This may seem like a dumb or pointless question but, what do you think about the DBD community?

Is this community toxic? Nice? Have you made new friends from playing this game? Because personally I have found a lot of salty people but also some very nice ones so, what’s your opinion?


  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    I like the people we gathered on our discord.
    Out of them, not many friends, or they're long gone.

    I don't care much if the community is toxic or not. I don't feel the need to talk to people I play with/against.

  • DrDannieburger
    DrDannieburger Member Posts: 57

    I'd love to be able to sugarcoat this for you. But I can't. The majority of the community is toxic due to the fact of how competitive this game is. Sure there is a few kind people around here and there. But it can be tough to tolerate if youre starting out. Best of luck

  • Shazzabam10
    Shazzabam10 Member Posts: 29

    Nice opinion! I would agree that there are some nice people out there but, there is the fair share of toxicity too but I guess there will always be a bit of toxicity in any community.

  • Shazzabam10
    Shazzabam10 Member Posts: 29

    I would definitely agree with you DrDannieburger. I guess the repetitive nature of the game is the thing that makes people salty when they lose but I guess that’s just human and there’s nothing we can really do about it. Overall though it isn’t that bad of a community things could be worse.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited May 2018

    It depends on your view of what's toxic or not honestly.

  • robin
    robin Member Posts: 149

    The only toxic part is the teabagging. I can handle taunting like spamming the flashlight or whatever but t bagging is so's what middleschoolers do in Halo and Cod.

  • Phi
    Phi Member Posts: 8

    I used to post a lot on Steam GDs before I got permaed, out of all those thousands of posts, I wouldn't say it was all negative. But I put down the game itself with how annoying its inherently flawed mechanics are.

  • Trundler
    Trundler Member Posts: 20

    Yeah the community is definitely toxic and I'm one of the toxic people, if I'm honest. I get caught up in the moment and I don't mind when people are toxic to me, so I don't think about how what I say will hurt other people. Honestly I'm really sorry to anyone in the community I've lashed out at; I'll try to be a better person.

  • blenderman
    blenderman Member Posts: 10

    You can find some truly awesome People around, but you'll have to dig pretty deeply into it to find them.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    @robin said:
    The only toxic part is the teabagging. I can handle taunting like spamming the flashlight or whatever but t bagging is so's what middleschoolers do in Halo and Cod.

    I see you've never been facecamped for no reason but pallet looping eh

  • Techn0
    Techn0 Member Posts: 405

    Personally I like this community. It has a few crates of bad apples but at the end of the day most of us can come together and enjoy the game like one big happy dysfunctional family.

  • Tradebaron
    Tradebaron Member Posts: 135
    Personally I find the community to be fine. The level of toxicity currently is more akin to any game out there atm so it's nothing special. I know I personally go out of my way to be friendly to others and our discord community strives for that so it's something. We all can do our little part.
  • robin
    robin Member Posts: 149

    @Visionmaker said:

    @robin said:
    The only toxic part is the teabagging. I can handle taunting like spamming the flashlight or whatever but t bagging is so's what middleschoolers do in Halo and Cod.

    I see you've never been facecamped for no reason but pallet looping eh

    Oh I've been facecamped and it's frustrating but nothing gets me as bothered as a teabagger

  • jess067
    jess067 Member Posts: 4
    Although I want to say it's a very supportive and likable community, a fair portion of it isn't from my own experience. That's not to say the entirety of it's toxic and unlikable. Got some pretty nice folks out there. 

    I don't necessarily go out of my way to talk to people, though it's always nice to have a little friend request pop up after a match! 

    Playing as killer and survivor equally myself, I can understand some negative views from either side, but I'm definitely not biased about anything. I'm guilty of being somewhat toxic in the past. But as stated, I can understand some reasons for getting frustrated both as a killer and survivor. Just gotta adapt though! :) 
  • Grandma
    Grandma Member Posts: 36
    edited May 2018

    The reddit is mostly salty killer mains, with a pinch of salty survivor mains complaining about how stupid, unfair, and pointless they think the game is. The game itself, however, is usually pretty nice. Sure there's toxic t-baggers, but not nearly as much as you read about online (People with negative experiences will report that but people who have positive ones generally won't). Not that my experience trumps everyone elses, just .. well this is asking for our experience so :P

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    I play on PS4 so I can only relate my experiences there. I do not think feel the community there by and large is toxic, but there are some who take the competitive nature of the game a bit too far.

  • Celesia
    Celesia Member Posts: 8

    In this community, at least for me, the good outweighs the bad. I've actually mad a TON of friends in the Dead by Daylight community, and that outweighs all the salt I'd get in games. I don't think that any in game play is particularly toxic, but the chats can be a bit overwhelming at times with trolls.

  • CalledCervidae
    CalledCervidae Member Posts: 22

    I feel as though, when you have respect for the other side, and do your best, people are just fine. There are a couple bad apples, but that's okay. Humanity is not perfect.

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    As a Killer main, I hate the community. Mostly filled with entitled, cocky, biased, whiny survivor main that talk out of their butt.

  • Survivor mains are very toxic in my case. I've befriended some chilled survivors who also play killer. I've only befriended one survivor main because we had the most intense match of our lives. I won yet still, it's just a bond you cant break.

  • Munchies
    Munchies Member Posts: 3

    Pallet looping. A majority of survivors pallet loop just to waste the killers time in a chase and increase their chances to pip. I'm sure any killer player out there despises pallet looping is it just becomes the same for them every game. Find survivor, run in circle, break pallet & repeat. Killers and survivors pass on their toxicity to other players all the time. I've seen plenty of streamers who get face camped talk about how their next game they're going to full toxic mode in the next game to feel better.

  • WebMonkey
    WebMonkey Member Posts: 28
    This is a great question, and makes, me wonder what will be the experience of the new players this weekend. The thing is that a toxic player base will scare off any hope of getting new ppl into the game. I think the tutorials will help, but will not help grow the DbD player base. This game will only be supported so long as there is an audience of players. I'm curious to know if our numbers go up in the next week from this weekend. 
  • Lemon
    Lemon Member Posts: 1

    A toxic but beautiful and unique place

  • BogdanNEK
    BogdanNEK Member Posts: 65

    I like the DbD community. One way or another there is justice by warns/bans or even in-game justice. It's an entertaining, active one and this makes it kinda perfect.

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    It is toxic, even on the new forum people sometimes can't behave like normal human beings.

  • Khaelorx
    Khaelorx Member Posts: 5

    the number of people who played the game for fun, that's the only problem very few
    everyone plays taking the game very seriously but I get it now
    it doesn't give you any pleasure when you play the game that way

    MADM3RT Member Posts: 17
    edited May 2018

    Ugh.. I don't know how to sugargoat this. I believe that many people who like to claim that "the devs don't know their own game" don't know how the game works either. There are people out there, who played this game alot and suggest mechanics like "When the killer camps, he loses points and a pip" or "When the survivor loops the same pallet three times, he should be put into the dying state", everything turns into hate too quickly, you can't even make joke-threads without someone getting mad and starts a serious discussion. Even the "big DbD streamers" talk so much bullshit it's incredible. Also so many STILL believe that looping/camping is bannable, there are players playing this game, who are just so unbelievably stupid it hurts my soul.
    Toxicity.. This game, is SO toxic its AWARD WINNING, I'm not even joking, I have never seen this in any online video game and I have played alot of them. I don't know If DbD is just so unique in it's way to humiliate, excuse me, compete with each other or the wrong people like this kind of genre. It can be bad, really, really bad.. You have no idea how happy it makes me when I see nice and cool people in the endgame chat, no matter If I lost or won, the mature people playing DbD are probably the coolest dudes in any gaming-community.

  • Urgaan
    Urgaan Member Posts: 10
    The community of DbD has its share of bad apples, like every community does. The biggest problem I have is the amount of people not understanding the game/rules but still acting as if they do.

    For instance, I've had people tell me I'm hacking and being reported for doing so because "a pallet just disappeared right in front of me", I was playing the doctor with an order add on. Or reporting for camping even though it is not reportable.
  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    @RSB said:
    It is toxic, even on the new forum people sometimes can't behave like normal human beings.

    I've made at least 3 enemies in less than a day on here lmao

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @weirdkid5 said:

    @RSB said:
    It is toxic, even on the new forum people sometimes can't behave like normal human beings.

    I've made at least 3 enemies in less than a day on here lmao

    There is a kid stalking me and voting down every my post. He even insulted me in this thread.

  • Tradebaron
    Tradebaron Member Posts: 135
    Another aspect we have to account for is that any forum for any game is only one side of the situation in terms of complaints and being unhappy. World of Warcraft forums for example are generally filled with the same thoughts and mentalities I've seen on Reddit and elsewhere.

    Not that the thoughts aren't right or valid, just that it can be easy to see the doom and gloom sometimes and feel that no one enjoys their experience, where in fact there's a silent majority that seems fine with it.

    My takeaway here is, sure, listen to feedback and opinions on the forums, it's important. But don't make them the only voices for the community.
  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    @Tradebaron said:
    Another aspect we have to account for is that any forum for any game is only one side of the situation in terms of complaints and being unhappy. World of Warcraft forums for example are generally filled with the same thoughts and mentalities I've seen on Reddit and elsewhere.

    Not that the thoughts aren't right or valid, just that it can be easy to see the doom and gloom sometimes and feel that no one enjoys their experience, where in fact there's a silent majority that seems fine with it.

    My takeaway here is, sure, listen to feedback and opinions on the forums, it's important. But don't make them the only voices for the community.

    Couldn't agree more.

  • MemberBerry
    MemberBerry Member Posts: 394

    Most survivors are toxic and biased, while most killers are unhappy, negative and dislike the game (all for a good reason). Sure, you can, here, tell me you're not toxic, but 80% of the survivors t-bag and flicker their flashlights, so what's the point of saying it?

  • Tradebaron
    Tradebaron Member Posts: 135

    Most survivors are toxic and biased, while most killers are unhappy, negative and dislike the game (all for a good reason). Sure, you can, here, tell me you're not toxic, but 80% of the survivors t-bag and flicker their flashlights, so what's the point of saying it?

    True and I'm sorry to hear you've had such a bad experience. I know what's it like, heck had a killer match where every survivor spouted racist words at me for winning.

    But I find connecting with people and making friends in the game helps alleviate the issues a bit. As a survivor it's helpful so you can do kyf more or even a fun team. As a killer it'll help to chat and practice or at least vent the frustrations.

    Sad thing is jerks will be on any game, all we can do individual is try our best.
  • Shazzabam10
    Shazzabam10 Member Posts: 29

    @stereoparade said:
    I actually think the community is pretty positive at large, it's just that the people who are happy with the steps that are being taken or who at least politely try to discuss their frustration at balance/gameplay issues usually aren't the ones who get heard. It's like watching the dev stream: there are 4-5k people in there watching, and most of them are actually listening to the devs. But you've also got a couple hundred people chatting and saying a bunch of negative crap (and even of those not EVERYONE who chats is being negative/toxic) - those people are the vocal minority and IMO they will never be satisfied with the game no matter what the devs try to do to please them.

    It's the same with post game chat. I have had a TON of games where a lot has hit the fan and yet we can all say "gg" at the end of the match, fair and simple. I've had games as killer where I've been stomped on and the survivors don't get toxic with me after chat, they actually give advice or tell me a certain part that I did well on. Then there are games where someone just has to troll at the end (survivor or killer, or both). I still chalk that up to being a toxic minority though. I've met amazing people playing this game, and I think that's indicative of the community in general. <3

    I honestly couldn’t agree with you more man.

    HUNGRY_AS_A_HIPPY Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2018
    The dbd community is like a school bus. You’ve got the people down the front of the bus who play how they want and don’t care about any one else (the quiet ones).

    you’ve got the people in the middle of the bus. They’ll play fair but only if the opponent plays fair (the “normal” people on the bus.

    then you have the backseat bandits, ie, the bullies. The ones that can dish but most certainly cannot take. The pallet loopers, the ones that ruin the killer’s fun yet have something rude to say when the killer ruins their fun.

  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165
    Man children.
  • AsianMammoth
    AsianMammoth Member Posts: 86

    Too toxic. Mostly survivor mains that bully new players into abandoning the game.

  • swenpai
    swenpai Member Posts: 259
    Dead By Daylight has a great community after all.
    Maight be some weird stuff here and there, but compared to other games, it's great.
  • Uncomfortable
    Uncomfortable Member Posts: 15

    It's not the most toxic community, but it's still pretty bad. Go to any dbd player's steam profile(including mine), and you'll see tons of people just commenting insulting stuff. I always keep my end game chat closed because I can honestly can't handle negative online interactions. I just can't stand having that negativity in my life. It almost feels like every time I open the end game chat it's always someone saying stuff like "reported for camping" "noob killer" "Skrub player needs crutch killer to win". It's even gotten to the point where one of the most "popular" players is toxic. Someone who bullies obviously new players, exploits, and gets his fans to mass report people is one of the biggest names in this community. I honestly don't even want to say his name, but I'm pretty sure you know who he is.

    It's not all terrible obviously. I've met friendly and funny people through this community, but the competitive nature of the game can bring out the worst in people.

  • Tradebaron
    Tradebaron Member Posts: 135

    It's not the most toxic community, but it's still pretty bad. Go to any dbd player's steam profile(including mine), and you'll see tons of people just commenting insulting stuff. I always keep my end game chat closed because I can honestly can't handle negative online interactions. I just can't stand having that negativity in my life. It almost feels like every time I open the end game chat it's always someone saying stuff like "reported for camping" "noob killer" "Skrub player needs crutch killer to win". It's even gotten to the point where one of the most "popular" players is toxic. Someone who bullies obviously new players, exploits, and gets his fans to mass report people is one of the biggest names in this community. I honestly don't even want to say his name, but I'm pretty sure you know who he is.

    It's not all terrible obviously. I've met friendly and funny people through this community, but the competitive nature of the game can bring out the worst in people.

    Man I hate hearing of this. It does suck when people are being treated like garbage for merely playing a game.

    Ya know, anyone is free to friend me and chill if you ever like. I joined the game to make friends and hope we can all try to be friendlier to one another. Praise the Entity, you do it's work well my friends.
  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    DBD community summed up in two seconds,
    Survivors - want easy wins every round and don't care how much they have to break the game to get it
    Killers- Want the game too be an actual horror asymmetrical game where they can actually be feared and feel like killers instead of clowns making circles around pieces of wood.

  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010

    DBD community summed up in two seconds,
    Survivors - want easy wins every round and don't care how much they have to break the game to get it
    Killers- Want the game too be an actual horror asymmetrical game where they can actually be feared and feel like killers instead of clowns making circles around pieces of wood.

    You sound like a salty killer main
  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685
    edited May 2018

    You sound like a salty killer main

    Wanna prove it?

    Guess I can call you a toxic survivor main but I won't because these forums are not here for the steam/reddit lvl of toxic.

  • Nanis
    Nanis Member Posts: 61

    I find that One toxic person is all it takes to make others around him super toxic as well. It's a constant domino effect that cause people to be very salty, troll a lot and be toxic as a result.
    I remember first playing the game in mid 2016 that there were a lot of complaints about broken things in the game, and I didn't care nor did a lot of my friends. The game was very brand new and you just had to learn to adapt.

    Comparing the community then to now, the community is more toxic now. I've been a victim of becoming toxic (I also am to blame for letting it happen) because I had a killer who face camped/tunneled me (because the game before that he played, he was pallet looped/flashlighted/body blocked) or survivors who don't unhook me safely/do gens/bodyblock the killer hits and whether or not it was the survivors/killers fault for that or their own fault cause their skill is low, this is a result. And then my next game I play I either end up trolling the next killer or taking it out on the survivors by not helping.

    Ultimately I try my best to not be toxic or troll excessively, and to constantly be prepared to adapt. That's all you can do. There's always going to be something broken or unfair as long as new content is being added (And I think we all like new content)

    The thing I believe now that is causing the most toxicity is the Emblem system for BOTH killers and survivors. That's another conversation for another thread. Changes need to be made, a lot of them and I don't see toxicity going away(or decreasing) anytime soon until they change this.

  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010

    You sound like a salty killer main

    Wanna prove it?

    Guess I can call you a toxic survivor main but I won't because these forums are not here for the steam/reddit lvl of toxic.

    I said sound like not are
  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    I said sound like not are

    Ahhh,my bad then.

This discussion has been closed.