4.0.0 Tier List
I tried to be the most objective here and the most truthful
Im so curious why Pyramid Head is below Demogorgan and Pig is above anything except F tier
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I can see this as a most annoying to face tier list
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I'm gonna assume this is bait.
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Yo pigs pretty good. Not S tier but she can put in work
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Demo does everything PH does but better besides for his trails, which are useless anyways. And Pig is nowhere near F tier, the worst I can see her at is B tier.
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An M1 killer with little to no map pressure and a power which is so non threatening people wait til its actually activated in order to take it off because even with it active its 2 and a half minute timer mixed with the fact that it stops whenever shes nearby just makes them so unbelievably useless. Also for Pyramid Head and demo reverse the scenario the only good thing Demo does is his portals but even those are a little subpar hes not bad but hes not on the level pyramid head can be.
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Yeah but against survivors who can loop she loses all play-ability. Her and LF without add ons are on the same level of bad because they're practically just M1 killers
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Yeah but her add ons are better and more of them are useful. Lf needs very specific add ons. And her ambush attack does pretty well at stopping looping against most survivors.
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It would if survivors couldn't easily dodge it and just move onto a different loop while shes on cooldown. LF does need very specific add ons so you're right he is worse than Pig but shes also pretty bad theres no denying that. I definitely advocate for lots of Ms Piggy buffs since I love her a lot and used to main her when she first came out.
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I agree shes not quite A tier and could use a few buffs, I just think shes a little ubderrated is all. I have a lot of fun playing with her and do pretty well mostly. Of course I have to play pretty mean to do well but it is what it is 😂
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It makes me sad to see Plague so high up on this list because I recently bought her and I've been performing horribly and now I just feel bad at the game. :D
I can agree with Deathslinger though, I've been performing very well with him despite pretty much every post I've ever read saying he's not that good. Performing "very well" means I somehow managed to beat a rank 1 SWF with him. Ofc they called me a camper afterwards. :)
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My tier list but based on how good their moris are
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lol agree
well, her ambush is used to stop the short loop like box loop or barrel but you can use it to make them run away from that loop area by crouching in the pallet and then stand again it always work for me
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I take particular issue with nurse being anything lower than S. She's a ######### to learn but once you do you're still the strongest killer in the game.
Edit: You put legion above nurse. Yeah, no, sorry, I know tierlists are based on opinions but you're wrong here.
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is full-on Wraith main
Yo, you're doin' my boi Wraith real good here, i want to ask you why...Why?
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"Most truthful"
*puts legion in S*
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Lmao, you got me friend. Now please help me get this hook outta my mouth, eh?
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And the issue is...?
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He is D at best i dont understand how you put him there same thing for plague and deathslinger they just arent viable at high level play doesnt mean you cant do well with them against bad survs, question what rank are you?
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Probably is
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100% bait.
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How the hell is Legion at S tier?
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So... I don't think this is bait. What I do think is that the person who made it is not very high rank.
Why do I say that? Legion, Plague, and Bubba are all incredibly high up on the tier list. Legion can absolutely run a train through a group of newish Survivors who don't know how they work and how to beat them. Seriously... if the Survivors let Legion start off the game with a triple Frenzy chain into Locker pull, it is basically impossible for them to recover from that but only newer Survivors will ever let them pull that off. Speaking from experience, newer Survivors are going to rely on stealth a lot more than Looping or Defensive Perks and are very much not comfortable playing while injured. That's why Plague is so high up, once you get sick stealth is not on the table and you either stay injured or give Plague the best ranged attack in the game. Bubba is absolutely nasty if he catches Survivors when they are too far away from a window or pallet, but red rank Survivors know to not get caught like that vs Bubba. Brown and Green ranks though... yeah they're gonna get caught out somewhat frequently.
On the flip side... Nurse, Spirit, and Huntress are all significantly lower down than most people would put them. Why? Because a newish killer playing any of those 3 killers is probably going to be a bit of a push over simply because those killers are quite hard to play.
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If you come at this from the perspective of a newer player who relies on stealth and being healthy to survive instead of looping and defensive perks and who doesn't necessarily know all of the nuances of the Killer powers... this tier list actually does make perfect sense.
Take Legion. If Legion gets that first Frenzy hit (which they almost certainly will) stealth suddenly goes out the window, and if the Survivors don't know that Legion will get several easy Frenzy stabs. If the Survivor team don't know to split up, Legion is going to inflict a lot of damage on them in a fairly short amount of time and buy themselves so much time if the Survivor team tries to fully reset before touching a gen again. If the Survivor that Legion goes for a down on isn't good at looping and doesn't know to get in a good spot for when Legion hugs them in Frenzy and cancels... they're going to go down really quickly. Essentially, Legion is a newbie stomper... which is why Legion is S tier on this tier list.
Huntress on the other hand is in the basement of this tier list because understanding her power and how to counter it is incredibly simple. Run, dodge hatchets. Doing so against amazing Huntresses is much easier said than done, but this person is almost certainly not going against amazing Huntresses.
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But that's only for newer players though which does make Legion easy to play. What about the veteran players though? Legion against a survivor who knows how to loop is bad, the deep wound effect is already his downfall.
Reading back on your comment, you proved my point. Legion is only good against noob survivors, meaning his downfall is against coordinated strong survivors and the deep wound effect he places.
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Yes, Legion does indeed fall off hard against good Survivors but my guess is that the person who made this tier list is newer and doesn't know that.
I'm also reasonably new, but I play a lot more Killer than Survivor, got Legion early and Matchmaking has a habit of throwing me against reds even though I'm kind of straddling green and purple ranks. So I am... well aware of Legion's weaknesses. Sometimes painfully so. But I also know that Legion actually gives me some of the most one sided games I've had the most often.
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Ya I just got her as well and like I get destroyed when I use her. Im a pretty good killer also but for some reason when I use her even when I have good games they all escape or 3 lol
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its too hard to down survivors as pig because she basically worst version of legion. Any decent player can loop Pig its too easy, looping her is exact same as looping trapper.
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This is a more realistic tier list:
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If reaching 100% aim accuracy and perfect distancing and postitioning on all your shots ever made then I would agree that Deathslinger is S tier. Unfortunately we're only humans and it's not realistically possible for us to reach such level of mastery.
Even if this is probably bait (or you just have unique experinces with killers, dunno) I still think you should be putting him in middle of A tier. He's really good if played well but he's lacking in a few departments to be S tier level.
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Um, theres 2 things very wrong with this statement.
1). If you try and loop me when im pig tge same way you would try and loop trapper youre catching a knife to the face 9 times out of 10.
2). Trapper can/should lay traps down on loops meaning if you try and loop a good trapper tge same way you loop wraith youre catching a trap on your ankle
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You sir are very wrong. Pig's chase game is much stronger than Legion's. The only way you're looping a Pig the same way you loop post frenzy Legion or Trapper is if the Pig player never uses Ambush at loops. Otherwise if you try to loop them like a standard M1 Killer... you're going to get stabbed.
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They may not be S tier in my list, but they are made underrated. He has insane map pressure and when playing legion, it feels like you control the game and you can play at your own pace. Watch Raging Ryuga play legion, he recently went on a huge winstreak.
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I assume if I asked you to explain the rationale here, it would involve darts, a board and possibly large quantities of vodka.
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@Dead_by_Gadfly Defending the Pig isn't going to get you anywhere on here
She's B tier and anyone who puts her lower does't play her much/ or only plays against terrible Pigs
Nurse has lost her S tier status
I would give my tier list but I want stats first
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Map preasure doesnt make killers S teir, legions map preasure is ok at best take billy for example he has amazing map preasure and an insta down something legion doesnt have and he is widely thought to be A teir, also why is Deathslinger S teir? He doesnt have map preasure or any realy loop stopping potential Pyramid head is WAY stronger than both of them. Just as a side not just because a Streamer/youtuber did well with them doesnt mean they are a good killer more than often those DBD players have thousands of hours in game and are probably pros at the game in general.
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Agree almost 100% with you on this teir list no other killers are S other than Spirit and Nurse
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Id put her as a b as well.
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