's effectively the only conceivable reason to nerf a perk that was already mediocre at best
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Or maybe they know something we don't? There are a lot of interactions that can happen between game mechanics. My default assumption in cases like this is that they are heading off an especially strong use case at the pass.
It's positively absurd to think a developer would make balance choices out of spite, this is not a junior high playground.
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Mmm deathbounds change looks pretty dope, trail tackled the cooldown a little bit at least though by ignoring the primary issue I still doubt I'll use it. Having used alert a fair amount I know just how powerful knowing the killers exact location is. Even doubled I don't believe I'll ever bother to even unlock penance. I don't want it clogging anyone else's bloodweb. What a terrible perk. Activation condition is what still kills the perk.
Yall arguing over my comment? The spite part was at least half joke. They clearly didn't want anyone to ever use the perk so dumpstered gear head rediculiously hard.
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No? Its because MOM was nerfed into F tier because it was SOOOO overpowered it broke the game. Soul Guard is a B+ tier perk MAYBE even less. Its not worthy enough for that huge of a nerf.
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Yes, it is. That’s why I said a Perk such as that does not deserve to be in any way good. It is inherently bad design that is extremely unhealthy for the game, just like Mettle of Man, even in its current state.
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How is Soul Guard that OP? Picking someone off the ground and for 8 seconds they can take a hit? I'd understand if it was like 15 seconds or something but 8? Its not that bad and doesn't counter slugging all that much.
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8 seconds is a massive window in this game, where pressure can constantly fluctuate and turn one side from losing to winning with the activation of one second chance.
Also, it gives you infinite Unbreakables if the Killer has a Hex up. You don't do anything to earn it, there are no drawbacks—you get a second second chance on top of your first second chance if the Killer dares to bring a Perk.
The Perk is two second chances in one. It's godawful game design.
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Do you know how RARE the unbreakable effect is gonna be? And even the 8 second window, how often are you actually picked up directly in front of the killer? Its not that bad especially cause you don't get a lot of use from it.
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People heal downed slugs right in front of me now.
And even when u use nurses calling and shoot a ranged attack through a wall and get hit markers, nothing happened noone went down they glow white and ran off while you cool down forever lol. Its already happened twice in less then 16 games
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I get windows to use it all the time. The only reason it doesn’t happen is because the Killers I go against are low rank and don’t slug—yay matchmaking.
As for getting picked up directly in front of the Killer, it’s going to happen a lot more now that Soul Guard is in the game, and instead of Survivors being punished for it, only Killers will be.
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I agree that the perks sucks especially for cheryl. I didn't get the chance to get something from any of Cheryl perks.
I didn't get to use soulguard a single time, neither for the endurance or the recover. In like 20 matches.
Blood pact is like? why this even exist?
And same for Repressed alliance... it doesn't have other use than trolling. Why make it block the gen for 30 sec?? If this perk was created with the idea to counter pop goes the weasel it fails badly, because pop goes the weasel have a 60 sec timer, and the killer can just come back later. The whole idea of this perk is wrong and should be completely changed to something else. You could be repairing that generator for those 30 sec instead of waiting or going somewhere.
Pyramid head got better luck than cheryl and i find two of his 3 perks worth something.
Trails of torment is awesome for small maps.
Deathbound is a cooler version of infectious fright, plenty of uses for many killers. I love perks that gives stealth to killers.
Forced penance is the only "meh" perk.
I hope they give cheryl at least decent perks... i want to play with new cooler perks but devs don't dare to break the meta for survivors. They only give insteresting perks for killers lately.
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Just go after whoever got picked up? Slugging itself isn't really common and the only time Soul Guard MAY get use is if you slug against SWF while also not playing correctly because frankly if you're playing properly against SWF while slugging you wont be seeing Soul Guard work most of the time.
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I'm from the future, his perks are really good now. But you didn't hear it from me.
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Don't slug then. It was made to be a decent counter to slugging and it is so it serves its purpose well and I haven't even seen it used in PTB nor in live servers yet so its pretty rare.
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“Slugging itself isn't really common”
This literally just confirmed that you don’t play at high ranks.
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Deathbound is still his only ok perk, the other 2 are still really bad.
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ummm what? have you not used his perks yet lol? They are game changing on the right killer.
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Not gonna lie, I don't hate Forced Penance. I've had clutch moments where I inflicted Broken on a healthy Survivor, continued going after the first injured person to down them, then was able to find the Broken person before they could heal (either because they were still broken or because they didn't have enough time to heal after Forced Penance wore off) and down them.
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I don't see how any of his perks could be game changing on anyone.