The hatch spawn location is NOT random
Change my mind:
Not sure why anyone would disagree with this statement. The location of all objects in the map only appear to be randomized, but there are patterns due to rules put in place by the devs to prevent collision and unwanted nonsense with object placement related to the randomized map.
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also, the hatch spawns at the beginning of the match, but opens later on. so even if it was randomized, odds are you are bound to see it while playing the game and it's your job to point it out to your team mates in whatever way possible and keep track of it's location.
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Yep,just how the game works.
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Hatch does not show up until current number of generators finished = (number of survivors + 1)
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It spawns after more gens are done than survivors on the map.
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There's set areas where the hatch can spawn. If it was completely random there might be some issues where it's not accessible or something
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I don't think the hatch really spawns at the start of the match considering how often it just pops up right next to the last survivor at 5 gens. Do you really think both of them knew it was going to open right there at 5 gens left? That would be a weird coincidence not gonna lie. Personally I think the hatch is programmed to spawn near a client UNLESS it has become visible at 2 gens / 2 survivors, 1 gen / 3 survivors and 0 gens / 4 survivors.
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I was under the assumption it was always there, and the spawning referred to it opening, because Multiple times as a killer i've found the hatch within the first minute of a game. it's hard to keep track of the other factors such as #of gens repaired when I made this assumption. Most likely I'm incorrect, which would make sense considering the video.
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Pretty sure hatch is spawned but just invisible and uninteractable until the conditions for it appearing are met.
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I as Jake once had a hatch spawn right on Moried Clau (died few min earlier), causing only sound but no hatch to escape. Resulting I have to do 2 Gen to escape (before EGC is a thing).
Imaging Clau dead body having hatch sound. That was quite creepy.
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I think the hatch location is set at the start of the match, I've had times as Trapper where the game wouldn't let me put a trap down for no reason and later the hatch has spawned there.
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Who thot the hatch was totally random? Like totems, it has random spawn points. It doesnt just appear anywhere.
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Someone who has never played on Badham Preschool before. The map where the hatch spawns in the school basement like 30%+ of the time?
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It's the first place I look every time. It is random that's just an easy place to remember to look for it. Shack is another place I see it a lot. We dont usually see it in the less obvious and memorable areas of the map.
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The way you shut that door on top of the other Nea's dead body as the one on the hook screamed....
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Good I dislike Nea😀.
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So, from my previous thousands of hours of playing this game, I believe the devs when they said that the hatch spawn is decided already at the beginning of the match. It matches my personal experience. I can count the times when something like in the video happened to me on one hand.
It's interesting. I saw something similar happen to a streamer just one or two days ago, also on the new map. Could be a) a coincidence, b) a new game mechanic. Could be that c) there are only 2 possible hatch spawns, like on Badham (exaggerated, obviously).
I'd say let's keep watching the situation. After a couple of weeks, it should become clear whether it's a), b) or c).
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This. I remember reading this a long time ago and it was in regards to maps tracking hatch. The SPAWN LOCATION is predetermined at the start of the mach by "random" but isn't visible until conditions are met. If you pass this spot, a map which can track the hatch will mark it even though it's not yet visible.
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No, its just invisible. Its still there.
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Too bad, a hatch spawning on the ceiling sounds hilarious to me
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The way the hatch works is that is has a set location at the very start of the game, but won't appear unless a) 1 survivor remains in the trial, or b) the number of generators completed is equal to or greater than the number of players still in the trial (Players, not survivors). In addition, the hatch cannot open unless either one survivor is in the trial, or if the hatch has been interacted with while using a dull or skeleton key but this only opens it temporarily. Lastly, the hatch can be closed by the killer to power the exit gates and start the End Game Collapse. The only perk to interact with the hatch is Left Behind, which shows the hatch's aura within a certain range if you are the last survivor. And that's all there is to know about the hatch. =D
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Also, the only real rule to it's spawn location is that it can only spawn on the main floor of a level, or in basements that aren't THE basement. It cannot spawn upstairs on any map including the game. Specified because the exit gates are on the second level, but the hatch cannot be up there
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You have never found the hatch within the first minute of the game. It is not visible till there is only one survivor left or the number of complete gens exceeds the number of remaining survivors by one.
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You are correct, technically the hatch is there all along and it turns visible under certain circumstances.
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I found out that most of the time hatch spawns in the area where the killer spawns. Should check it more.
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Hatch inside a tree GGEZ 😂😂
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There was a bug once where the rainbow map could track the hatch before it "spawned". It is placed at the beginning of the map, just stays invisible until conditions are matched.
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It's like chests, gens, and hooks don't spawn randomly either
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It's not random, but it is procedural. Random would be more along the lines of sticking it absolutely anywhere, whereas procedural means it has preset spots where it can spawn and picks one.
The hatch is spawned when the match starts, but it is invisible and cannot be used until the conditions are met. It can be tracked by maps before it appears, although you won't be able to see the aura until it appears. You may also notice it with some killer powers as you play; things like bear traps, torment trails, and portals can't be placed on top of the hatch, so you may notice a random spot where you can't place anything (other than hooks or generators).
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....this is really good to know 😳
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Bullshit lmao
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It's not BS at all, it's literally how it works.
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No, that's right. It's placed right at the start, but invisible. However, it's much easier to say it spawns when the number of repaired generators is greater than the number of remaining survivors than to explain that the hatch's location is procedurally generated based on a number of conditions, a spot is picked when the trial starts, and that it only becomes visible and allows you to interact with it when the number of repaired generators is greater than the number of remaining survivors. The full explanation is a mouthful and makes no difference.
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Dude, read 2 messages up from yours 😂
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Spawn points of all interactable and randomised prices of the map are dictated by the map seed and the map seeds are generated and that decides the tiles. You can see the map seed in the pause menu so it would be safe to assume the hatch is the same.
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1. They should at least put in a larger number or hatch spawn points.
2. They still managed to mess up and make the hatch able to spawn underneath a pile of flesh, inaccessible to survivors (but killers are able to close it).
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@hinoutoumei The hatch doesn't spawn at the beginning, there are certain rules for it to spawn.
3-5 gens: It will spawn if there is 1 survivors left
2 gens left = 2 survivors sacrificed
1 gen left = 1 survivor sacrificed
0 gens left = 0 survivors sacrificed
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No, the hatch and other objects are not a true randomized spawn. But with the different possible spawn locations I, and I'm assuming others call it random because it'd be pretty damn hard to know where it is based on spawn locations of other things.
Just like in apex, the ring location is not random, but if you don't know the game like the back of your hand, it's pretty damn random
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What are you calling bullshit? The dev literally confirmed it in this post
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Maybe read other comments before trying to sound smart. A dev literally confirmed that the hatch spawns at the beginning and stays invisible until certain conditions are met
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And here I were thinking it would spawn under a generator or the stairs to basement. No but they have a number of spawn locations, and then it's random between these?
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The hatch does spawn at the beginning. As in, it's location is decided at the start.
But it will remain invisible until those requirements you listed are met.
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I guess now people know certain killers can check the usual spawn points to see if it's going to pop up there.
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I think it spawns between killer and last survivor in the case where it hasn't spawned yet.
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Nope. The location is chosen at the start of the trial.
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Not true (anymore). The first time i took the hatch on the new map, it was on the stairs landing between first floor and ground floor.
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Does it only remain invisible to the survivors though? I'm quite confident I've spawned into the game right next to it as a killer at least once. My memory might be off though.
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Yeah, if you use a rainbow mqp it tracks black locks and you can find it from the very start of the game. You just have to be EXREMELY CLOSE to it. It doesn't reveal itself until there is a 1:3 2:2 3:1 5:0 ratio of survivors to gens but it exists from the very beginning of the match. Opens when one survivor is left tho.