
So iCue, the Corsair Peripheral Controller, Now causes EAC to pop? guess i just wasted money buying the SH DLC because ICue has my Mouse Sensitivity settings, Headset and Kebyard settings and it controls my Temp monitoring for my System with the Lighting on my cooler, ( that last one is not important with DBD ) so why was this changed? and now that means ANY game that uses EAC might do that.

Fking Why???


  • DrButtlet
    DrButtlet Member Posts: 10

    Flags on my Asus Aura too.

    Imagine virtue signaling but hating RGB controlling software.

  • not_Queef
    not_Queef Member Posts: 858

    I use iCue for my keyboard with no problems. Does EAC give a specific error that suggests iCue is at fault?

  • DrButtlet
    DrButtlet Member Posts: 10
  • DrButtlet
    DrButtlet Member Posts: 10

    Gives one for the lighting service that runs for my Ram too