Snooping the boot~

How often do y'all come across piglets that let you boop?
When did this start?
Should a pig respect the boop and leave you alone for a bit?
I did this once and the pig trapped me with my team and watched the trap go off. Never trust killers
It did make me laugh pretty hard that they head bobbed for the whole time
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Yikes~ must have been from before when the trap would still go off even if the pig chased you, I'm guessing?
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im a pig main and i have yet to get my snoot booped. im a sad pig 😥
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Oh no! :< I'd boop your snoot :D
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Wasnt too long sgo actually, she stayed crouched the entire time and my team blocked me in the spot in front of the jigsaw box. It made me laugh hard
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thank you, that means a lot to me as a pig player
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Oh? Will the trap still go off if she is crouched? Is that because her terror radius is gone? Interesting...
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Yeah, Technically you can't get in a chase when crouched as pig, so the trap will pop eventually.
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Wooowww :o A WHOLE NEW WORLDDDD~ I'mma do this now 😏 Toxic pig player incoming..
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Like i said never trust killers lol
On a fair note try to do it to p3 claudettes
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I come across them every now and then, which is surprising, many in-game memes die out after a while but this has managed to hang on.
I think the last one I saw was actually fairly recently. It was a really good Pig main that was beating us up in high ranks and then something happened and she started being much more friendly.
I later found out she had a self-imposed rule that if anybody ever booped her snoot she would immediately be obligated to farm with them, every time it happened, it was like a light switch. Which I can honestly respect, and I definitely did appreciate at the time.
Piggies that let u boop their snoot are pretty wholesome people tbh, imo, ngl. They make for fun meme-y casual matches which can be a nice break / change of pace from the usually intense sweating that's going on up in those higher ranks.
They kinda cute