So that's it, this game actually sucks

After 2 years playing like this game was all the good on ps4 platform i have to admit the devs are doing all for do this awesome game a trash :(
Took you 2 years to realize?
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Game : A trash !
(The Musical)
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Bad MMO player.
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Bruh. Its literally the same every patch.
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I lost all faith in the devs the moment I read the notes concerning the Ruin change. I only get the chance to play 4 to five survivor games before the que time goes into the double digits and most of the game is over in 7 to 8 minutes.
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Sucks you feel that way.
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Honestly, the main problem is the people who plays the game, almost all are toxic and the time of waiting for a good match is insane (im talking for ps4)
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Is not a bad game, is a bad community
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well I have totally lost faith in balance team after he said that clown is underrated and has hidden power :D for christ sake...... does this needs any more comments ?..
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To me, most console players seem spoiled. The ones who weren't there from the start on PC don't know how bad it used to be.
- Entity never blocked abused windows
- There were 2x-3x more windows and pallets
- The killer shack had 2 windows and 1 door
- The bus had both windows open
- The car shop had 3 windows side by side
- Survivors moving in the basement caused the grass on the ground level above them to also move
- The Nurse moved at 115% movement speed
- Unrelenting affected both missed and succesful attacks, and stacked with Save the Best for Last
- Moonlight offerings made the match extremely dark (you think Blendette now is bad..?)
- Map offerings came in different rarities and none of them were 100% chance of working
- The Bloodweb only gave 1 perk per level
- The Bloodweb animation took way longer and it took ages to spend Bloodpoints
- The costs of items in the Bloodweb were based on their distance from the center, not their rarity
- The only clothing options were base and Prestige
- There were no Shards for playtime and no Shrine to buy teachable perks with those Shards
- Exhaustion recovered while sprinting
- There was only one spot that Survivors could unhook from, and Killers could stand there to completely prevent unhooking (the OG "Face Camp")
- The Trapper's traps could be placed directly next to hooks, and he could place them in the one spot that Survivors landed
- Survivors did not have temporary immunity after unhooking themselves or being unhooked
- Borrowed Time and Dead Hard didn't exist
- Decisive Strike stun was reduced by Enduring
- Sabotaged hooks remained broken for the entire match, as did the Trapper's traps
- Survivors could not point or beckon
- Survivors were not penalized for grouping up on gens
- Leader and Prove Thyself buffed gen repair speeds and stacked
- Bond only had an 8m range
- More, I'm sure, but cannot remember right now...
Post edited by Nos37 on13 -
Bnp instantly repaired gens. Stunning and flashlights at any point when picking up worked. Gens were faster. Hag took 5s to place a trap. No bloodlust
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Thanks for saying why the game is trash, will definitely help BHVR fix why its bad in certain ways
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They can't fix it because the problem is not what the devs add or get out , is how affect to the toxic community and after affect the community they didn't do anything for make it work on matches
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Well healthy critique, bug reports, and various ideas on these forums doesn't seem to help either.
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AFAIK @Almo said that clown was underrated and has hidden potential. Not that he doesn't need further changes.
@DudeDelicious (apologies that I keep tagging you on these topics btw man), the forums resident BigBrainClownMain(tm) says that on a scale of 1 (criminally underrated) to 10 (very overrated), clown scores a 1. Also from them comes the notion that they need to be very careful with clown, since he could very easily become OP. The change they made already went a long way and, to use a direct quote, "His only weakness is stealth".
So can we please all shut up about Almo saying that clown was underrated because he is. Everyone says he's one of the worst, and I disagree. I wouldn't say he's good but you can easily streamroll a team if you know what you're doing- again ask DudeDelicious. Man's working on a clown guide to upload to his youtube channel (it's been rumoured anyway). Give him a break, please.
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I agree it sucks. It's the only decent game on xbox one right now though which is mainly why I play it.
I'm trading in my xbox for a different console soon though. I'm pretty set on the switch, but ps4 has a really good lineup of games.
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Thanks. I’ve only been playing for roughly two months this is quite a list. I enjoy the game if people don’t then take a break or move on.
so many game I played for years got tired of stopped enjoying and moved on. All these “I hate this game” posts is just weird. Do people take everything in life with such seriousness, I think most folks just have to chill and maybe curb their sense of entitlement a lil.
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.As a PS4 player, I feel offended. EDIT: Also moonlight offering were in the game for ps4 players. Exhaustion recovered while sprinting for us as well. Same with the bloodweb changes. And that's about it.
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Yeah i know ps4 have really good games, just i dont have the time for those game or simply i just played those games
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Console players got literally screwed by low FPS. And I know, since I was originally an XBOX DBD player.
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I don't get all this "everygame is toxic" stuff. At the high ranks there are soo many baby survivors its unbelievable how easy it is to 4k, even with the "bad" killers.
Yes there can be toxic players but usually they're the most boosted.
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So because one user says clown is good and is making his own guide on him we are just supposed to believe clown is good? No thanks, I'll stick to what I know about clown for know.
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Because someone agrees with a developer about something when they've got the experience- yeah I'll side with them.
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And the thousands of other people with similar, if not more, experience that say the opposite?
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My experience with Clown is that he's weak, yeah, but I agree I don't play him right. People who do play him right say he's stronger than people give him credit for, so yeah I'll believe someone who plays him correctly. Like I'll believe a 3k hour nurse main saying she's strong over a 10 hour player saying she's the worst in the game.
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That doesn't answer my question at all.
Why not make a topic asking Clown mains (people that MAIN him) their thoughts on his current viability - I doubt their views will align with yours.
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Forgive me for not automatically taking the devs side about balance issues after the multiple legion nerfs and the ruin nerf.
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My head hurts just trying to decipher the topic!
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Nah I think the community is fine, when I was new, everyone was so welcoming. It’s not the community, it’s you.
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No, i don't :/
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Honestly this is the reason this game will fail in the end. Killers don’t want to play anymore.
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I don't main clown, but play him frequently. I think he's better than Myers and Nurse on console easily. Probably better than Demo, pig, legion. Same tier as PH, Deathslinger, and maybe wraith. Mid tier.
Just one guys opinion obviously.
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Quite the lie you put there.
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this is what i can remember from when it came out on console 3 years ago
- thankfully never experienced that
- we did experience the double pallets and the endless window loops
- that was beta so we did not have that
- can't remember if we had this, maybe i repressed the memory
- we had the triple vault nightmare
- that is still a thing, the grass doesn't move but it still makes sound
- nurse only just started to make appearances when they doubled controller sensitivity, before that only saw her 6 times in 200 matches at rank 1, yes i counted
- did not experience pre nerf unrelenting and STBFL, thankfully
- i still have a bunch of disabled full moon bouquet offerings on my survivors, only sociopaths and killers used them
- no
- non
- nein
- nee
- it was a very boring time, we only had the original cosmetic packs
- how did you live without the shrine?
- i remember that. vigil was actually useful
- i still remember staring into the killers eyes as there face was just iches away waiting for me to die and my team was teabagging behind them. good times
- i hated trapper, his camping was basically unstoppable.
- i remember getting downed before i could even move, it's why i swapped to killer
- we did not have dead hard on release but we did have borrowed time in the normal perk pool as bill was only given to us recently and it became a teachable.
- we did have that. i hated it
- *sad jake main noises*
- always had the boob and come hither~
- yikes
- we did have that but did anyone even use pre rework dwight perks?
- seriously did anyone use dwight perks?
- i'm sure there are more but remember we got it on console only a year after pc, so we have seen some #########
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And this list is not even the half of the problems that have been fixed or improved. People that are no vets from the early dbd days actually don't know anything about the game and what a big mess it was.
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Legit, this game is a literal addiction. It's horrible and barely functions but once you start you can't stop.