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Should SWF do a 6th gen?

RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621

just a thought.

just for the 4 man SWF. The random doesnt get a disadvantage if its a 3 man. But a 4 stack of SWF has so many advantages that at least for them it could be made a little bit harder to compensate the comms advantage.

just a thought by the way, of course you can argue that this idea isnt good^^


  • Dexn3ko0
    Dexn3ko0 Member Posts: 70

    I think this is a bad idea penalizing players that want to play with their friends.

    And most SWFs dont use comms that effectively they just talk about stuff not related to the game.

    I get that a sweaty 4 man swf on comms are a problem but there are far more players that just play for fun with some friends. To punish the majority would be pretty unfair in my view.

  • 5thPerkSlot
    5thPerkSlot Member Posts: 395

    nope, make em overall slower gen progression:

    • if 2 friends playing, 2% speed down
    • if 3 friends playing, 3% speed down
    • if 4 friends playing, 5% speed down
  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    you can't punish people for playing with their friends and the trash code would probably screw solo queue.

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298
    edited June 2020

    It's not the number of gens or gen speed that makes a swf potentially unpleasant, it's that with comms each survivor in the party gets to effectively run 6-8 perks each depending on how they share the 16 available slots. For example, if one person runs Spine Chill, they all run Spine Chill. A swf isn't hell to play versus because of genrush it's hell to play because they will all know exactly where you are all of the time while still being able to run a full compliment of gorilla and utility perks.

    The obvious fix is to just lose a perk slot for each additional party member, but apparently it's viewed as a "punishment" to people who want to play with friends if they lose their tremendous advantage.

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416


  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    I always have said this, and I'll say it again:

    Buff solo's to SWF level, then buff killers accordingly.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    For everything to be fair, the devs will have to nerf survivors as a whole.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Something that a lot of people don't realise is that playing in an SWF squad is actually really detrimental to survivors who are trying to keep or increase their rank. Same with gen-rushing.

    Now about this 6th generator, and something that I bring up for every 6th generator post:

    • Will there now be 8 generators that spawn on the map to compensate for the fact that there are always 2 more than necessary to avoid camping out one specific generator?
    • Will map sizes be increased to compensate for this?
    • Is it really going to stop the problem, or are people just going to play in 3-man groups and just invite the random into the conversation? And yes, I know that this one is a bit more specific to this post, but it's still something to address.

    As it currently stands, there are always 7 generators where 5 need to be completed so that someone can't just camp out a generator and stop the game. Telling 4-man SWF groups to go and do ANOTHER one would make it extremely difficult for anyone if there were only 7 generators left as it's a common strat to leave two near each other and one far away at worst if possible. Even for a coordinated team, it's still extremely difficult to get past a good 3-gen strat from a killer and adding a generator completion would only make it worse.

    I also don't know if there are more than 7 generator spawn locations on all of the maps, but I do believe that there are specific requirements for generators to spawn, so there'd probably be a lot of issues with placements. The obvious solution there would to be just increasing the map size for those games, but some killers are severely weakened by larger maps.

    There are too many factors that come into play when we're talking about something like this for it to be looked into.

  • Flatskull
    Flatskull Member Posts: 332

    Any SWF is an unfair breaking of the games general point of ambiguity and lack of socialization. SWF will almost always perform better because they know the people they are with.

    That's great but the very existence of swf with friends punishes all killers. Who is just one guy. In this equation the killer is getting teamed up against and punished for someone elses fun. In the end someone has to be punished. Who should it be...a group who can pick something optional or one half of the entire games community.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    The game just needs to be balanced around SWF. Punishing people who play SWF isn't the answer.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    I'm gonna go with a no.

    I semi frequently play with my friends in a 4 man SWF. We are not anything even remotely like a hyper coordinated death squad. 2 of our frequent members barely even remember that Pallets or Windows exist, much less use them. Do we have maybe a little more coordination than 4 randoms? Yeah... usually someone will make a call out of "Hey I'm going for the save" or "Hey _____, can you come get me?" but it doesn't go beyond that.

    I don't think we've ever all gotten out together. Maybe we have once when the Killer picked the wrong person to chase first and ignored our teammates who can't loop. Sometimes our more experienced members might get a hatch escape, but usually we mostly die but have fun anyway.

    tldr: Not all SWFs are sweaty try hard groups. In fact I'd guess that most of them aren't.