Pyramid head power only affects people who is tormented

I think is a good way to avoid the campers and double downs after rescue someone. Sounds good and balanced to me.
What do you think?
PD: this is my first post and i don´t speak english.
It already does. You can only send someone to a Cage if they are tormented.
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I think they mean the ranged shot too. That nerf would absolutely ruin him. He’d be an M1 killer completely reliant on the survivors giving him any of his power. Seeing as they changed Plague to have one corrupted fountain at the start, I think it’s safe to say BHVR are erring away from that kind of design.
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He already can't cage someone if they aren't tormented. If you mean the ranged attack that's probably one of the worst suggestions I've heard in a long long time. They'd have to completely rework torment into a permanent effect probably applied on m1s for that to work at all and it'd be a massive pointless rework.
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Bro i was just saying that sounds good and balanced to me, why you take this so seriously.
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I get your point, probably i was asking to much.