Will BHVR ever care about killers QoL?
Self explanatory.
Yes, all the time.
Next question, please.
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Did Their "QoL" for killers helped a lot, or just did minimum things that cant even be noticed in most cases?
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QoL changes, by definition, are small alterations, so what you're effectively asking is if their QoL changes were QoL changes or straight-up buffs.
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What I mean with the QoL changes is, reduce the amount of pallets in a certain area, do something about the gen speed because it is disgusting the way it is now, the pallet stun range that for some reason is HUGE, amount of breakable walls that you are forced to break or you will never catch a survivor, and things like PIP system for killers and the reason it is so unfair
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I'mma let you killer mains handle this one... lol
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They have already reduced the amount of pallets, adjusted certain loop areas, as well as added very unsafe loops including the majority of them being in one single map (Hawkings).
To suggest that somehow they don't care would mean nothing was changed. Bad map RNG is a thing, but its a thing that happens for both sides.
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Lots of maps now have just dead zones from their recent changes. So yeah they did this one.
Gen speeds are fine, I am a red rank killer and the closest to a slow down I run is Corrupt, so maybe try learning to play the killer you enjoy better. Most killers are viable. You just need to find your playstyle.
They have already stated that the emblem system is bad and broken and are going to make a new match making system.
So basically all of the things you complaining about they have looked into or are looking into. Next.
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I wish they had at least killed some deadzones on midwich, this is by far the most survivor sided map ever, if you aren't playing as doctor, you going to lose no matter what
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But than you have maps like Hawkins, which is just stupid killer sided. It's just the way maps work. They are never going to be perfect.
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They've already implemented extensive map reworks changing some of the strongest loops, size and layout (reduction in size), type spacing (the space between different maze tiles AKA Jungle Gyms), etc. They made a small QoL change recently reducing the progress gained from great skill checks and the efficiency of multiple survivors working on a single generator, and breakable walls are a new feature that they are slowly working on implementing in the meantime correctly balancing them in conjunction with the new goals for map design in mind.
So yes, they do care, considering they've already made previous changes in the exact areas you were describing.
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Yes, they have reduced the number of pallets.
They are looking into built-in slow mechanics, but generator repair time is already at the highest supported value (and maybe a bit higher than that); it's not feasible to directly increase the time required to repair generators.
Pallet stun range is, I think, a latency issue.
Breakable walls are a relatively new feature and will require fine-tuning like everything else. Their very existence is arguably a QoL change because it gives you the ability to control how survivors run loops.
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Just look at the killer buff and survivor nerf list over the last two years. It's pretty self explanatory. I would make the argument that they no longer care about the survivor experience. They stopped caring what is and is not fun to play against. Or what intelligent map design is.
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I would make the argument that they no longer care about the survivor experience.
Nope. Survivor has never been easier.
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Midwich is more survivor sided than Cowshed, Haddonfield, Mother's Dwelling, and Family Residence. Heard it here first folks.
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It's not more survivor-sided than those, but it's up there. I've had a very easy time on that map, except when I'm up against the Doctor.
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They said most survivor sided so clearly it has to be.
I honestly find myself having a pretty easy time as killer tbh. As survivor it can be a breeze but it can also be awful if you're facing, say, James or Wraith and you're caught off guard. Yeah you can hold W but that only gets you so far and if someone is using Hit'n'Run Wraith then being caught not by the god pallets is pretty bad and you'll waste a bunch of time.
It's definitely not the most killer sided or survivor sided, imo it's somewhere neutral. If you're hag it's pretty much gg, nurse is excellent too from what I've heard, and personally I find myself enjoying it.
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TF? You know how long it takes me to find a gen in Midwich? FOREVER
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Same lol
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10 seconds, maybe? The issue isn't finding them, it's actually getting to them.
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I guess that's true.. They seem to be generally in the same spots.. but it's a 1000 mile journey getting there and getting there undetected..
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Killers are currently in a really good position. Better than they have been before. Can changes be addressed? Sure, nothing is perfect but I disagree on the idea they have not made changes to make our playtime a little better.
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Is holding m1 for minutes on end fun? Is spamming a button for almost a minute fun? Is running around in circles accomplishing nothing fun? Is working hard to getting kills, just to get denied of it in a second fun? Is winning/losing every game fun? Is experiencing ALL of that over and over again for THOUSANDS of hours fun?
Is driving a toy car in circles for thousands of hours fun?
This game is the pure definition of repetitive, despite all of the content leads you to believe. It's just adding more wool over your eyes to prevent the devs from doing ACTUAL work. Just bandages after bandages. putting more bandages over a wound does not make it heal better/faster.
What i'm saying is that there is technically no such thing as QoL changes in this game. The "changes" they do add is to just hide bigger problems from the players (and from what I see, they are doing a pretty ######### job).
The team is pretty incompetent of most things from this game, but the only thing they DO have going for them, is their design team, they are incredible. So they use that advantage to try to hide everything else.
This game is pretty comparable to drugs. Just because a lot of people play this game, does not mean they like it, or at least think it is "good", but the team uses nasty addiction tactics to keep them coming back.
So to answer the OP's question, the devs ARE working on what THEY believe is "Killer QoL changes", but it's not going to do anything in the eyes of players.
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also @Orion, your just proving what I said in my own post about player numbers, that you are trying to defuse discussions and stopping them from actually having a discussion. I think you spent so much time in this community, it's starting to cause brain rot. You need to take a break my guy.
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Really the only thing I would like to see is a reduction of size in some of the largest maps. The shrinking of Ormond and the general rebalancing made it fairly reasonable, I'd love to see Mother's Dwelling, Asylum (not Chapel) and other massive maps redone in the same way.
I've recently come to the conclusion my best example of a balanced map is Coal Tower. Strong, survivor sided central structure, and generally a few strong tiles, but it's a small enough map it's not overly difficult for a killer to cross the map regardless of map control, and there's always a couple dead zones too. Experienced dominance on both sides on that map, and there's not that many maps that I can say that about.
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It was a yes/no question, to which I gave a yes/no answer. I don't see the problem.
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I mean....they said they made this big ass map overhaul that was supposed to be such a big improvement from before. But then I remembered....this is BHVR. They're going to delete 1 pallet, move the walls on the exterior of the map a few inches, and say they "reworked" the maps.
My thing is, gen speed is only a factor on killers who don't have ways to slow down the game, nor do they have ways to ZOOP ZOOP ZOOM all over the damn map. So, until they address each killers approach to gen control individually, this is going to continue to be a big issue for killers, especially if you play one that just.....doesn't have that kind of control.
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They've made several QoL changes for killers over the 4 years. It just feels like it takes them forever to do so. Or they give survivor a major buff that feels like they undid everything. I remember when trapper took 5-7 seconds to plant a trap. When Freddy couldnt hit people until they fell asleep. When survivors could see your load out if they died before the match ended.
My biggest grip as of now is all the bugs for Nurse since her rework. IMO her add ons needed to be nerfed but 80% of them are useless now and they didn't have to touch her base kit. She's been buggy ever since her rework almost a year ago and they still havent addressed the issue.
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Real ######### I want a new mode.....as big as this damn player base is...I just don't understand why they haven't branched out and created a new mode...
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How so? Not trying to argue. I'm genuinely curious how you conclude that. I would say killer has never been easier.
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@Orion To be fair, this should have been in the vote section.
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Because I'm having roughly the same amount of success as a killer, but more success as a survivor. I took an extended break, so it's not like my skill has improved on either side, and I don't try too hard.
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They were too busy creating the mobile version to get that sweet untapped market. As much as I hate mobile games you have to admit, EVERYONE has a smart phone these days. That's a lot of customers.
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Literally a different developer team for mobile.
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I would think that would be in part due to the poor match making.
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That's what they "say" but I can't help but wonder if they diverted resources or people from the main game to work on that. I treat everything I hear as wikipedia. It's probably bullshit.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted" :P
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I've had the same experience, coming back less than a month ago. Even if it's a rank 1 killer it doesn't mean I won't have a solid game. I do not consider myself a top tier survivor by any means, and yet I quite literally cannot derank out of red ranks as long as I'm playing normally. That to me says it's easier as a survivor than it was before, when I admittedly had to tryhard my ass off to get the rank 1 achievement back in 2017.
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If you’re nervous about getting gen rushed, de-pip. Or just learn how to counter it. Pallet reduction would be a negative term for the survivor, which would make the game unbalanced, as killers have a massive lunge, increased walk speed by almost double, and they have random abilities to slow down the game. Maybe start using pop? Maybe start using discordance? Thanataphobia and sloppy butcherer so healing progress is slow. If you’re gonna lose it because you think killers are underpowered or just straight up not listened to, then you’re being ignorant and just trying to get the game developers to make it so killers are randomly op. If you can’t handle killer play style, then don’t play at all, it’s that simple. Or, maybe just learn the game, it helps especially when you solo que 24/7 as a survivor, you have to learn to be stronger. And if you think that sucks, that you have to try at a game, then talk to the other thousands or so of people who play this game.
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Wikipedia provides sources for every statement there and has people constantly battling vandalism. It's very reliable.
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Midwich is survivor sided? XD It also sucks for survivors (unless you circle the main building, and ignore every single pallet and window).
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If your going off ranking yes survivor is pretty easy compared to killer. But that's more down to killer ranking is not the best.
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And I don't disagree. But, a rank 1 killer must have performed very well in at least half of their matches to retain that rank 1 status. If I have not noticed a strong trend on survives versus escapes against such killers, then I'm comfortable saying my survivor games have been easier on average.
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Gen speeds aren't as bad as people say. Play well, pressure survivors and with all the perks killers have you can do well.
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You mean remove one of the 2 pallets in an area that you can't force the survivors to drop? You want to update the game from m1 simulator into an infinite m1 simulator? You want to remove one of the three breakable walls that killers need to break on the new map? Those are buffs, not qol changes
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Because that would split the queue times and make them horrendous. 2v8 or anything like that would kill this game, which they realize.
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What I mean is killer game play has never been easier. The ranking not so much.
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You may be right, I hit rank 9 the other day which is something I never did. Then again with the virus I never bothered spending the time to actually play the game though I disagree with the statement since Killer sounds are bugged and Survivors are basically ninjas until injured.
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It's definitely an annoyance. It's also pretty inconsistent as well.
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I'm waiting for the day killer FoV gets increased. Equipping Shadowborn feels so nice, wish it didn't have to take up a perk slot.
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The silent generators are inconsistent the never breathing survivors, not-quite-Balanced landing drops and such are pretty consistent in my games. The only survivor bug I haven't encountered yet is the silent slugs.
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I've had the silent slugs and gens. I never could hear the survivor breathing unfortunately.