Why nurse is a Bottom Tier killer

RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621

Its easy, the game isnt balanced around the top players, ,so tier lists shouldnt be too.

Nurse CAN be the best killer in the game by far if played by the right person.

However shes the killer with the lowest kill rate because shes hard to use, buggy AF and on consoles a nightmare because of framerate issues.

So we have Switch, Xbox, PS4 and PC and shes only playable on PC without framerate issues.

There are few people who actually mastered her but this goes for every killer.

We have Good not tunneling Pigs (scorpionz) Docs (archdruid) etc.

But just because people are extremely good at a specific killer they played a bad word ton it doesnt mean the killers are high tier.

Nurse Is Low tier because most people dont know how to play her/ or just cant play her because of bugs and other issues.

And because the game is designed for new players killers tiers should be judged by new players as well.

And if you take it like this, shes by far the worst Killer in the game. But only from this point of view ;)


  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I'm rating nurse lower than spirit for some time now. She's just way easier to master than nurse.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    The game is not designed for new players. Thats a lie.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Its the worst killer if you play her for the first time.

    Its the best killer if you have hundreds of hours on her.

    Case closed.

  • Mrjuice
    Mrjuice Member Posts: 94

    If you are perfect with with nurse, she is still unquestionably the strongest.

    Yet she is much harder to master and very frustrating and boring to play as, at least for me, due to the cooldown.

    They could've just nerfed the range or charge time but no, they had to add a god damn cooldown to make it obnoxious to play.

  • GodNap
    GodNap Member Posts: 206

    stridor is not good, is a waste of a perk slot. it's better if you become good with normal sounds.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Bottom tier is overexagerrated but i agree that nurse is severly overrated

    Even at her best she's not the best killer in the game, a perfect spirit beats a perfect nurse at nearly every aspect

    She's more realisticly low A to high B

  • Kei_Ra
    Kei_Ra Member Posts: 56

    I definitely view Spirit as a bigger threat and I always play in Red-Purple ranks.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118
    edited June 2020


    Yes, it is true she's bottom tier, for ALL RANKS. When it comes to Red Ranks, she's not. She's close, but not bottom tier. She beats 2 Killers which is Demo and Clown. Hell when it comes to Kill Rate, she's on par with Huntress. Only difference is that Huntress is picked more than Nurse. And Huntress isn't a bad or bottom tier Killer either.

    But you have to ask yourself, why is she bottom tier for ALL RANKS and not Red too? It's because brand new Killers try her out, suck at her for a few games and realize how hard she is to learn, and switch to a different Killer. She is still the Deadliest Killer to play, if you know how to play her and you run a good build. If noobs started playing Freddy and for some reason suck at him, would you rate him at the bottom tier too? Even though he has the highest Kill rate amongst all Killers?

    You wouldn't, and the same goes for Nurse.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    So is Freddy SSSSSSSSS tier? He's extremely easy to play, learn and become a master at.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    You don't need Stridor if you listen for footsteps tbh. Saves me a perk slot.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Yeah, but most tryhard spirit mains run it, just for the cherry on top.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Stridor messes with your guesses and muscle memory. Higher layers of mindgames are just as difficult as nurse's. She's just mechanically very easy.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,771

    Not on Xbox. Bugs with huge framerate drops plus a controller? Thousands of hours on her cannot overcome that combo.

  • SewerSwans
    SewerSwans Member Posts: 147

    Tier lists originated as explicitly based on top-level play and competition. In that context, Nurse is S. If you want to make a 'newbie killer tier list', sure, I'll give you low tier Nurse. Put Bubba at the top because he's a facecamp god, too.

  • WiseguyKy
    WiseguyKy Member Posts: 18

    My guess is that Stridor is needed if youre going up a lot of iron will builds since that perk takes away the spirit's ability to rely on finding injured survivors easily

  • Mogletmox
    Mogletmox Member Posts: 24

    a killer should be rated by their effectivness at thew highest lvl of skill not at how hard it is to play

    god nurse can handle most if not all teams

    she is and always has been the strongest killer

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826

    I do find it funny how many people rate nurse as god tier despite never actually playing her themselves. Has anyone actually seen a good nurse in their last 400 hours of play? Unlikely.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    People who place her at s tier all suffer from pre nerf nurse ptsd

    They always see the perfect form of nurse that never misses a blink, reads all mindgames and always knows where you are.

    Tierlist are meant for high level of play okay, but not if that level of play can't be reached.

    A deathslinger that never misses his shots, knows all the trickshots to counter loops will also end chases insanly fast and is faster and has a lower terror radius. So why isn't he S tier then?

  • GodNap
    GodNap Member Posts: 206
  • GodNap
    GodNap Member Posts: 206

    i think is better a reliable perk thwt always work than hoping survivors have iron will

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Nurse is the killer I have the highest escape ratio lately. I always sigh in relief when I play against a Nurse on Rotten Fields. Her plethora of bugs also don't help, especially when they keep getting bigger. I still wouldn't consider her bottom tier, but S tier ? Definitely not.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    If her power was working as intended, she could be S-tier, but with her bugs right now and with new maps not designed with her in mind (unblinkable areas), shes A-tier at most, possibly B-tier.

  • BoiltOver
    BoiltOver Member Posts: 118

    I've seen a few good xbox nurses myself, it's just no one wants to put the time into her to learn to work against that, just like her nerf.

    I'm decent at her as is, or at least I was before I took a break. It's not as hard as people make it out to be, but it can get frustrating when you miss a blink or something because the game decided to take a nosedive.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    In terms of raw power and potential Nurse is the best by a HUGE margin over anyone else, a great nurse will decimate pretty much everything except the sweatiest SWF SWAT teams and even them will have a hard time dealing with her, even after her nerf a godly Nurse will end any chase in 2 or 4 blinks.

    In terms of dificulty/reward probably Freddy is the best killer, of the strongest killers he is by far the easiest one.

  • SewerSwans
    SewerSwans Member Posts: 147
    edited June 2020

    Deathslinger moves up relatively slowly, so you can see him coming while on many gens and retreat early. Nurse's blink mobility is delivered in shocking bursts that often leave you no time to take distance on her. Deathslinger can wound you over a dropped pallet by shooting and breaking the chain, but he can't down you over a dropped pallet, and he must either land a regular M1 as a 110 percent killer then shoot, or shoot for his first hit and suffer speed boost + reload time, a horrendous loss of distance. Or shoot then catch up to the speed boost as a 110 M1 killer.

    For this reason he does not end chases like a Nurse. He also doesn't slug with Infectious like a Nurse, IMO, which generates explosive pressure.

    Also, Nurse's blink mobility allows her to take shortcuts across the map, giving her better map pressure. Deathslinger walks in the asylum door, up the stairs, curves around to find an exit. Nurse goes straight through the middle.

  • Financial_Stability
    Financial_Stability Member Posts: 466

    Footsteps are bugged right now, so sound isn't reliable atm.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Id say nurse.would be top tier if she worked right but with all her glitches and the sheer amount of effort to play i cant say shes better than mid tier. Id say high tier if her mistakes werent game changing

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Her skill ceiling is so high Ghostface, Spirit and Freddy and Doctor provide better results at the fraction of frustration.