Regarding this whole Lisa Garland fiasco...
I've seen quite a few people being upset about linked cosmetics.Especially about Lisa Garland.
It seems like many people expected her to be a bit more than just a skin.Some expected a different voice,different animation or maybe a bit lore to her regarding the price.
Considering we never had any of those problems with the skins for other licensed characters,it might be possible that Konami didn't allow things like extra lore,voice acting and animations.
Another thing we have to keep in mind is that Lisa was probably another license that had to be bought first.Which is why the price is so high for that skin,they probably get something like 2 thirds and Konami the other third of the money they get with selling this skin.
Even if the devs were allowed to do animations,lore and voice acting for Lisa then the price would be probably even higher because of the amount of extra work they would have to do.
It also doesn't really feel like false advertising because one could clearly see that Lisa IS just a skin for Cheryl in their latest trailer.
So in the end i would advise all of you to be patient and wait for a response from the devs,before calling them lazy,greedy etc.
it would be low-key disapointing to have Stranger Things related legendary cosmetics if they ends up having the same voices than Steve & Nancy.
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Hopper with Steve scream 😂
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True but at the end of the day that's what skins are, they're purely cosmetic and adding extra uniqueness like voices is only gonna bump the cost which in turn people will complain about so they can't win either way
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Bruh Filip Ivanović does most of the male killers voicelines. and some survivors ones. You're telling me there not enough employees in BHVR to record the bare minimum ?
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Some fans would probably do it for free just to say they're in the game. 🤷♀️
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The problem is that your paying 15 quid for a below average skin. Not only that but it's in a game that:
- Has to be paid for.
- Has a paid battle pass.
- Has other paid for cosmetics.
- Has countless DLC's (which I will admit are a fair price).
When you pay for that skin in a game like this you should 100% get a high quality product. And what do we get? It's a mediocre looking skin with a different model with not even separate lore, sounds or even an in game lobby name.
And i'm paying 15 for that? Haha, no.
(Also I know it's "only a cosmetic", it should at least be good if they're charging that god damn much for it and it should absolutely have some additional effects (own voice etc) if it's going to be the most expensive one).
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This one. I really don't get people who defend devs at this point.
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Lisa deserved her own voice and animations, they just added an IDLE animation, that's it :(
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It's less about defending the devs but rather mentioning some arguements on why they added her in the game the way she is now.
Of course it's 100% alright to be disappointed.
We just have to wait for a response from the devs at this point.
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I love the legendary skins! I don't play survivor much, but I bought the bunny legion cosmetic, and it's amazing! We should at least be able to pick our own weapons legion though.
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Its just a cosmetic... why are people so angry about. So what its $15?! If you don't want to buy it, then don't. Who's forcing you? Exactly... NO ONE. It's a licensed character who was turned into a skin so they gotta make money somehow. (this is for the people who are mad/disappointed)
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Hopefully they keep "sets" to legendary skins and skins that can't work with individual pieces. If they keep up this trend of having almost every new skin being an uncustomizable set, that doesn't really encourage people to buy it. Including myself.
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Exactly,the devs know that combining different cosmetics is really important to us so i don't think that the silent hill cosmetics being linked was their decision.
We never had that problem with other licensed cosmetics before either.
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I definitely don't think they're lazy or greedy, but it probably to get this license to begin with so I don't think behaviour is going to upset Konami so they lose future license deals with them. It's probably like Freddy and leatherface, they probably want to get cosmetics for them but they can't because both licenses are kinda a ######### show. It's not even the original nightmare on elm St it's the remake and Halloween is the same way it's only the first movie so it would be cool to get more cosmetics but it's probably not possible
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Lisa Garland is a beloved character in Silent Hill 1. You just fall in Love with her character, her voice, her attitude, everything about her just SHINES. Bringing that character to Dead by Daylight was a dream come true to some, like myself. It was more than just a cosmetic, and they said it was going to be special in her own way.
It's disappointing, she doesn't even have her name in the lobby, or her own voice. For $15, I don't want to say promises were broken, but dreams were Shattered.
It's more than a cosmetic, there's so much more behind the character.
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I can definetely understand that quite some fans are disappointed with what the skin turned out to be.
I'm extremely interested what answer we'll get here in the forums or in the next Q&A.
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I could imagine that the devs tried their best to get as much iconic characters and skins as possible for the fans of the videogame,but it was probably Konami that made things difficult considering we didn't have any problems with the other licensed cosmetics.
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I don't think people thought it was false advertising from the trailer, but understanding how skins have worked in this game... I think it was a little bit of a let down that you can't even mix + match Cheryl's own skins.
Considering how that is how it has worked in the past, you only have that to go by. I bought Lisa's skin and I didn't think you were going to be able to choose Cheryl's head and swap. I also didn't think she would have Cheryl's voice tho. xD
So to me it was a bit of a mix-up in terms of not really knowing until you bought the skins and they were kind of vague about it in the stream (from what I remember)... I could be wrong. I don't remember them ever saying how legendary skins would work other than the idea that they are attached to that particular character.
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The only thing i remembered them mentioning about the legendary skins is that they will use a completely new model.
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I loved Lisa's Voice in Silent Hill 1,i expected a totally new system with this "Legendary Skins",It's such a shame and really pity that she doesn't have her own voice,name change etc,we want unique characters not just clones cosplaying. Even With New Voice lines or without them,the price is going to still be High,so what's the point there? Some people we want a Full product,100%,high quality etc,since it costs more than 2 dlc characters.
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Can you even call it a fiasco? Just because some people had more expectations for it? It was never advertised as anything more then a skin. And there is a icon on the linked skins so that's not false advertisment either. I can understand being dissapointed. But there is nothing to blame for
All these complaints remind me of a child getting an action figure for Christmas and then throwing a tantrum that it isn't the deluxe edition.
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It kind of is if you look at some other threads regarding this topic
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I still see quite a few Lisa's. Just because there is a vocal minority that can't handle dissapointment doesn't mean it's a fiasco
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I honestly think people are upset for something really small. Like... it's just a voice, you're still playing as a whole different character.
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It's Lisa Garland and her name is still Cheryl Mason in the Lobby.
No idea how a simple change was so difficult and it flew right above their heads.
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Yeah that's the ONLY complaint I have but again, it's not enough to ruin her for me
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I think that's also the problem.
It's a licensed character turned into a skin.
The whole chapter includes two lincensed characters with unique animation and voices + 6 perks and it's literally half the price of Lisa
I understand that they need to earn money and have to give Konami a share. IMO 1000 AC would have been enough
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There's no doubt in my mind that this is going to be the price point for all legendary skins and quite frankly it's an absurd price.
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I'm more bothered by pee head's only skin being a set. I asked around and no dev seems to really know why this is the case. I was planning to buy it on Tuesday, but now I see no reason to.
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What I don’t get is why people complain about prices. Auric cells are pretty cheap and as long as something looks good I’m gonna buy it and that seems like a better mindset then crying over 10$
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It's never about the price per se, it's about the value of the items vs what we're being charged.
At release consider what $10 got you with the Frank character. Compare that with what you get for the $15 "Legendary" Lisa character. If you see what I'm getting at, that's generally what people are upset about.
The value of the "Legendary" skins.
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I have all the Cheryl Cosmetics and really like them. I love the Lisa one, but still haven't played it (waiting until after I P3 +unlock some.good perks)
I actually like the linked outfits. Sometimes people on my team will combine the grossest outfit, lol. At least now you can't make your character look like trash.
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The Lisa and Robbie Rabbit skins are fine, as they're what linked sets SHOULD be. The issue with linked sets is ones like all of Cheryl's (excluding Lisa) and The Executioner's. There is zero reason that those shouldn't be able to be mixed and matched with other cosmetics.
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legendary skins are meant to alter the appearance of a character. why do people want them to not be unlinkable? that ruins the whole point of the legendary skin. also, i would like to say that they should definitely give both lisa and cybil their own voices since it’s supposed to be an entirely different character/entity. they did that with the legion. why can’t they do the same for the legendary skins? it offers such little for it to cost $15. it should offer more than just a different idle animation.
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If you weren't aware, you're replying to a thread that is almost 7 months old.
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"Fiasco" is a very strong word for people that are just whining about a simple costume. New voice work? It's not like anyone other than Ash really talks in this game.
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Why do people wated for her to have different animations? Her selling point is that she isn't Cheryl she is her own character and all suvivors have the same animations for every action, it is unrealistic to ecspect she would have different ones.