Legion fix

The more you chain the less the stun duration. If you hit 4 surv you get no stun. I think that is fair
some opinions?
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Removing the stun outright if you hit 4 survivors might be too strong, but sure, the Legion should be rewarded for playing well.
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Yeah i don't really mean like that but just gaining rewards for hitting multiple chains. There are many ways this can be done. I'm sure that if the devs give some love to this killer they can find out the best way to do that.
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I mean... that's not a terrible idea, but Legion is already really strong if the survivors don't split up and they can frenzy chain through them all. Even more rewards for doing so would mostly just make them much more newb stompie than they already are. I'd be more interested in making it so M1's only eat 25% of your power bar instead of 50% and making it so picking up a slug in Frenzy didn't eat your whole power bar.
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that's too little. Legion is good if survivor don't split up too much. The problem is that in high tanks swf split up, do 4 gen at time and get you #########. Legion is also annoying as survivor so some surv will quit when they see a legion. We have things like nurse, spirit, billy and oni and then you think legion just need that? Really?
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Being able to hit multiple survivors with Feral Frenzy is supposed to be its own reward, as they are all wounded and wasting time mending. I'm not sure this what Legion need.
The nature of Legion's power make it so there is very little point in adding or improving Feral Frenzy in any way. Its allready a near unavoidable non-lethal hit on potentially multiple survivors. What Legion need is tools to be a better M1 killer so he can finish the job.
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that's why i want a reduced stun so he can finish the job better. The more you stab the more you are being helped with downing the last surv you hit
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That's not all they need. Their Status Effect Buttons could easily be buffed to apply on every Frenzy hit and Frank's Mix Tape and Stab Wounds Study need to do something... really anything else. But one thing I'm trying not to do is over buff them.
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blindness, mangled, broken, are all terrible, expecially for only 60 seconds. you think 2 add ons will get legion at a B tier? really?
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1. The power bar shouldn't deplete when kicking gens or breakable walls/doors.
2. The time given to survivors to mend should be cut down.
3. The power should be available after 10 seconds for base.
4. Power shouldn't be lost on a basic attack.
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I agree with the 4th one thats BS they allow this
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if survivors spread out you are screwed anyway. 1 and 4 are good tho
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The spreading out part is extremely annoying for the Feral Carnage challenge. "Hit 5 survivors in a single use of Feral Frenzy as the Legion." Who thought this was a good idea?
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is annoying as legion.
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The only fix would be shrinking maps. Giving Legion extra duration would most likely turn out to be broken.
I think giving infinite killer instinct detection range could work, but any survivors out of reach would have a blue symbol of killer instinct rather than orange.
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shrinking maps is out of the way. as a main legion i know where i can't reach some survivors so i would find the blue thing kinda useless. Legion need some depth. With his current power he can't do much. He needs a power for downing people, or at least some help for the m1 hits OR a complete new rework, which i find unlikely from the devs
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How is he difficult to down people with his power? You build for M1 attacks then take off a health state with FF.
He only suffers from what every other killer suffers from. Loops and swf teams.
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That's why the most optimal way of playing against Legion is not healing and spreading out. Not healing makes his power useless and turns him into an M1 killer. Spreading out makes it difficult to reach survivors, since he can't chase them with Frenzy or else he'll lose a ton of distance because of the stun animation.
Not to mention that without certain add-ons, spreading out will stop Legion from detecting you via Killer Instinct.
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He won't need to use his power if you don't heal? The same argument for Plague is also stupid. Like it's taking half the time to kill you lol.
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That's why you spread out. If you're in anyway decent at looping, you can keep Legion going for a good bit while your teammates knock out the objective.
It's heavily dependent on the map, but there are a good amount of maps large enough to give Legion issues with this strat.
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A rework won't happen. Clown just got his buff, and it just removed his speed loss on bottle throws.
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Guys you just have to compare legion with the other killers to see that he needs buff. There is no killer that has a power that becomes a normal m1 killer just because the survivors do certain things.