How do we feel about Hope (the perk)
Is it underpowered, overpowered, meh, deserving of a buff, deserving of a nerf, etc?
Do you have an opinion about persons who starts a topic without even giving their own point of view on the matter ?
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Because people 99 the gate its kind of useless. If egc started when last gen was done it would be really good (not that egc should do that, just stating how it is).
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Its fine where it is I believe, since you can create infinites with it against 110 mspd killers lol.
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Its actually the survivor equivalent of the speed boost “NoEd” gives you, so yeah its in a perfect state and I actually LOVE the perk alot.
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Do you have an opinion about persons who comments on a topic without even contributing to the matter ?
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you just did the same.
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As did you the first time, only difference is I didn't ask for my opinion, I asked for others' :}
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I think it's about as "balanced" a perk as you find in this game; which is why no one uses it.
All jokes aside, it's a little too niche for me. Just like @Dead_by_Gadfly said ~ it's [almost] useless when Survivors just 99 the gates every game.
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Hope shouldn't have a duration, it should be permanent when activated.
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Yeah, I feel like that's the thing that's holding me back from running hope like I used to. That and I'll be down a perk slot for the entire match, and then if I even make it to the end there's a chance I won't get use out of it. But hey, maybe I'll run it on Kate again.
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That is not how hope works. It's like noed when the last gen dings it activates not when egc begins.
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If it was permanent it would be impossible for 110 killers to catch you. The maps arent nearly long enough for a 2% difference to catch up even in a straight line chase besides it would mean noed's speed boost would have to be permanent for the sake of the 110 killers.
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I might be confusing it with that other perk. Were gonna make it?
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It shouldnt run out and I think it should activate when the last generator is completed or hatch closes, like adrenaline
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I think you're thinking of No one left behind?
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We'll make it rapidly increases healing speed on the person you just unhooked for a set amount of time.
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Hope is decent to be honest. Easy loops, life saving, only works if you have already nearly won though so I don't run it. Same reason I don't run adrenaline. I prefer perks that will help me complete the gens rather than win more if we're already winning.
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Wow... this thread shows how little Hope is used... one misconception, Hope did not get the No One Left Behind treatment and it activates as soon as the last gen is finished. Personally, I think it’s a little overpowered against 110% killers, I’ve ran a Huntress around a Haddonfield bench for at least a whole minute with the perk, she couldn’t go and get hatchets or I would’ve escaped. (Plus it was Haddonfield, she’d have to go all the way to a house to get her hatchets.)
On the other hand, Hope relies on your teammates and the killer, if those gens don’t get done, you’ve played with 3 perks, you may as well have run adrenaline, healing a health state, free escape from a chase with 150% movement speed for 5 seconds, but instead you get a measly 7% speed boost.
Maybe it could do with a passive throughout the trial prior to the last gen? I’m not sure what it could be but the name “Hope” could signify any effect really. There are better perks to run, and even when you run in, what’s the chance you’re going to run into a 110% killer?
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I'd rather have adrenaline just personally. I've never used Hope in any of my builds.
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I went and looked it up in game, the description says once the exit gates are powered. I go back to my original statement.
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Im gonna run a game with it, either the description is wrong, or....ill be nice 😊
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The Timer shouldn't go down if you are hooked or downed, because currently it does.
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I went and tested it, the description is incorrect, it activates when the last gen pops. Ill put a thing in the bug section. I never used it because it sounded worthless. Now im wondering about no one left behind.
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I just commented on your bug report, I hope it explains it, but the description is correct.
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Yeah ive read it probably 6 times over the last year and always read it the same way. They should consider rewording it
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Exactly "Exit gates are powered" does not equate to End Game Collapse. It is like NOED when exit gates are powered and a dull totem exists NOED activates. It isn't when Exit Gates are open. The only perk that requires the exit gates being open to work is Blood Warden.
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It's a bit underpowered. Especially when compared to Adrenaline.
I buff I would like to see is having the haste effect proc for a short duration every time a gen is completed. Reward the survivor for keeping the killer busy while their team does gens.
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Hope should be permanant and combined with no one left behind, it's usefullness and the effect it has on the remainder of the match should be the equivalent of a killer's noed, since they both require the same outcomes to activate. (except survivors have to actually work for their perk unlike the killer, who's rewarded for failing instead)
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been running Hope/Wake Up!/Iron Will/Spine Chills
It's been pretty good
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Its conditions are quite situational, but when it triggers and you get to use it you really feel it.
And to anyone that might think 7% sounds like a very small number, look at it this way instead. It basically cuts the speed advantage of a 115%ms killer in half, and for 110%ms killers it makes their speed advantage smaller than the one Myers in EW1 has over a survivor. It can be very noticable but again, very situational too.
Not sure what I'd want changed about it. Perhaps slightly different intended activation, infinite duration or something else. Honestly dunno.
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I think most people have decided Adrenaline is the better version of Hope, hence why Adrenaline is common and Hope is almost never used.
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Situational, but it's a lifesaver and a counter to the speed boost a killer would get from "NOED" if all the dull totems weren't cleansed by the end of the match. I run it in most builds along with my crutch against stealth killers aka "Spine Chill".
It's in a pretty good spot and if it were buffed in terms of speed it would be a bit too much, especially for 110% movement speed killers. I feel like with the EGC it could have a small time buff of maybe 10 - 20 seconds, but I'm no expert in balancing perks.
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I'm using it sometimes but I've yet to get any use out of it. I either die earlier or no one is chasing me. Very situational perk and a lot weaker than adrenaline
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The name is great, but no Hope for using it.
Maybe just a perk for exclusively completing the Challenge, like No Mither and This is Not Happening.
Some horrible perks in game serve for the abovementioned purposes.
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Underpowered and useless. End game perks need a really good effect to justify using them since because of it you play most of the game with 3 perks and a temporary speed boost of only 7% is not worth it.
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Well it's a good perk buuuut compared to the adrenaline it doesn't reward you that much for completing your objectives.
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It's more like unsatisfying than adrenaline though
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Trust me I get it. We don't want 50 NOED level perks for survivors to pick from where endgame dbd turns into bully simulator.
But current Hope is just not worth it. You play for 95% of the match with a handicap of only 3 perks and the reward is a temporary 7% movement speed buff.
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It's a genuinely good perk but it's just too niche to actually use. It's helped a few times to clutch me out of situations but I just don't see why people wouldn't use adrenaline over it.
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I dislike adrenaline too. In fact aside from NOED I don't think there are any end game perks that warrant usage. The handicap of only using 3 perks for most of the match is not worth it.
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Yeah apparently i read it wrong
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Needs a buff. 7% movement speed is great in general but by the time it pops you're probably getting out either way.