This patch has proven to me that the devs do not care about survivors.

azame Member Posts: 2,870

To start off lets talk about Pyramid Heads flawed power. The cages promote tunneling and his tormented status effect there are two outcomes. They put you in a cage and rush to the cage to instantly start chasing you, or they hook you then chase you after a hook and put you in a cage. This type of play is not healthy for the game, if you are tunneled this heavily you will have an early death which means you will get less bp, and not to mention not fun who wants to wait 10 minute lobby wait times only for the game to end in 2? This mechanic needs to be tweaked asap. Next I wanna talk about his power and I have to say after about a day and a half of playing against it, its just like deathslinger. When a Pyramid Head activates trail of torment and cancels there is no delay, this is a problem because when you try to juke they will cancel and m1. This is similar to deathslinger mostly because deathslingers will aim in and out but not shoot effectively zoning you because you are forced to guess. The fact that counter relies on guessing isn't good at all and needs to be change. The fix I have thought of is after a Pyramid Head cancels trail of torment he is reduced to 105% movement speed and cant m1 instantly. This would help fix the guessing game because if they use trail of torment in a chase they either have to try to use his ranged ability or risk the survivor gaining distance and actually making his power high risk high reward. The map is just straight dog ######### millions of unsafe pallets all you have to do is walk around and you get a free hit how is that fair? This chapter just seem so unthought of. Do the devs consider the survivors fun? I get survivors were op in the past but this isn't the past. The game is balanced more than its ever been but not healthy. More than half the killer roster is boring to face. Killers can be weak but not fun to face. This is the third map in a row that looks beautiful but terrible gameplay wise the amount of unsafe pallets is disgusting if these trend keeps going survivors could very well leave the game. One thing that is still bugging me is the fact that hits still aren't server sided what was the point of dedicated survivors if hits are still registered off the killers screen? If these issues aren't addressed I have no hope for the future of survivor, the game isn't fun or healthy in its current state.


  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 769

    Whoa whoa whoa, hold up.

    I am in agreement that the devs are 100% killer-sided. I've expressed this on the forum a lot. However, this recent patch has actually given survivors more tools to counter some of the most OP killers/perks in the game. Yes, Pyramid Head is a strong camper/tunneler. But if that's what he does then that leaves time for the rest of your teammates to do gens. And out of all the time I've played the last few days any time I was sent to the cage I was saved in seconds by a teammate. Way before the killer could even get to me. The only time it was problematic was on Wrecker's Yard as that map is small af. Personally I think Pyramid Head is a weak killer but if, as people start to get better at him, he ends up being OP then the devs will make adjustments.

    As for the survivor perks you got Soul Guard and Repressed Alliance.

    Soul Guard: If the killer brings a hex totem that places you under the hex status effect (Pretty much most hexes when they're active) you cannot be slugged. Not only that, when you pick yourself up or are picked up by someone else you have 8 seconds of endurance! Wait till the killer comes to pick you up and pop up in his face and get whacked for the adrenaline burst and GTFO. It counters NoED sluggers hardcore!

    Repressed Alliance: Pop is essentially useless now. Someone said it works for ruin, but I've been too scared to experiment. Its SO GOOD and has been permanently added to my build. Sprint Burst/Soul Guard/Repressed Alliance/Spine Chill. You can't hit me off the bat, you can't pop my gen, you can't slug me while you have a hex totem, and you can't catch me off guard. Bring a med kit and you're good. The only killers that kinda counter my build would be Spirit/Trapper. Maybe Huntress or Deathslinger if they're god tier killers.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Only silent sounds are on the ground bugs and the devs are killer sided currently to try and bring killers back after years of being the under powred roll deny that and you are a clown. And you can hear sprint footsteps clear as day don't pull stuff out of your ass to prove a point, there is also no such thing as falling without a sound.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Yeah but I do know how his power works seen the videos played more than 30 games against him and played him myself

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442
    edited June 2020

    And hag traps not triggering... Poor hag never get some attention. There is a lot of nurse bugs too.. and i saw a piramid head, Punishment of the Damned streched through the entire map like if it was one of those funny garrys mod glitches, a big ass bug. Sadly i didn't take screenshot because i was being chased :P

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Alright ill give it to you. But you wanna adress the fact that lagging benefits killers or, survivors have to guess as counterplay? How about being tunneled for no reason?

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,972

    Actually what I'm seeing now is that they will hook you and then put the judgement all around the hook especially in the basement. In some cases you have no choice but to get struck by agony and now the killer can bypass DS by either killing you or sending you to a cage. The Mori is way too fast IMO. I know it's early but so far I'm not sure on the cage mechanic. I think it circumvents too much in the game and I'm not sure that's good.

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    I disagree about the devs not caring part, I just think they're incompetent, but a lot of what you say about the killer is true.

    1. This is hardly the case. The teammates could be just as far away and if he is IMMEDIATELY running to the cage (which is common) on a non-huge map, he will get there in time to tunnel you straight off.
    2. The problem isn't the attack itself, it's the fact there's a minimal (0.5s) cooldown after exiting it with no slowdown penalty. It's INCREDIBLE for zoning, too incredible that it's unfun to play vs. Personally I'd increase the cooldown after exiting the rites of judgement power or add more of a slowdown, but as a tradeoff give him more mobility when holding it. I feel this will actually increase the skillcap rather than him just zoning you until a guaranteed hit.
    3. The problems with the map aren't whether it's X sided atall, the fact is it's even more unfun to play and navigate than haddonfield fences/buildings and #########. Worst map in the game for both sides maybe imo
  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,972

    That's true they intend to implement hit validation but who knows when that's coming? I believe the official information is within the next year. That's a long ways off and until then Killers have a significant advantage and have had an advantage since the inception of the game in this regard. I don't think it's validation is about favoring either side, it's about making it fair for everyone. The existing experience and the experience since the beginning has truly been about favoring the Killer's actions.

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298

    Just a thought... maaaybe if all the survivor complaints seem to be about the lengths killers will go to in order to avoid cheese crutch perks like BT and DS then maaaaybe THAT's actually the problem?

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    I never said these were killer sided I was simply asking why you didn't comment on that and yes my lack of explanation when I say guess I mean when you are looping a pyramid head and he starts his trail of torment you would start to dodge but he then cancels and m1s you. What do you do commit to the loop or dodge. This is a guess which isn't fun at all. Once again not saying tunneling is killer sided just asking for you to comment on that, it was me saying things that makes survivor just frustrating to play.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Yep, that's pretty much how it feels these days.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Imagine believing that the game designers sit in a smoke-filled meeting room, fingers steepled, cackling about how they plan to proactively upset their player base.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,055


  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Doesn't sound like you have played both killers, just against them, play as them then you can complain to see if both are "OP" and "unhealthy"

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Why do you think survivors run bt and ds? Cause killers camp and tunnel and since pyramid head release it shows that nonstop camp/ tunnel

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    The devs do not care about the side I play most. Now give me attention.

  • chase131119
    chase131119 Member Posts: 839

    This thread is a joke.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    are you kidding?

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,972

    A few points, I don't care about the the whole the developers are Survivor or killer biased. Makes no difference to me. I was just narrowly making a point about the dedicated servers and hit validation. With that said, the implementation of dedicated servers is not a charitable thing. It was a very important business decision. There's a white paper that explains why they decided to make the change but ultimately it had to do with the numbers. When players feel cheated or that the experience is unfair they leave! That's a big problem obviously. So don't act like it was out of charity and virtue they decided to add servers as a courtesy to survivors. It was in their business interests and they've received a significant return on investment, including but not limited to significant engagement with players as per the official AWS whitepaper.

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298
    edited June 2020

    LOL BT and DS just gave the killer even more reason to camp and/or tunnel. BT and DS work great - unless the killer tunnels or camps. The killer behavior you don't like is encouraged by cheese perks.

    Look at it this way: when does a killer have the most advantage versus a survivor. When the survivor is on a hook, obviously, and when a survivor has exhausted all of their take-backsies. After that, is when the survivor is already injured. So they are going to look for opportunities to chase and hook injured targets. The killer's macro advantage grows when survivors are removed from the board. As far as tunneling goes - say as a survivor you have an equally risky choice of working on a new gen, or one that's already half done but regressing. Which one do you choose?

    Why wouldn't you be polite to the killer and let the half done one regress all the way?

    It's going to be difficult to fix this without a re-thinking of the core gameplay loop, but whatever PH's power was going to be, would end up being used by a significant number of killers to "tunnel" and/or camp. Because every killer's power gets used by a significant number of killers to "tunnel" and/or camp. And this is because killers have only one gameplay strategy available to them - show, chase, hook, wait. You can't expect them to voluntarily handicap themselves by not doing that, the same way I wouldn't expect a survivor to let a gen regress unless they have to.

    Edit: Remember that your teammates are your most valuable asset and most valuable "perk" you could ever want, and the killer knows this. Play accordingly.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    You're wrong, because the slugged sound bug is NOT the only sound bug in the game. Watch Scott's newest video

    4:08 and 5:28. If you can hear footsteps, breathing, falling sounds, impact sounds from these clips, sounds which SHOULD be playing, then you must be some kind of omnipresent being. This happens all the time btw, more frequently than ever and I absolutely hate it.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Your argument that Killers camp/tunnel because of DS/BT is effectively nullified by what the person you're replying to posted...PH can completely avoid DS/BT - yet still, most PHs camp and tunnel. You further nullify this argument by then arguing the merits of camping/tunneling...proving it's a choice to ruin someone else's game - not something thrust upon Killers because of Survivors and their perks.

    You can expect a Killer to legitimately chase and hook each survivor individually without camping and tunneling to ruin the sport of the game, the match for their opponent, and any challenge this game might present. Its a completely reasonable expectation and there are still some decent killers left out there who do play that way and they are appreciated, at least by me.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Devs are killer-sided

    Devs released a patch that allows survivors to deny 99% of killer kits

    pick one.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 769

    You can still be killer-sided and throw survivors a bone, which is what they did. Don't be dumb.

  • dastru
    dastru Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2020

    a good first step would be implementing the extra effect to WGLF asap because this perk its only crippling survivors that are trying to counter the heavy bloodpoints grind

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298
    edited June 2020

    I am saying that perks like DS/BT encourage camping/tunneling because they make chases especially irritating and non-gratifying for killers. How do you reduce the number of chases you go on? Camp and/or tunnel. Your counter that since PH can completely avoid DS/BT (by tunneling and camping) and that most do invalidates this argument somehow, but I don't see how.

    And my point was to say that the definition of camping and tunneling has become so expansive that it can literally mean not letting survivors escape out of politeness, at this point. Obviously face-camping is dumb before the gates open, but what is tunneling except chasing too much for any one particular survivor's taste? What is "proxy" camping except not being willfully ignorant for the benefit of survivors? The killer doesn't get any bp for sitting back and allowing a safe unhook out of the graciousness of his heart.

    Why is it only a legitimate chase and hook if the killer intentionally plays it easy on survivors?

    Yes, you can expect a killer to be gracious and polite and only in the game to provide entertainment for a bully squad of survivors who never feel any compunction about using questionable game mechanics in their favor, each and every time. Additionally, you can expect to be disappointed.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Did you know this is not the first time that sound issues have affected Killers severely.

    Let me take you back in time a bit did you also know that before the sound bugs was so prevalent and severe that it changed the meta for a while.

    Bloodhound or stridor became meta and mandatory.

    Iron will was useless.

    Wraith rose up the killer ranks

    Why you ask well let Volfa explain

    Scratch marks was so bugs and horrible that calling them a detrimental tracking source to The Killers would be incredibly generous.

    Injured sounds were so bugged that every survivor including the really loud ones had built in iron will.

    Footsteps was so bugged that a survivor could tap dance away from you and you still wouldn't know which direction they went.

    Wraith became some what meta in this period simply because at this time he had bloodhound in his base kit.

    Let's go back to a small lunar New Year event known as the Howling grounds.

    During this update a small balance change was made and intentional one by the way not a bug this change was that that you were able to get a grasp rescue at any stage in the animation.

    To explain it better you could flashlight blind or pallets done the Killer at any stage during their pick up animation and the killer would drop the survivor doesn't matter if the killer was just bending down or had them on their shoulders. But Wait there's more.... after getting your blind or pallets stun the killer would be forced to complete the entire pick up animation before dropping the survivor

    This change was so ridiculous that even the most toxic survivor player in the community at the time (Ochido) was calling it out and saying it should be reverted.

    Are we seeing a lot of back-to-back killer changes that are beneficial to killer of course we are, killers have been in such a position where the game was unnecessarily stressful for them.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    You do realise that Cheryl got amazing perks in this chapter while Pyramid Head's perks are absolute trash.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    NO it doesn't, a survivor can lagswitch and use no mither and never be hooked or stay downed, and there are video clip of this.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Dude I played during that event and I remember how broken it was. I've been playing since 2017 but how is this relevant to the current patch which I am referring to?

  • f33dbacksTTV
    f33dbacksTTV Member Posts: 16

    I'm sorry original poster but no- just no no no on on on on on on on o

  • HamdaN
    HamdaN Member Posts: 343

    jesus the innacuracy in this is so F’ing aggrovating and the reason why nothing gets changed. you are absolutely WRONG. the amount of time a PH has gotten back in time to tunnel someone out of a box in a deadzone with no resources is over half. even if they hook u, they camp till struggle and instantly mini mori u as if they had a real mori equipt. the power is another new player delicacy because of how easy it is to feather the power on and off with no down side its literally death slinger 2.0 with the easily mind gamable through a wall shot. the character is flawed beyond belief and is EVERYTHING against what the community has faught for in terms of balance. i highly doubt you play survivor and if so show hours

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    Maybe you should pull your statistics from a reliable source because I don't know where you're getting your numbers from. I'm not saying that there AREN'T Killers that tunnel. Because they're definitely are, and they will tunnel you no matter what Killer they play. But you can't sit here and tell me that Pyramid Head's cage which literally spawns as far as possible from the Killer is something that can be easily tunneled. There is a lot of seconds being wasted to get over there where another Survivor can either start a chase with him, or save the caged Survivor. You're also bringing up another scenario that I never argued for or against anyways which was camping someone on HOOK until they struggle and then doing a mori on them. That wasn't in my comment so idk why you included it.

    You've also reiterated what I just said about his power. I clearly said and I quote, 'His feign attack is a strategy no different than Demo's shred which is used in the same manner except the Shred is unavoidable if you don't pay attention'. Have you ever seen a Demo player or understand what that means? It means they'll do what you call the "DeathSlinger 2.0" which is open up for a Shred attack, make the player juke themselves, then revert to a basic attack on the spot and injure the Survivor. And again when compared to Death Slinger and Demo, really any ranged character, he has the SLOWEST ranged attack that you can avoid if you pay attention to the red stain on the ground. On top of that, you can't "flick" the attack like you would with other ranged characters. Pyramid Head is a clunky and slow Killer when it comes to his power because he can't really turn or navigate when he's prepping for a Punishment of the Damned.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    The whole notion that the devs are killer sided.

    There's simply fixing a lot of the issues that made playing survivor incredibly easy. A lot of these things are better and engaging fixes then make generators take longer.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045
  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,972

    What proper options are missing? It's obviously not that important because people aren't defecting from the game. Those are the issues that are more compelling even if they cost money to remedy. Issues that result in defections from the game. Unfortunately players are very resilient to issues like bad options or control configurations or settings. Those issues have not been proven to be compelling enough for players to stop playing a game. However when players perceive unfairness, that's a huge driver and motivation. I'm not in the video game industry but I've been very interested in it, so I've read many white papers and studies. It's very interesting because you see what are the primary motivators for players and how to get them engaged and what to do keep them loyal.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,972

    I'm on PS4, so those options wouldn't exist for me anyway. Hopefully with the transition to Next Generation game consoles, a lot of the stuff won't be an issue. Otherwise I agree with you, I think it would be great to have those options. I really hope for 4k 60fps on PS5 and HDR would be really awesome.