New map is literally garbage

Can't find the stairs worth crap even after playing the map a bunch of times. Breakable walls there are just a massive. Unfun Chore for killer on dead dawg saloon it was manageable but on this map way to many to break and are mandatory to break like on the only vault on the map on the second floor. Pallets on the map are either super unsafe or super strong no in between when the devs rework the other maps add this map to the list of rework
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The main staircase always spawns on one corner of the map, with a debris staircase on the opposite side within the classrooms. I suggest Brutal Strength or Demogorgon to alleviate your pallet woes, maybe Bubba.
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I watched Zubat play today and he pointed out something;
you can hold W on the 2nd floor and just run laps around and the killer will take and obsurd amount of time to catch up.
thats before actually using loops
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It has great totem spawns tho.
Used Detective's Hunch and Small Game and found a bunch of insanely tucked-away spots that even someone looking for them would miss.
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It's literally been 24 hours, stop complaining and wait till you are use too the map lol.
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its doesnt take much to tell if a map is poorly designed
heres a tip, if you can "outplay" the killer by holding W and just run laps around the map, theres a serious issue
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I do hope this map gets a redesign. It looks cool, but its terrible to play on thus far.
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The map looks and feels great. But gameplay wise it does seem to be overwhelming and not fun to play on it's like haddonfield on steroids.
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This. And then you have the pallets placed in them with no mindgame. So even when you manage to catch up, they can drop a pallet, forcing you to break it, and start it all over again.
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Have video proof of me looping a wraith the whole game on 2nd floor without using pallet loops. It's pretty ugly. My biggest problem is the killers terror radius is always present on the map with it being so confined. My ears bleed by the end lol.
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100% agree
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I'd say it's rough
Maybe we just need some time
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Killers? "Pls devs, no more giant maps like temple or mother's, or corn.
Devs: "here's a two store corn sized map, with a bunch of God pallets. Make sure you entertain our precious survivors"
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This chapter was one big money grab. Even more than usual.
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except you can't lol. Literally every map could be played like this, they aren't because it doesn't work. Even when I've run into a survivor who just holds w they don't keep me occupied for more then a minute.
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Every map after stranger thing DLC is garbage, man I miss the old format and layouts like and gas heaven and wreck yard.
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I love it.
That said stay far far away from tge basement as im pretty sure its tge most dangerous basement in the game
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This map is killer sided, stick to a floor and dont worry about tge gens on the other floors. Top floor seems best.
The basement on this map is probably tge best map in the game. Use it to your advantage.
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Not to mention exit gate placements are garbage that if you lost hatch, you're definitely losing gate as a survivor. And is it me but I got a loud, like really bloody loud church bell every time a gen got done. So much so I lost progress on heal stopping and gen guarding sometimes due to the bell ringing for like 15-20 seconds. I couldnt hear anything. So yeah, amazing design, love it. But poor implementation of special effects and just ill considered map balance design.
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is very cute map, but indeed the corridors are too large and hard to find stairs to hook, it is made for PH due to the cage
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i can't find the stairs too. worst is my fps drops only in this map. it sucks
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It's Konami. They released a demo for $30 then asked for another $60 for the unfinished game. Said game also had a mechanic where you had to insure yourself or get robbed.
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I've never played Silent Hill or really know what it is, but I just got the map. Survivors didn't do gens for whatever reason. It was a long, long game where I was just dragging my sword around. I'm not a game expert so I don't know if it's survivor/killer sided, but I was really bored playing killer because I couldn't find anyone.
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I don't know what point you are trying to make, its literally the same on every big map, if the killer commits to a chase with a survivor that is 30 meters away he will obviously never catch up
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The breakable walls in the looping rooms are fine but i dont think that any of the stairs should be blocked its really annoying to go across the entire map to go upstairs
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I really like the design of the new map but for gameplay it’s just horrible.
Now I drop every match a mapoffering for other maps ;)
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I disagree. I was playing pyramid head last night and I got the map like 3 times in a row. At first it's confusing and I kept losing the stairs but by the third time I played on it I got the hang of it. They did spam the breakable walls a bit.. that's the only an lying part about it for me. Other than that it's a really good, atmospheric map. It just takes a bit. Like any map
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Just to add because I only just found it, the room with the hole you can drop down is actually a ramp you can get back upstairs with. So at least you have 2 routes- but agree that it is not as fun map to play, i'm sure it must be the largest map by far in terms of surface area, trying to properly patrol gens is next to impossible so it's easy to try and just control one area of the map and let other gens go.
The visual design though, as a long time silent hill fan, is outstanding and you can see the respect they had for the franchise, which is why its so disappointing it's not as fun to play. I do think that just removing a few of the breakable walls would improve it a whole lot, so hopefully it can still be tweaked.
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It's great from a design perspective. Unfortunately, we have to play DbD there too. And that's where it gets rough. Traversing this map as a killer feels awful. There are so many instances where I know survivors are right next to me but I actually need to take a 20-30 meter detour to get there.
If we acknowledge that Haddonfield is problematic, how does this map get made? This map repeats many of the same mistakes as Haddonfield.
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I agree and it was dressed as an iconic chapter when in truth it is just a big failure
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You know thats not far fetched to reality
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Lol this for sure
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I still think that all the breakable walls need to go and the map gets changed drastically