Off Topic: let’s do comment posts or separate posts about Chapter concepts that will never happen.
I just want to see the creativity and talent which all of you possess so why not have the fun activity of posting off topic ideas about characters and chapters you know would never happen but you may like to see or think would be unofficial but fun similar to a mod. What does the character have to be along the lines of? Anything at all it can be Hulk, Thanos, Godzilla, Jaws, Joker, Darksied, Art The Clown, Venom, Carnage, King Kong, Sonic EXE, Freddy Fazbear, Toy bonnie and the list goes on. The only rule within this post is the Chapter, killer and survivor have to do something with horror or action so the character can’t be a character like Mickey Mouse or Kermit the frog but that excludes characters such as The Mask, Deadpool and Impossible Man. Come on everybody let’s make these crazy off topic posts for others to read and to spread inspiration across other people who want to join in! A fun activity where almost anything is possible for DBD, though it will never get added it sure will be fun to read and think about! The characters can be OP but you at least have to make them somewhat realistically so if you thought about somebody like Galactus which I know it sounds crazy but that is the fun of it you can still have him be OP unless you choose to go even further by DBD standards you just have to think about it like if OP was never a thing while still keeping the clean clear and cool concept of your (realistic) idea. I hope everybody enjoys playing around with this post and you can put your own ideas in the comment section or make your entirely own post but on the title please put TWNH on the front or end which stands for this will never happen. Enjoy everybody!
It can be almost anyone guys and the character survivor or chapter can be partly commudic as long as it has a higher range of action like Deadpool, Xforce and as I said The Mask.