New Map is the Worst Map So Far

Yikes where do i even begin? Does anyone actually enjoy this new map to play on at all? From matches i've played on it so far i can honestly say it is the worst map in the game yet. I'd rather play against a 4 man SwF on Ormond than ever play on this map again and to be honest i can see it having a very high DC Rate.

The Map for starters is simply too big thats undeniably it's biggest problem. I saying that i'm not keen on big maps in general because it makes pressuring gens a lot more difficult for the 110% Killers. Then it's case of honestly there is way too many rooms to patrol through.

2 Story buildings x 2? Even more yikes. Huntress already has a big negative to this map it being big, how in the hell are you supposed to play Huntress on this map? You can't pull off potential crossmap shots, you can't throw over most things and for the most part by time you charge a shot the survivor is at a corner and she is 110% so you can't even chase with her to go for M1's.

I'm sure i am not the only one who can agree that the new map is undeniably the most badly designed yet in terms of gameplay. It looks nice and graphically pleasing in most places but in terms of actually playing on it i can't imagine a lot of people having a fun experience with it.

Anyone else just insanely disappointed by the outcome gameplay of the map?


  • omegalul
    omegalul Member Posts: 47

    When i get this map as killer i go afk.

    As surivor i go and search the killer and kill myself ASAP.

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    Tbh the whole chapter was a let down for me, taking the game in such a strange direction...the survivors perks are pretty lame. Can't see many of Pyramid Heads perks being used on other Killers, I get they're trying to change up the meta perks on both sides but this was kinda the wrong way to do it. I love the aesthetic of the map but it is awful to play on both sides, the pallets are garbage, these stupid long hallways make no sense and the only good loop is the window in one of the classrooms till the wall is broken and has a unsafe pallet on either side...especially since A LOT of Killer bloodlust now

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,842

    Yeah I enjoy it on both sides :)

  • tixerp
    tixerp Member Posts: 270

    I enjoy it. Wouldn't change anything besides maybe add some more vaults. Maybe drop downs or pallets.

  • Jasonisanicefella
    Jasonisanicefella Member Posts: 377

    I agree, it is the worst map by far, even worse than Hawkins (who thought that was even possible...)

    The only solution is to run to the killer and die right away or to play map offerings for the whole week