Pyramid Head and his interesting power.

Hello everyone,

From what I have seen many people are considering this killer very balanced. As many of you pointed out pyramid heads basic power goes against many perks which are utilized by a number of survivors. But let’s first discuss the chase aspect of the game... I am a rank 1 survivor and after going against him for many games I have realized it’s nearly impossible to keep a chase with him. I believe that his power to be able to hit through walls is a balanced one and requires a lot of skill from the killer’s side however the trenches are nearly impossible to dodge and so when you inevitably go down you will be sent to a cage. His power also makes it difficult to understand when he is putting trenches and when he is trying to hit you with his other ability. Anyway once the 10 second chase ends you will be sent to the cage. At the cage it is impossible to 4% meaning if the whole team is in cages the game is over. Also cages don’t trigger many perks which survivors depend on such as borrowed time and decisive strike. I also believe that cages are too op as it pretty much goes against flashlight saves, pallet saves, body blocking, hook sabotaging and other ways to let the carried survivor escape. It also takes no time to make a survivor enter a cage meaning that the process is pretty much instant (which means that the killer will quickly get back to checking generators and keeping a map pressure). Then comes my favorite part which is the instant built in mori, and yet again his “mori” takes literally no time to complete once again going against all the perks and methods to free a survivor. I don’t want this killer to become the next “legion” but it comes to the point when people insta-die just to not face him. I think his ability is good but it’s also strong and like many other killers he deserves a little rework. Maybe it’s just my survivor side speaking but I literally have to play killer now because I can’t play as survivor against PH.

Let’s have a civil discussion about this.


  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    An important thing to note about cages is that they are a complete pressure killer, yes, you will no longer be able to use BT, DS etc. against him, but it comes at the hefty price. I have had games where cages spawn right next to gens being worked on and all survivor have to do is unhook their teammate and resume repairing the gen.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    Well, I think the game is supposed to make the killer the power role, so standing a chase like forever is not the original intention of the game.

  • Segasov
    Segasov Member Posts: 4

    Sure, but its still a part of the game and remember you need to have "successful" chases to get the points to rank up meaning that if you keep losing chases very fast the amount of points you get wont be enough to even keep your rank.

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    The build in mori and cages are fine in my opinion, because ph shows how badly people rely in certain perks to win and that's just sad. Of course i still want to make it fair that survivors can still prepare against a ph so that all their perks arent useless against him.

    So my small chance is to introducé him as the first killer survivors can see in the lobby. This way they know they fight ph and probaly change their hookperks.

  • Segasov
    Segasov Member Posts: 4

    Fair, but it can also promote people leaving lobbies because they depend on their perk builds or just dont want to face PH at all. It would make it hard for PH users to find lobbies. (in my opinion)

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    Chases are part of the game, loops and windows are as well. Now, a survivor being able to run the killer for 5 mins it's not fine.

    You only lose ten points and a pallet stun already give you 50 points. That without counting that you get a proximity value in th emblem so perhaps you won't be able to win an iridiscent emblem but sure you can get enough of an emblem to pip.

  • Segasov
    Segasov Member Posts: 4

    5 minute chases means either the killer is bad or the survivor is good. With PH I have gotten green rank killers which still killed me because of his power (I am at red ranks btw) Im not asking for 5 minute chases I am asking for there to be a possibility to have 5 minute chases because right now it feels like he is impossible to loop and his trenches are pure aids. Pallet stun might give you 50 points but remember his power makes it really hard for a survivor to stun him as the killers will usually respect the pallet and try to get you with their power which shoots through any obstacle. People also say to switch loops but with the state of the game at the moment that purely depends on luck and map generations and even when you switch loops it takes him 2 more seconds to place a trench making that loop unusable or accepting the fact that you are going into a cage.

    In my opinion there is a lot to work on and a lot to change, I understand that its becoming a meme at this point (new killer released, new killer nerfed) but remember at some point we used to have 2 pallets per jungle gym, look at us now. Survivors were nerfed massively when players started getting good at looping and using the pallet-full maps to their advantage, now it feels like an average killer can use PH and 4 k which brings me to a conclusion that he honestly deserves to be looked into. Maybe its too early to call him OP but he is definitely becoming a meta killer in the upper ranks.

  • Ashwitherton
    Ashwitherton Member Posts: 83
    edited June 2020

    Now your talking sense look we have heard alot of nerf buff but in my opinion hes balanced and honestly just really fun to play because he makes people who heavily rely on loops and bt and ds to win look stupid plus hes one of the more unique killers the thing that makes him special is he eliminates the old formula of brain dead loops and bring a new one to the table and to be honest its about dam time we had a killer that stops that brain dead killer shack and meat tree loop because even though I'm at rank one I swear any rank ten could just go there to escape me any time and it need to stop