Hook idea...

I know this is a very unlikely idea but I feel it might work. What if a first hook stayed only in the first hook and hook death could only happen on the second hook. It would mitigate face campers because that person would just have to hang, which might be unfun. Also it would help against potato solo queue players from leaving you to die on fist hook while crouching across map


  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Already tried and abused by survivors.

  • asimplelegion
    asimplelegion Member Posts: 66

    oh ok! I wasn’t here for that so I didn’t realize it already happened

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289


  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523

    It sounds like an interesting idea on the surface, but it does also impact killers who are playing fairly. Say, for example, you have someone on the hook. Rather than going to save, the other survivors stay on a generator (or two), finish it, and then swoop in for the save at the last second before they hit the second phase. Normally as the killer, you can punish their decision to stay on that gen by going back to the hook and guarding it for the last 10 seconds or so and guaranteeing that they reach the second phase, meaning you'd only have to hook them one more time in that match.

    If they stay in the first stage indefinitely, on the other hand, you lose that option. They're free to sit on that generator for as long as they want and go for the save when it's convenient. Sure, you'd lose a little efficiency due to one guy being out of action, but that generator's out of the way.