BEhaviour, you need a new balance director and staff

notsonew Member Posts: 269

I won't make a long post so i'll say this, he say NONSENSE about balance, he say rank 20 stuff, and say clown is underrathed simply proves how ignorant he is about his own balance/game.

We need new devs and please better ones than the ones you have, yours creat bugs on every patch and don't listen to feedback at all, the most recent one i believe you listened to was when you wanted to nerf Myers when he was perfectly fine as is and also his add-ons were doing perfectly what they said it should do and apparently it was a bug.

We are more than 28K players every single day playing your ######### broken buggy glitchy game, we know balance more than you ######### do. listen to us for ######### sake and get new competent devs, the ones you have are really incompetent, no programmers should keep their jobs when they make mistakes and bugs every single patch when it should fix the game.

Do the right thing, get new experimented staff, and balance the game how it should be made, there's perks, there's servers and there's gameplay features that need to be fixed, ######### fix your game.



  • BoiltOver
    BoiltOver Member Posts: 118

    If you say the game is imbalanced, then you know things that need to be fixed. I'm not going to say a game is imbalanced and then someone ask me what's imbalanced and my response is "idk".

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    That's not how things work. You can see imbalance in an asymmetrical game without knowing a fix for it. Hello, welcome to Dead by Daylight. You must be new.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,844

    @DudeDelicious how underrated is clown as a BigBrainClownMain? on a scale of 1 (criminally) to 10 (overrated to all hell)?

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    edited June 2020

    What Behaviour needs is a functional pipeline for external feedback, because the developers have been working so long on this game that they are myopic about its biggest institutionalized issues.

    My cynical assumption is that a) the community management team is not acting as an effective conduit for surfacing community sentiment trends to the dev team (which is normally one of the most critical parts of a community manager's job), and b) Behaviour has never engaged external consultation on their game beyond a very small pool of high-level players/influencers, which -- while very useful in some ways -- is a way-too-narrow perspective to be actionable for this game's myriad legacy issues.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505
    edited June 2020

    So, the shoplifter at Wal Mart got caught stealing a t-shirt. But they shouldn't be held accountable because they've also made good choices in their life. Also - speaking of spirit, he thought it was also a good idea for the original Prayer Beads to exist in their former form, as well as collision during phasing. The more you ignore the other half to the same story you try to tell, the more you appear as a shill.

    Your logic. And it's broken. Next.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    They do this, or at least that's my assumption based on seeing some Fog Whisperers talk about visiting Behaviour and giving feedback on upcoming stuff. This is useful, but that kind of consultation alone provides only a very narrow perspective on specific things. These are also primarily fans/skilled players of the game, not experienced consultants. It's a vastly different skill set.

  • Biggs
    Biggs Member Posts: 286

    honestly I have no idea why their balance team will not talk with actual skilled people who knows how to play and behave in a game. This balance team and their testers are a serius joke im sorry but they are. I know its really hard to balance this game its really is and adding more and more chapters and mid patches makes it even more harder, but so just hire more people for balance maybe ?

    Why the hell I dont see any posts from them on forums where people can put actual feedback how they should proceed with balances changes - yes there will be tons of useless posts about amongst them there will be tons of useful posts from actual killers or survivors who knows what they are talking about.

    And why they are not working with actual streamers or Youtubers - not talking with clowns, but with skilled and helpful players who are seriously doing great job and teaching people how to play the game.. Their feedback would be really great so no idea why not just talk with them and listen.Maybe this has already happened, but I dont see in game such big impact. Dont tell me that they cant just make quick and good adjustements to killers.

    Or why in the hell they are making utterly useless perks and then 6 months later they are saying yeah ok we have a reports that no one is using them. Player with even normal inteligence instantly know if perk is meta, op, #########, trash, situational, niche.

    Once again people dont want meta perks, they want funny perks, survivors or killers. So incompetence....

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505
    edited June 2020

    And we've heard former fog whisperers (such as Edgar after they gave him the shaft for KEKWing a tweet) state that they do NEXT TO NOTHING with that feedback.

    Even the non fog whisperers they talk to who are just knowledgeable, they warned them about the Midwich map months ago, and nothing was done. Ask Scott.

    So no, asking, and using as a resource are two different things.

    It's not a strawman. It's a metaphorical argument using the very same logic you used. What's the matter? Don't like it when it's used against you? (and much more efficiently, I may add).

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    edited June 2020

    @SloppyKnockout It would probably be a way different story if they actually hired a consultancy for a real engagement that they were paying money for. I would bet anything that past Fog Whisperer visits have been pro bono, beyond travel/lodging. This makes good sense for Behaviour because it encourages ongoing evangelizing of the game by its top players (since it comes across to the Fog Whisperers as some fun special treatment and a chance to talk to the devs). But to invoke The Dark Knight, Fog Whisperers aren't the heroes they need right now.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    The Devs are doing a good job. DBD is more balanced than it's ever been as far as I can tell. Given that they add new killers all the time, and each killer has different abilities, balancing the game is far more complex than you'd expect. And given how often they update the game -- much of it, free updates I might add, with characters who can often be bought with in-game currency--you expect bugs to occur. Even Triple A games aren't bug-free. They also take a lot of user feedback into consideration, too. A lot of people think they know what game balance is, but they don't take both sides into consideration when they do.

  • notsonew
    notsonew Member Posts: 269

    @KingFrost "Even Triple A games aren't bug-free"

    how long does the bug stays there tho? i mean a finished game of course, not a game like anthem, i mean a real game, like overwatch or COD MW and God of War, when there's bugs, how long to they stay there? and how many do they add after fixing bugs?

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    I would argue, based entirely on my observations over the last 2 years, that Dead by Daylight has one of the least effective user feedback pipelines I have ever seen in a modern video game. Yes, balance is a difficult thing even for a game developer (evidence: look at any competitive game that exists), and all the doofy armchair designers on the forums aren't any help at all here. But this has as much (if not more) to do with institutionalized game issues (UI/UX, new player experience, harmful player behaviors, road map prioritization, etc.) as it does with balance.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    New bugs happen all the time with patches in Triple A games. RDR2 definitely comes to mind. Their latest patch created a whole new set of issues.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    edited June 2020

    This. Every piece of software you are currently using, or have ever used, has bugs. 100% of it. The difference between a more polished game and a less polished game is the bug reporting process, how they prioritize, and what their pipeline looks like for addressing bugs. It should never shock anyone that a new patch introduces new bugs for unexpected things, because software development is a weird process. That's just how it works.

    You notice it more in DBD because the QA process is probably really suboptimal and mostly limited to catastrophic "this crashes the game" caliber bugs, given the very short time between major content releases.

    A more jaundiced way of looking at it is "they build in as little QA budget as they think they can get away with." As long as they're continuing to see healthy player numbers and money on this game, they don't necessarily have a compelling reason to change their process unless there is strong advocacy from within.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Well I'm personally not very happy with him because of the Legion changes and the pig changes.

    I can at least see that he's a somewhat trying.

    However that doesn't excuse the travesty of the Howling grounds event yeah considering that was intentional I'm not letting it go.

    I don't think he needs to be fired but he's seriously needs to review his balance policies

    To use a funny analogy my friends normally use.

    if we're in a car are driving across the road and all of us see a deer and tell you to stop but you keep telling us no don't worry it's just a cat sooner or later we're going to hit it and see if it's a deer or a cat.

    A large majority of people have been making arguments that this is not a right decision to go in or that something needs addressing to which it seems to just get tossed aside saying it's fine. (Legion Pig Clown all come to mind) honestly at this stage a serious balancing review is in order

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Also: I believe that a major part of the problem, in terms of Behaviour's poor track record with external feedback, is that they are a completely walled garden. Dead by Daylight is both developed and published by them, so they have no concerned outside party in their ear saying "maybe you should get this looked at" or straight-up forcing the issue.

    This isn't something nefarious or anything like that, but good intentions can silently go bad and perspectives can really get warped when one person or entity has 100% controlling interest in an end product. At the risk of derailing the topic (please don't chime in to push it that way), I would point to the Star Wars prequel trilogy as a good comparison point, because that was where George Lucas said "the entire process is now 100% mine," and no healthy dissenting voice could convince him that there were serious issues with his product.

  • ayaya
    ayaya Member Posts: 163

    First BHVR needs people who know how to write a working netcode. Then they need servers with a modern tickrate. Then they can think about balance when all stats can be trustworthy...

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    The devs do listen. I believe the issue is the devs need to reorder their priorities. I like the new chapter, but it should have been put off for a bit due to how much bugs it's created. Not to mention there are bugs that have been in the game for quite a long time that need to be fixed. I believe they should focus on cleaning up their code and put off the roadmap for a while for the sake of the longevity of the game. If they want consistent cash flow, they could leave that to cosmetics.

    I also agree with @Rydog that there are factors integrated into the game that affect it's health. The new player experience can be absolutely abysmal and community toxicity isn't helping. I also believe that the amount of grind you need to do to get good builds for killers is unrealistic and forces you to waste bloodpoints on killers you may not want to. These are the issues that affect the longevity of the game. Sure, a new chapter will reinvigorate the fanbase, but having a smooth running, well-balanced game with reasonable grind will keep it going long term.

  • Mookywolf
    Mookywolf Member Posts: 907

    im just curious, what sort of mistakes do you see or hear people playing clown make? i always felt like how to use clown's power was obvious, just learning how to do it right takes time and learning the survivors you face. so where is it people tend to go wrong? why do people underestimate and underrate the clown?

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    How should people like you, who cant even understand the meaning of underrated, claim to have more understanding of balance than a dev? Hilarious.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    Balance isn't easy. A lot of balance is done through trial and error. I think clown 1vs1 is underrated, but he as killer is not underrated. he doesn't have mobility, he has no global pressure on the map when chasing a survivor (such as pig head traps) and he has no real stealth potential or heighten mindgame potential, you always know where he is at all times. They really need his reload bug, Billy bugs and sound bugs.

    I think Trail of Torment answer in Q&A stream was dumbest answer I've heard in long time. When ghostface activates his power and your terror radius, Using your own game sense, you can induce that Ghostface activated his power. Highlighting a yellow generator is hand holding the survivor hand. Just for reference, Pig's meta build rank 1 is Monitor+Whispers and part of the reason for that is to be able to look at bottom icon for when whisper activate and than to use Monitor to lower your base TR to optimize your crouching. You don't need Trail of Torment on Pig. Survivors should need to learn how to pan their camera and pay attention to their surroundings to avoid stealth. The current version of Trail of Torment isn't usable on any killer until that yellow generator part is gone. If there is a killer that can use the perk, It might be Leatherface with his 1 shot but anyone can see it coming right now. Sometimes, you just wonder what Ethan was thinking when he designed this perk. Deathbound has similar problem because many survivors usually heal when they're next generator, so this oblivious effect will not activates if the survivor knows where to heal.

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